The cells in the Thousand Hands Column in the body instantly healed his injuries.
Ye Fan opened the door of freedom.
Return directly to the island of ghosts.
The outcome of the war is no longer to be seen.
All life energy is burned clean.
The general green cattle grazing on other islands, a large number of plants that were deliberately left in the past.
It will also cause him to lose the ability to resurrect again because of the lack of life energy.
Since then, the navy has lost a supreme combat power.
The most mysterious general, Lu Niu, received his lunch box as soon as he appeared on the stage.
He also became the only admiral who died in battle in the past forty years.
Black-armed Zefa had not been an Admiral for many years when he was killed.
Lvniu Huangmu not long after Ye Fan left.
He couldn’t hold it anymore.
The whole island is burning crazily.
Because of the exhaustion of life energy, the green bull can no longer prevent the destruction of his body cells by Bamen Dunjia.
The entire island disappeared in this world in the raging fire.
The newspaper delivery bird in the distant sky captured this scene perfectly.
Morgans continued to sell the newspaper to the world.
What made Wulaoxing the most angry was that.
It was not the death of the green bull.
The death of the green bull, to Wulaoxing, was just the death of a powerful dog.
It’s the name of Ye Fan from the Morgans newspaper.
After Rocks d. Ye Fan defeated Steel Bone Kong, he beheaded the admiral Green Bull.
Morgans used the name Steel Gu Kong gave Ye Fan.
For the five old stars.
What they hate the most is the D clan.
This race that has been against the Tianlongren for eight hundred years is said to be a race that can destroy the Tianlongren.
How could ordinary people in the sea know their names.
San Ferdinand, who controls history, is usually the one who talks the least.
But after he read the newspaper, he was very angry.
Said: “This bastard, how can the name of the D family appear directly in the newspaper, we must destroy the World Economic News.”
St. William, who is in charge of intelligence, also knows the seriousness of the matter.
All the erasure of historical truth, the most important thing is to eradicate the D family.
Said: “I will activate the spies in cp0 now and let them assassinate Morgans.”
Hours later, the assassination failed.
Morgans, the head of the news, is more powerful than imagined.
A group of newspaper delivery birds grabbed the ropes on the house of the newspaper headquarters and flew to another mysterious island with the headquarters.
Because of the report of this incident, the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency began to move two years in advance.
When Ye Fan returned to Ghost Island, he was already very happy to get two plot points after two battles.
After a tug-of-war match between ivory mussels and shells with Yamato, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had an extra plot point.
Chapter 146 Responses from all parties
In the high-level meeting room of the Navy Headquarters G1.
The Navy has negotiated.
Got all the photos of the paper bird photoshoot.
In his way of taking pictures with the shutter more than ten times a second.
The battle between Ye Fan and Lvniu Huangmu.
Although it is a photo, it is more like a video with a low frame rate when connected.
Very few people were able to attend the meeting this time.
There are only seven people.
Only one of them is Lieutenant General Crane.
Other lieutenant generals are not eligible to participate.
It’s not because they’re afraid that they will know the news of Green Bull’s death in battle.
The newspaper that Admiral Green Bull was killed by Ye Fan has been sold to every island in the world.
It’s because these lieutenant generals will see that General Green Bull has used such a terrifying method, but he is still killed by Ye Fan, and their Dao Xin will collapse.
There was no other way, with such a terrifying combat power as the Green Bull, he was still defeated.
Let the other lieutenant generals see how they can still uphold the justice in their hearts.
Akainu, who was sitting on the marshal’s seat, didn’t say a word.
His only hawk general died in battle, and he was the saddest person in the venue.
From this moment on, he was already an admiral who was emptied.
The six people sitting below.
Five are doves, and one orangutan is from the tech unit.
The five doves are.
Lieutenant Admiral Tsuru, General Fujitora, General Momotu Gion, General Aokiji Kuzan, and former Admiral Sengoku.
The five people fell into a state of silence at this time.
In the end, it was the former Admiral Sengoku who spoke first.
The death of Green Bull had a great impact on the navy.They just want to take advantage of the number of people to maintain the balance between doves and hawks.
Even when Sengoku was the marshal, he didn’t suppress Akainu too much.
The reason is that it is impossible for the five old stars to allow a united navy to appear.
The navy spends more than cp0, the army and the air force combined.
Such a terrorist force, if united together.
How do they control the five old stars.
This is why the Navy is divided into doves and hawks.
And the Warring States Period has never suppressed the hawks too much.
But it’s different now.
The highest leader of the Hawk Faction, only Marshal Akainu is left alone.
For the doves, this is a serious crisis.
The reason why a five-year-old star will even shoot against the doves.
As a wise general, he, a retired old man, should not have been involved in the struggle between the doves and the hawks.
But such a matter of life and death.
He has to stand up.
Warring States took the lead and said: “The death of General Green Bull, our navy must not ignore it. Any plan against Ye Fan, if it is useful to get me, I will do my best, even if it takes my old life.”
The meaning of the phrase Warring States is very simple.
That is, he will fully support any revenge plan of Akainu against Ye Fan.
Even if he, a retired old guy, charged to die on the front line, he would be willing to cooperate.
Just to maintain the harmony between doves and hawks.
Hear the speech of Marshal of the Warring States Period.
Aokiji and others also expressed their views.
Willing to obey the red dog’s arrangement.
At this time, Marshal Akainu spoke.
He devised a crazy plan.
If it was a crazy plan like Akainu in the past, it would be impossible for the doves to agree.
Everyone in the dove faction did not stand up against it.
Even the kindest Fujitora smiled.
He could only cover his heart and pray in secret.
Even he understands.
At this point in time, he can’t go against Akainu’s opinion.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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