Compared with the complete division of the navy.
Fujitora had to agree with this plan with a smile.
If there is no naval suppression on this sea.
I don’t know how many countries will be reduced to slaves because of the plunder of pirates.
All those who can do this are not fools.
They all deeply understand what is the most important thing for the navy now.
It has been decades, and there has never been an admiral killed by pirates.
In such a crisis situation.
The highest combat power of all navies can only be united.
Even Fujitora was very dissatisfied with Akainu’s battle plan with a smile.
Red-haired Shanks looked at the newspaper seriously.
His mood is a little heavy.
Ye Fan’s rapid rise.
The New World is in constant turmoil.
The future Luffy can really do what Captain Roger said.
The future Joey Boy will defeat the Celestial Dragons, redhead, I leave you with a task to become Joey Boy’s guide.
At this moment, the red-haired Shanks felt a little confused in his mind.
He thought he would meet Ye Fan for a while.
The strongest rookie who just appeared in the sea.
A rookie who has only appeared for half a year, what kind of strength has he achieved.
Cake Island of All Nations.
Charlotte Lingling looked at the newspaper in her hand.
Her eyes fixed on a corner of the newspaper.
There is the name arranged by the navy for Ye Fan.
Rocks D. Yefan.
“Kaido, bastard, I said how could he be so kind to marry his daughter to an unknown pirate, so he has the same ability as Lockes.”
Charlotte Katakuri is the aunt’s second son.
He was already in his teens when Big Mom joined the Rocks Pirates.
He knew the terror of Lockes.
Back then, Rocks also controlled the awakening of the devil fruit.
He was the only sea emperor at that time.
All the big pirates couldn’t fight him.
Even Roger, the later One Piece, was not qualified to fight him one-on-one.
Such a terrifying powerhouse.
This sea has not been seen for decades.
Charlotte Katakuri said: “Mom, after Kaido has Ye Fan, their Beast Pirates have made great progress.”
Charlotte Lingling said: “I have so many beautiful daughters, why can only Kaido’s daughter marry Ye Fan, please contact Ye Fan, my daughter also wants to marry him.”
Marrying with a strong man is what Charlotte Lingling likes the most.
Her goal is to have the descendants of all the special races in this sea.
I followed Lockes for many years.
Charlotte Lingling also holds a lot of secrets.
For example, he relies on absorbing souls to gain lifespan to resist the arrogance of the Tianlong people.
The Tianlong people have always wanted to obtain all the rare blood, which must have a deep relationship with their maintenance of ruling the world.
These remnants of the old era who have experienced bloody, know the inside story, department/group:9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6, not those supernovas can understand.
After all, they had invaded the Valley of the Gods back then, and knew too many truths that the Tianlong people had hidden for eight hundred years.
At this time, Ye Fan was happily drawing a lottery.
Surprised to get three plot points.
This is the first time.
There is also a plot point, he doesn’t know why he got it.
Morgans’ lair is such a mysterious place that only a few people know about it.
The plot change because Ye Fan was forced to move was something Ye Fan had never thought about.
Chapter 147 Three New SkillsYe Fan happily clicked the draw button.
This time, all three draw roulette wheels are one world.
Valoran Continent, a not-so-famous name.
But if you change the name, there will be many people who know the game Lu Ya Lu.
This game, when I was in Blue Star.
Ye Fan also likes to play very much.
It is a long codeword gap of more than ten hours a day, and occasional casual games.
Ye Fan would never admit that his cheap notebook is only suitable for coding and office work.
A computer that doesn’t even have a graphics card can’t play other games except for masturbation.
The most important thing is that masturbation is free, and Ye Fan’s previous life’s manuscript fee does not allow him to spend hundreds of dollars to buy a stand-alone masterpiece.
Ye Fan still knows this game very well.
This is a world with a higher latitude than Pirate World.
Not to mention the legendary dragon king, who can control the terrifying power of three planets entwining himself.
That is to say, the strength of the Dragon King can directly destroy the Pirate World directly.
Not to mention the Dragon King.
Only those Protoss and Ascendants.
They are all extremely terrifying existences.
The Ascendant Ceremony of the Desert Emperor directly turned the most powerful empire into a desert.
That is not an ordinary island country, it is the core area of ​​the Valoran continent, an extremely huge country.
The power is at least equivalent to the Red Earth Continent being chopped off by a kilometer.
See the world selected this time.
Ye Fan was very satisfied.
This is a very powerful world.
The ability of each hero is very terrifying.
Many skills involve space and time.
Ye Fan excitedly watched the three lucky draw wheels spinning rapidly.
He will acquire the hero’s skills, Ye Fan is looking forward to it very much.
Ye Fan hopes to be those powerful characters.
In the game, although it seems that every hero is relatively balanced.
Even the Dragon King is a weak character, it is difficult for him to even appear in the game.
But in the plot of Valoran world.
The strength gap is very large.
For example, Fyego, in the plot, was besieged by more than a dozen people before he was defeated.
Watching the lottery roulette slowly fall.
Ye Fan also saw his three skills.
Every three attacks on the enemy will cause a 15% attack bonus and gain 10% attack power recovery.
[If the magically changed skill really recovers 55% of the AP, Ye Fan will directly recover most of his HP. 】
Double whammy.
Every fourth time you hit an enemy, it will cause a double attack,
Restores 2% of its own life every five seconds, provided that it is not attacked or hit by the enemy within eight seconds.
The passive of the three scumbags in the Demacia grass.
Three passive skills.
Ye Fan’s attack and battery life have been greatly improved again.
The three good skills are all passive.
A powerful ability that Ye Fan can master without practice.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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