At the beginning, the three big Kanban and Fei Liubao and others.
I feel that such a tax will reduce the income of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
But a month later.
They lamented Ye Fan’s wisdom.
The four largest forces in the New World.
Currently, it is a member country of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, Red Hair Pirates and Tianlongren.
within the waters under their respective jurisdiction.
Guaranteed not to be invaded by pirates.
Only the Beast Pirates.
Big Mom’s fleet will not escort ordinary business groups.
Hongfa doesn’t have enough men, so he has a pirate ship, and he can’t do the same. At most, Hongfa only collects less money from the dependent countries.
And the dependent countries controlled by the navy, their ocean trade is the main target of pirates’ robbery.
Even many of the dependent countries of the Tianlong people, in order to pay the high heaven gold, all the troops in their own countries are pirates.
In other words, from the territory controlled by several other forces, as long as you come to the territory controlled by the Hundred Beasts Pirates, it will become very safe.
A subsidiary country of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the ocean trade has earned a lot of Bailey.
There is even another country that quickly developed into a transit country for goods.
For example, the affiliated countries of the Tianlong people have a batch of goods that can be sold at high prices in the affiliated countries of the Red Hair Pirates.
But going directly would be very dangerous. They are familiar with the maritime situation near their own country, so they don’t have to worry about pirates.
But when it comes to the territory of the red-haired pirates, it is very likely to be robbed.
In this way, they will deliver the goods to Kaido’s territory.
Just sell the goods at half price, and let the caravan of the affiliated country of the Red Hair Pirates bring the goods back by themselves.
This safe neutral transshipment island can quickly make the island very prosperous.
This is a bit similar to some islands of Blue Star in the previous life, such as Xiangjiang Island, which became very prosperous because of this transit point.
As for the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the taxation of affiliated countries has also changed from the previous fixed amount.
becomes thirty percent of the total tax.
It appears to be lower.
But when the nearly 100 countries of the Hundred Beasts Pirates gradually developed due to ocean trade.
In just a short time, this tax method surpassed the previous income.
From all of this, it can be said that Ye Fan’s experience in Blue Star has been a great success.
According to Blue Star’s taxation system, plus measures such as transit islands.
In a very short period of time, it was on the territory controlled by the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
The prosperity and stability of their dependent countries are guaranteed.
The more prosperous the subordinate country is, the higher the tax revenue of the Hundred Beasts Pirates will be.
The more pirates and fleets you can feed.
And now Ye Fan, he is going to solve the fleet problem of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
There is no problem with the wooden ships made by the Artisan Kingdom.
But it cannot produce mechanically powered ships like the Navy.
For pirates, ships with sails are the best.
Because even if it is a territory controlled by the Four Emperors.
There is also no guarantee that coal and oil supplies will be available at all times.
In other words, even if there is a mechanical ship, the pirates will soon be unable to replenish fuel.
thus losing momentum.
This is why pirates like ships powered by sails.
but now.
In order to guarantee the entire huge sea area.
Don’t be robbed of caravans by other desperate pirates.
The Beast Pirates also need a fleet that can stabilize and maneuver quickly without sailing.
This requires advanced mechanical ships.
And this sea.
Except for the capital of seven waters controlled by the navy.
It can also mass-produce mechanical ships.
Only Germa 66 is left.
This is another pirate group and a power of a country.
Their country is built on huge mechanical ships.
Usually put together, it is a kingdom.
All the ships are separated, there are hundreds of pirate ships, constantly moving on the sea.
Raid other countries.
Things have been rough for Germa Kingdom recently.
With the expansion of the navy, and the rise of Doflamingo’s power.
The survival of the Germa Kingdom was severely tested.
The Kingdom of Germa has no output.
Their countries are all made up of fleets.
Cannot plunder other countries in the North Sea region.
They have nothing for food, clothing and shelter.
Facing the solicitation of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
Vinsmoke Gage quickly agreed to become an affiliated pirate of the Beasts Pirates.
And Ye Fan heard the name Germa 66.
The first thing he thought of was Vinsmoke Reijo.
This is a very beautiful woman, and she is good at sucking.
is a nice woman.
Ye Fan decided to go to the Kingdom of Germa himself to bring them back to the new world.
It is not an easy task to bring such a huge fleet back to the new world.
to this end.
I want to travel from all over the world to the new world.
You must go to Upside Down Mountain first.
Then cross the windless belt from the air, come to the great route, sail half a planet on the great route, and only enter the new world after passing through the undersea tunnel and passing by the fishman island.
This is too troublesome and requires a long voyage.
Along the way, they will also be attacked by other forces.
And Ye Fan went in person.
You can directly use Xiangyun’s ability.
put the wholeGerma Kingdom, transported directly to the second half of the Great Route.
You only need to go through the undersea tunnel to reach the new world.
Of course, there is an easier way.
Carrying this country directly and flying over the red earth continent, just doing so will not only consume a lot of physical strength, but also be very dangerous.
Chapter 151 Germa Kingdom
Ye Fan is well aware of the mistakes he made in favor of his father-in-law in his previous life.
Carrying Ghost Island and the Red Sheath Nine Heroes, Kidd, Law, Sauron, and Luffy duel.
Especially let Luffy resurrect once with full blood.
This is not courting what death is.
Naturally, he would not choose such a dangerous thing as carrying the entire Germa Kingdom across the Red Earth Continent and coming directly to the New World.
Open the portal.
Ye Fan came directly to the Kingdom of Germa.
This is a country that exists entirely for war.
There is no entertainment in the whole country.
Because Germa has played except for a few scientific researchers.
They are all warriors without any emotion.
They just need to obey orders and kill.
All feelings are cumbersome.
Of course, there are two surprises in this.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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