Attacking the enemy by yourself will cause higher damage and recover.
If the blood volume continues to drop.
Ye Fan can even use the ability of the thunder fruit.
You only need to dodge for a few minutes in a row to fully restore your blood volume.
That’s great.
Make your own attack more powerful, make your own already very strong defense, and increase the battery life in the future.
What Ye Fan wants to do most now.
It is to single out with his cheap father-in-law Kaido.
Now only use the purple dragon form, plus a Xin Zhao passive.
I guess I can hang and beat my cheap father-in-law.
After Ye Fan walked out of the room.
His domineering sense of knowledge immediately sensed that there were not many people in Ghost Island.
Only in the middle square, there were four figures.
Ye Fan activated the ability of the thunder fruit.
After teleporting directly.
I saw three big men dying lying on the ground.
There were many injuries all over the body, but it was obvious that there was a sense of proportion in where to strike.
They are all fleshy places on their bodies.
No bone was injured.
Relying on the fruit ability of their animal system, their physique.
As long as you rest for a day, you can fully recover.
Not a serious injury at all.
These three people lay on the ground and wailed, purely because they didn’t want to practice with Kaido.
The fighting power of the three of them is not qualified to bring Kaido a little damage.
Kaido pressed and rubbed on the ground the whole time.
Although the three kanbans are reckless, they are not a fool.
Even a fool doesn’t like being beaten all the time.
A fool knows it hurts when he is beaten.
My cheap father-in-law, after eating the golden apple.
Began to become vigorous.
I used to be a bad alcoholic, and I don’t have any big dreams anymore.
After confirming that he is not Joey Boy.
Here comes a high imitation.
Occupying the Wano country that Joyboy will inevitably pass through, and using the fake smile of the artificial devil fruit, pretending that he can bring laughter to the people of Wano country.
I want my daughter to be the general of the Wano country, just for the arrival of Joey Boi.
To allow his daughter to board Joey Boy’s boat.
Without Ye Fan, the traverser, Yamato would have indeed become the tenth and last official member of the Straw Hat Pirates.
In this regard, Kaido has not completely failed.
But here I am.
Of course he couldn’t allow such a thing to happen.
Let my own cheap father-in-law, the strongest creature in land, sea and air.
Reduced to becoming a training tool for the Destiny Child.
From a weak person who couldn’t catch a stick, in less than a month, he became a strong person at the level of the Four Emperors.
As long as Luffy dares to come to Wano Country to make trouble, even if he is the son of destiny, Ye Fan will forcefully kill Lu Fei.
After Kaido got the golden apple.
His fighting spirit has risen, and he is no longer a bad alcoholic every day.
On the contrary, it is the same as when I was young, training crazily.
And on this island, the one who can practice with Kaido is after taking the perfect t virus.
The fruit ability has mutated again, and the three major signs that have become more powerful.
It is also the three major disasters among outsiders.
Ember of Fire, Quinn of Plague, Jack of Drought.
In the eyes of outsiders, they are the most terrifying demons.
But in the hands of Kaido, the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.
They quickly became docile kittens.
After only training with Kaido for half an hour, they were already lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.
Seeing Ye Fan coming.
Plague Quinn, who had the best relationship with Ye Fan, immediately shouted happily: “My son-in-law, your old man is finally back. You are not on the island of ghosts. Master Kaido can’t find anyone to fight.”
When Ye Fan arrived, Plague Quinn found a savior.
Their father-in-law and son-in-law are both monsters, and their powerful and armed domineering bodies can’t leave scars.
It’s just the two of them playing by themselves. I, Plague Quinn, am just an ordinary person, and I am not qualified to fight monsters.
Ye Fan said: “I just finished two games, I don’t plan to fight my father-in-law today, let’s leave it to the three of you.”
Kaido reacted quickly to Ye Fan’s words.
“Son-in-law, who else is qualified to fight you in this sea, even if it is an admiral, he is not your opponent.”
Ye Fan said casually: “Steel bone Kong fought with the three generals of the Air Force, and then met the navy general, Green Bull, and fought again.”
Chapter 148 Three Unlucky Disasters
At this time, a newspaper delivery bird flew in the sky.
Kaido threw two hundred Baileys casually.
The newspaper delivery bird didn’t drop the papers, and Wano is remote.
The paper bird sells newspapers elsewhere for only a hundred pele.
But Wano country needs two hundred Baileys.
The newspaper delivery bird in the sky said: “Master Kaido, today’s news is a big event, and two newspapers are published at the same time. Today’s newspaper is a thousand beli.”
Beast Kaido didn’t care about this little money.
He took out another nine hundred Baileys and threw them into the sky.
The newspaper bird dropped two newspapers.
The cover of the first newspaper was Ye Fan vs. Steel Bone Kong.
The cover of the second newspaper was Ye Fan fighting the Green Bull.
After watching Beast Kaido.
“Hahahahahahaha, the good son-in-law did a good job. He even killed the admiral. In the past few decades, no pirate has killed the admiral.”
The three billboards next to it also read newspapers.
To their surprise.
Ye Fan now has such terrifying strength.
This general, the green bull, was stronger than they had imagined after seeing the battle.
Absorbing life, recovering one’s own body with almost no restrictions.
Such a strong guy.
He was actually killed by Ye Fan.
Ye Fan, this guy, has grown to the point where he can kill an admiral in half a year.
Plague Quinn also shouted excitedly.
“The son-in-law is mighty, this group of nasty navy, we should teach them a lesson severely.”
Drought Jack: “The son-in-law is really good. If you see the navy, you should kill them.”
Among the three kanbans, the weakest drought Jack has always been the fiercest one.
He never considered the consequences of Ye Fan killing the admiral.
Only the flames and embers, a little worried.
He said worriedly: “I killed the admiral, and I am worried that the navy will retaliate against us.”
Beast Kaido didn’t care at all.
Said: “What are you afraid of? Now my strength is stronger than before. Even if the entire navy is dispatched, it will not be our opponent.”
The current Kaido can be said to be full of pride.
It has a lifespan of at least four hundred years.
He was full of confidence again.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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