The number of pirates has surpassed the Whitebeard Pirates in its heyday.
Looking at the hundreds of pirate ships that appeared in the island of ghosts.
The lieutenant general of the headquarters, Flying Squirrel, suddenly said in horror: “No, Drake’s information is wrong. What we have to face is a number of pirates reaching 100,000.”
The lieutenant general of this department, Flying Squirrel, has experienced many battles.
He immediately learned from the pirate’s ship formation and number.
It was analyzed that Drake did not disturb the formation of the Beasts Pirates.
There are as many as five hundred, nearly six hundred pirate ships.
Every ship has at least one giver on board.
There are still a lot of real fighters on the powerful pirate ship.
Headed by the largest five pirate ships.
There is a Fei Liubao standing at the bow of the ship.
In their knowledge and arrogance, they couldn’t sense the existence of X. Drake at all.
No, I fell for it.
Chapter 156 Pluto Appears
On the sea of ​​Wano country.
Suddenly, a huge warship with strange shape appeared.
The length of the warship reached an astonishing one thousand meters.
It’s like a moving island.
But the weirdest of all.
There is only one main gun on such a huge warship.
The diameter of the muzzle reached an astonishing five meters.
The barrel length reached 300 meters.
It is very troublesome to adjust the huge muzzle.
Haixia Jinbe made a strange gesture with his hands in front of his eyes.
This is one method he uses to test distance.
Kai Xia Jinbei is not only an excellent helmsman.
Still a good artilleryman.
He had already determined the distance from the opponent just now.
Then give the order.
“The muzzle is 43.7 degrees.”
Following Haixia Jinbe’s order, the order was issued.
Hundreds of people are still turning the rows of handwheels on the base of the cannon.
The handwheel is connected to huge gears one by one.
These gears will pass through more than a dozen gears to amplify the power.
Only then can the huge muzzle angle be moved slowly.
It takes a long time to adjust the angle of such a huge heavy artillery every time.
But no one dared to underestimate the power of this giant cannon.
Because this cannon is the main cannon of the Pluto battleship among the three ancient weapons.
before this.
The picture of loading the shells is even more exaggerated than adjusting the muzzle.
A huge shell with a diameter of five meters and a length of thirty meters.
It is about the size of the Sunshine Merry of the Straw Hat Pirates.
For such a huge shell, it was General Yamato who carried the shell himself before putting it into the huge barrel.
Zi la la.
With the movement of hundreds of people shaking the handwheel.
The muzzle of the cannon is slowly rising.
And the navy in the distance.
General Huang Yuan already sensed the crisis.
Huang Yuan asked the adjutant beside him.
“Is there any cannon that can reach a length of 300 meters and a caliber of 5 meters. The range can reach 50 kilometers?”
The adjutant heard the data.
He showed a horrified look.
The trembling voice said: “This is impossible. Apart from the legendary ancient weapon Pluto, I can’t believe there is such a powerful and terrifying cannon.”
Hear the adjutant’s words.
Huang Yuan knew something bad happened.
The opponent’s battleship was still 20 kilometers away from their fleet.
such a long distance.
Even on the observatory, with a telescope, there is a small black spot on the opposite side.
Naval artillery is already very advanced.
But the farthest range is only a dozen kilometers.
But the opponent, even fifty kilometers away, was ready to open fire.
Huang Yuan’s knowledgeable arrogance has been raised to the limit.
Feel the opponent’s huge main gun.
Immediately understood.
This ship is likely to be one of the legendary three ancient weapons, Pluto.
According to legend, a single shell can destroy a terrorist warship of an island nation.
In the world of pirates, the most powerful battleship.
Huang Yuan immediately gave the order.
“All naval warships immediately spread around at the fastest speed, and I will personally go to stop them from launching.”
After speaking, Huang Yuan didn’t have time to explain.
He directly threw a cannonball next to him into the sky.
Then use the ability of the shiny fruit.
Stand directly on the shell.
Quickly flew towards the Pluto battleship in the distance.
Yamato, who was sitting in the captain’s cabin, naturally also saw the yellow monkey that was about to fly.
Keep him out of attack range.
Affects Pluto’s launch.
Otherwise, Wano Country is still in a state of lockdown.
There simply aren’t enough warships to fight the navy’s elite troops.
Yamato immediately turned into a werewolf form.
A large amount of cold breath spit out from the mouth.
The temperature on the entire Pluto battleship dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant.
Ice cones with a length of three meters.
existformed in the air.
Then Yamato threw these ice picks vigorously towards the yellow ape in the distance.
The first ice pick accurately hit the yellow ape after more than ten seconds.
But the yellow ape turned into golden spots of light all over.
Just use elementalization to hide.
Dozens of ice picks thrown by Yamato in the sky suddenly exploded at the same time.
Then, a huge ice ball appeared in the sky, enveloping the yellow ape in it.
Yamato naturally knew that it was impossible for her ice pick to kill General Yellow Ape.
Can’t even do him any harm.
And Yamato didn’t want to kill him at all, he really didn’t even have the idea of ​​hurting him.
Her dozens of icicles contained an extremely cold and icy breath.
As long as the outer ice cone breaks.
These extremely cold icy breaths will quickly freeze the surrounding space into ice cubes.
In order to prevent the yellow monkey from using the ability of the shiny fruit.
Teleport directly out of the range of the ice cube.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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