Yamato directly threw dozens of ice picks.
Turning the surrounding thousand meters of air into a huge ice ball.
affected by gravity.
The huge ice ball quickly fell towards the sea.
When the ice puck is about to fall into the sea.
A figure emitting yellow light has emerged from the ice puck.
Holding the Tiancongyun sword in his hand, he smashed the ice puck directly.
Another teleportation appeared above the Pluto battleship.
at this time.
Haixia Jinbe no longer hesitated, although the angle was still a little bit off.
But it has reached the range where it can attack the naval fleet.
Haixia Jinbei has always been a decisive person.
If the attack is interrupted by the general Huang Yuan.
He may not have a second chance to launch.
Launch now, if Pluto’s cannon is really like the legend, one cannon can destroy an island.
Even if it doesn’t directly hit the core of the naval fleet, it can destroy most of the navy.
When Seaman Jinbe pressed the launch button.
A large amount of yellow light covered the deck of the Pluto battleship like raindrops.
This is exactly the way the general Huang Yuan became famous.
Eight feet Qiong Gouyu.
A large number of light bullets instantly killed a large number of pirates who were adjusting the shooting angle of the heavy artillery.
However, it was too late.
Accompanied by the painful wailing of a large number of pirates.
Yellow Ape’s large face attack attack.
After Pirate Jinbe decisively pressed the launch button.
Huang Yuan still failed to stop Pluto from firing the shells.
A cannonball with a blood-red light was fired quickly from the huge barrel.
while in the air.
The interior of this cannonball has undergone tremendous changes.
Like the solid shells commonly used by pirates, it is of course impossible to destroy an island.
Even the high-explosive shells used by the Navy’s Demon Slaughter Order cannot do it.
Even in Blue Star, whose weapons are more powerful.
Want to destroy a huge city with one shell.
Larger mushrooms are also needed.
In the pirate world, there are no such fission and fusion reaction shells.
Want to achieve such a terrifying power.
Then use a special method.
This is also a special technology tree in the world of pirates.
A technology tree completely different from that of Blue Star.
Chapter 157 Destroy the island with one shot
Pluto’s shells can destroy an island with one shot.
The reason is the shell and the inside of the barrel.
The circles of runes drawn by complex mithril.
When the shell quickly passed through the barrel.
The runes on the shells rubbed against the runes in the barrel quickly.
Special properties of natural energy can be generated through mithril metal.
Combine special ingredients inside the shells.
A large amount of natural energy will be generated in the shell.
These different energies will also repel each other, the moment the shell hits the ground.
Crazy began to spread to the surrounding.
cause devastating damage.
When the shell fell on the sea and exploded.
The five forces of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth are intertwined and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.
One after another naval warships were engulfed by this powerful force.
Instantly turned into pieces.
Haixia Jinbei watched the scene in front of him with his own eyes, department/group:9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6.
In his eyes, these warships are only the size of sesame seeds.
But one black dot per hour means that a warship has been destroyed.
Together with the thousands of naval soldiers above, they were also killed.
But the kind-hearted Haixia Jinpei has no sense of guilt.
Because every warship is missing.
The people of Wano Country will be safer.
Fishman Island will also be safer.
in his eyes.
These navies are already nuts.
They even massacred innocent civilians at will.
This is something Kaixia Jinbe cannot tolerate.
For this murloc who loves peace and respects the lives of all races, he has no burden to personally press the button to destroy the naval fleet.
Instead, I was relieved to see that only a few naval warships escaped the attack range.
The firepower of these warships cannot destroy Wano Country.
Over the Pluto battleship.
An extremely angry figure.
He exudes a terrifying murderous aura.
Kill everyone in front of you.
“You bastards, how dare you treat the navy like this.”
Haixia Jinbe: “You can issue a demon-slaying order on innocent civilians, why can’t others issue a demon-slaying order on your navy.”
Huang Yuan: “The farmer slaughtered the wolves to protect more sheep. If the wolves dare to attack the farmer, it is unforgivable.Your sins, you Beasts Pirates, must be eradicated from the entire world. ”
Huang Yuan’s answer stunned Hai Xia Jinping.
in his mind.
Although the admiral Kizaru is lazy, he is still a very righteous navy.
How can a person like him treat other people as lambs and himself as a shepherd?
Haixia Jinping didn’t react for a long time.
But Yamato didn’t care about so much.
It was okay to read Kozuki Oden’s diary when I was a child.
But only after marrying Ye Fan.
The story Ye Fan told her.
They are all the stories of those people who will conquer the sky.
Especially the monkey with the iron rod.
“Your arrogant attitude makes me even think that you are a Tianlong person. Even if you are a Tianlong person, my Yamato can’t pierce the sky. What use do I need this iron rod?”
Yamato took out his mace and glared at the yellow ape in the sky.
She feels herself now.
It is Monkey King who wants to pierce the sky.
The version she listened to was the black myth Wukong, who was modified by the later generations.
Not the original Journey to the West.
The reason is also very simple. Ye Fan is also very familiar with the original version of Journey to the West, but it doesn’t taste right when he really recites it.
There are many ancient sayings in it, which do not conform to modern writing techniques.
Ye Fan simply changed the black myth Wukong after the modern man’s transformation.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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