He won’t enter the aging period of a person like White Beard in ten more years.
He will also be the same as those once powerful pirates, because of aging, he will become a remnant of the old era.
Because of old age and frailty, he was killed by the new generation of pirates or navy.
Now, after taking the golden apple.
Kaido doesn’t have to worry about this problem for at least three hundred years.
Now is the time when he is full of vigor, and he can become even stronger.
It can even easily crush the power of Rocks back then.
That’s why, recently, Kaido has given up being an alcoholic.
He began to practice hard every day again.
He felt that he was the pirate who had a dream in the beginning again.
Not being Joy Boy, though.
He’s going to be One Piece, Joey Boy’s father-in-law.
Don’t get me wrong, the current Kaido doesn’t know that Luffy, who has just been out to sea for a few months, will not be regarded by the Four Emperors for such a supernova.
Joyboy in his heart is his son-in-law Ye Fan.
Kaido said: “I think the current scale of our Beast Pirates is really too small.”
“Now we are the most powerful Four Emperor Pirates. Starting today, I will start to expand wildly and recruit those pirates who have a bounty of more than 300 million in the sea.”
“Since the navy is recruiting from a whole world, our Beast Pirates can also come to a whole world to recruit powerful pirates.”
Ye Fan did not expect that his father-in-law, Kaido, would suddenly do something like this.
Come directly to a pirate army expansion.
My father-in-law, your desire is getting bigger and bigger.
Ye Fan started to appreciate this cheap father-in-law now.
Doing so complies with the fourThe domineering of the emperor.
It’s just that living in such a remote Wano country, how can I have the courage to be the emperor of the sea.
Ye Fanlai expressed his opinion.
“Since we want to expand the army, it is obviously not suitable for the vicinity of Wano Country. The ocean currents here are too weird, and it is not suitable for building a large number of warships.”
There is a huge volcano in Wano Country, and the materials erupted are very magical.
Among them is the Hailou Stone that can restrain those with the ability.
There is also a strange material that will make Wano country often surrounded by hurricanes.
The sea area near Wano Country is full of huge whirlpools.
There is no way for ordinary pirate ships here to get close to Wano Country.
This is also the reason why Wano Country has declared a closed country, and even the World Government will not send pirates to attack them for 800 years.
Most of the pirate groups will be wiped out by the hurricane and the vortex of the sea before they get close.
In addition, Wano Country, like the Red Earth Continent, has no coastal beaches.
It is also a two thousand meter high cliff.
Otherwise, when Kaido wants to rule Wano, he won’t let the island of ghosts fly up.
Fly directly over the capital of flowers.
It is not an easy task to transport tens of thousands of people to Wano country.
but now.
For the Hundred Beasts Pirates, there is no problem.
On the island of ghosts, there is a long-standing gate of freedom.
As long as they walk out of Zizai Gate, they will come directly to the flower capital of Wano country.
Onishima doesn’t need to be stuck next to Wano.
The Beast Pirates don’t have to hide in a corner of the sea.
When Ye Fan didn’t come.
Kaido is the one with the least territory among the Four Emperors.
The one who occupies the most countries is Whitebeard. In addition to his sons, he has more than a dozen pirate groups and a large number of affiliated pirate groups.
Control over hundreds of franchise countries in the New World.
The second most is Charlotte Lingling’s Wanguo.
She also controls a large number of countries, besides her children.
Charlotte Lingling is also good at marriage.
And has a large number of shipyards.
There are many warships of the pirate group under his command, and the warships are also very advanced, which can directly bombard the navy’s naval guns.
Even the redhead who takes the elite route only relies on one pirate ship and owns dozens of affiliated countries.
And Kaido, because the main force is in the island of ghosts.
It can be said that apart from Wano, there is no other relatively large country.
As a result, Kaido is actually very poor, and Wano Country’s desperate production of weapons is only enough for Doflamingo to buy devil fruits.
But now it is different.
Wano country is not that important anymore.
And take over a large number of Whitebeard’s former sites.
Hide away again in the remote corners of this new world.
It is not conducive to the rule of the Beast Pirates over the new world.
As the chief steward, Quinn also often makes things difficult for the Beasts Pirates to control the dependent countries.
But he didn’t dare to persuade Kaido to move Oni Island away from Wano Country.
Seeing the son-in-law, he even brought it up.
Yan Calamity Jhin immediately agreed and said: “Boss Kaido, I also agree with the son-in-law’s opinion. The current position of Ghost Island is indeed not conducive to our control of those affiliated countries.”
Chapter 149 The Soaring Ghost Island
Now that Kaido has obtained the golden apple, he is no longer obsessed with hiding next to Wano Country and imitating Joey Boy.
So he asked, “Then where do you think it would be more appropriate to relocate Ghost Island?”
Ember of Fire points to a country on the map.
Said: “The Artisan Kingdom, this country has a large number of craftsmen, and this country can produce a large number of pirate ships. Although it is not as good as the warships produced by the capital of seven waters, it can be regarded as a very powerful shipbuilding country in this sea.”
“If we migrate to the vicinity of this country, we can manufacture many ordinary pirate ships. If we want to maintain a large fleet, we can’t rely solely on the warship produced by Wano Country.”
The current factory in the Kingdom of Fire naturally produces Pluto, this name, before it was produced.
The fire embers were not specified in the words.
But the five people present knew what he meant.
Kaido said: “In this case, just move the Oni Island to the vicinity of the Artisan Kingdom.”
The voice fell.
Auspicious clouds flew out of Kaido’s body.
These auspicious clouds soon flew to the bottom of the island of ghosts.
Then dragged the ghost island up and flew into the sky.
The island of ghosts is not a small island.
The location of Ghost Island on the sea alone is thousands of meters high.
There are tens of thousands of pirates living on the entire ghost island, like a town.
It’s such a huge island.
Under the control of Kaido’s ability, he flew directly into the sky.
Kaido’s ability is not a fluttering fruit.
It can reduce the weight of the island of ghosts by tens of billions of tons.
Beast Kaido is relying entirely on his own strength, dragging the island of ghosts and flying towards the distance.
Even the current Ye Fan.
The auspicious clouds he emits can also drag the entire ghost island.
But if you want to control the island of ghosts in this sea, you have to fly thousands of kilometers directly.
This requires a lot of physical strength and stamina.
Ye Fan really can’t do this kind of hard work now.
With such a powerful Kaido, Ye Fan still can’t figure out how Wano was defeated by the man Luffy who could only hold on for five minutes.
after one day.
A new newspaper has once again captured the world’s attention.
One day ago, Ye Fan killed Air Force General Blue Turtle and Navy General Green Bull within a day.
This matter has caused a sensation in the entire sea.
And today’s news is even more explosive than yesterday’s.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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