The cover of the newspaper is a picture of Kaido flying on the island of ghosts with auspicious clouds.
The headquarters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates moved to the vicinity of the Artisan Kingdom.
And Beasts Kaido personally announced that starting today, the Beasts Pirates will expand their army in the world.
Recruit all pirates who can reach the new world.
And announced to the world that he is the most powerful sea emperor.
Emperor of all pirates.
All pirates can choose to join the Hundred Beasts Pirates, or challenge the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
Such a high profile, such arrogant words.
Such a domineering way of debut.
Everyone knows.
Starting today, the sea situation in this sea has completely changed.
A large number of pirates from the new world began to choose to join the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
Pirates in the new world are not so easy to mess with.
Otherwise, the sand crocodile and Moonlight Moriah would not leave the new world after failure and return to the great route like a paradise.
In the New World, not all the richest countries are controlled by the Navy and the Four Emperors.
A small number of countries are also controlled by strong men like Doflamingo.
Ordinary pirates don’t live as well as the great sailing route.
There are also many wealthy but weakly defended countries on the great route.
But in the new world, the countries that can not be controlled by pirates are all extremely powerful.
For example, Elbaf is a wealthy island, and it is not controlled by the Four Emperors.
But this country belongs to the kingdom of giants.
Pirates with hundreds of millions of bounties who go to this country to rob are sending their lives to death.
The weakest giant warrior is no weaker than tens of millions of pirates.
None of those powerful giant warriors was weaker than the pirates who offered a reward of hundreds of millions.
In this dangerous new world.
Cowardly countries are basically very difficult to survive.
Say no to pirates.
The strange climate of the new world.
If you don’t understand it, you can go up to a thousand-meter tsunami, a terrible storm, and so on.
In such an environment, no country that can conduct maritime trade is weak.
This also led to the fact that the little pirates in the new world are actually very difficult to mix.
In the previous four emperors, except for the white beard who recruited his son.
It was the four emperors who recruited their son-in-law.
Outsiders don’t want to join these two pirate groups.
Kaido of Beasts only recruits those with animal fruit abilities.
The redheads only want the most elite crew.
Even if these pirates want to join the Four Emperors.
They are not eligible either.
Now the power of the Hundred Beasts Pirates is seen by everyone.
With Ye Fan joining.
Now the Hundred Beasts Pirates are the pirates of the Double Four Emperors.
In terms of the highest combat power, there is already a faint tendency to suppress the red-haired pirates.
For the Beasts Pirates, in addition to the combat power of the Double Emperor and the three big Kanban.
There are also Flying Six Cells, Numberers, and Mass Givers.
Such a huge army with high combat effectiveness is not comparable to an elite pirate group like Red Hair.
Beast Kaido’s current identity.
In fact, it has replaced Whitebeard’s position.
Not called the most powerful man in the world by many pirates.
It is because Beast Kaido did not recruit pirates on a large scale.
Only those with animal fruit abilities are recruited.
Those superhuman and natural ability users can only look at it with admiration.
There are also many pirates who have no fruit ability. They rely on powerful physical skills or the strength of swordsmen to run amok in the sea.
None of them are qualified to join the Beasts Pirates, so naturally no pirate is willing to help Kaido become famous.
but now.
After the Hundred Beasts Pirates began to expand their army in large numbers.
This is different.
Pirates are not everyone who wants to be the boss.
On the sea, there is a big tree to enjoy the shade.
With the rapid expansion of the Beast Pirates.
The new world has begun to circulate.
Beast Kaido is the strongest man in the world.
The most powerful Four Emperor Pirates.
A man who rules over the entire sea.
All kinds of words of praise appeared.
the reason is simple.
Just like those affiliated pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Only the stronger the white beard is blown.
When they went to sea to rob, they felt more secure and had more face.
Although Ye Fan doesn’t like these pirates.
Pirates are greedy, murderous, and lazy.
But these people are the ones who can best help him fight against the Tianlong people now.
It is impossible for a strong man like Fujitora to join the pirates.
This is also Ye Fan’s helplessness.
You can only rely on the thugs to defeat the more brutal Tianlongren.
It is too slow to use love and ideals to change the world like Liberty Alliance.
Chapter 150 The Great Expansion of Hundred Beasts
Recently, Oni Island has changed a lot.
After moving to the Artisan Kingdom.
The biggest change is the ship of the Beast Pirates, which can easily travel to and from the surrounding countries.
However, they did not drive the ship of the Beast Pirates for robbery.
It’s for tax purposes.
This is also Ye Fan’s suggestion, robbing alone won’t last long.
Taxes still need to be collected in order to ensure the long-term development of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
Now Beast Kaido can live for hundreds of years, and he doesn’t care about momentary happiness.
Ye Fan’s suggestion was quickly adopted.
It is a caravan of a country affiliated to the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and only charges 10% of the toll.
Countries on other people’s territory charge 15% tolls.
And the countries where the Tianlong people joined will charge merchant ships 30% of the cargo value tolls.
Through the territory controlled by the Beast Pirates, the Beast Pirates protect the safety of their cargo.
It can be said to be a very high tax.
But it was welcomed.
Because the profit of ocean trade is very high.
The profit on the goods is basically as high as two hundred percent.
The Hundred Beasts Pirates only received the value of the goods on the departure island.
instead of reaching the goalThe price at which these goods can be sold on the island.
And ocean trade, in which a large cost is robbed by pirates.
Now as long as you pay the money, you can guarantee the safety of the goods.
For businessmen from all over the world.
It can be said to be a huge benefit.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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