This is more appropriate to Pirate World.
Because the Tianlong people in the Pirate World just slaughter ordinary people at will, or treat all kinds of people as slaves.
This magically reformed black myth Wukong has a great influence on Yamato.
Some seemingly beautiful kingdoms hide the sky people’s reign of terror.
I saw Huang Yuan say such a thing today.
Yamato was angry.
He wants to fight the admiral in front of him.
Defeat the tall man in front of him.
Huang Yuan: “To be able to say such arrogant words, it is true that you members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are trying to fight against the Tianlong people. Such people must be erased from history.”
The oracle who has always been very lazy.
I usually don’t have much interest in eliminating pirates at all.
The main thing is to stay in the scientific research team every day and be lazy.
Did not expect such a lazy general.
In his heart, he was actually on the side of the Tianlong people.
The yellow ape really hides it very deeply.
Many people have seen Dingshang War, and even thought he was Luffy’s uncle.
He really took good care of Luffy.
Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so lofty.
Yamato directly used his best moves.
“Thunder gossip.”
Kaido invented this trick.
It is aimed at the awakening of elementalization and knowledge-colored domineering.
Lu Fei, who became the Five Emperors, also attacked too fast because of the thunder and gossip.
Even if you meet the future, you have already seen the trajectory of the attack.
There is no way to avoid it. Luffy during the Five Emperors period can only use the awakened rubber fruit.
Change your body shape to dodge.
If the yellow ape dared to use the sparkling fruit to elementalize and dodge.
One blow covered with domineering and domineering can teach him to be a man.
The impression that Huang Yuan gave to others is that he likes to use his fruit ability.
A general who doesn’t pay much attention to the development of three-color domineering.
His strength is not as good as Chiquan and Aokiji, because they are equally powerful in three-color domineering.
The ability of Shining Fruit can be said to be very powerful.
The speed is too fast, and the yellow ape can use its own speed to avoid almost all attacks.
He only needs to use his fruit ability to be invincible.
And the light speed kick of the yellow monkey also has the long-range skill of range attack.
Others are hard to avoid.
Therefore, the orangutan only needs to use the fruit ability.
It can make the enemy unable to attack him, but he can attack the enemy.
It is one of the most powerful devil fruits in this sea.
When Yamato attacked.
I thought about it, my thunder and gossip may not be able to be avoided by others, but it is very difficult to hit the yellow ape.
But did not expect.
This time, the yellow ape did not choose to dodge.
Instead, Tian Congyun Sword also slashed together.
The thunderous gossip of tough Yamato.
People from the natural department actually want to compete in physical skills with the animal department, or the powerful Phantom Beast.
This is totally not the fighting style of the yellow ape in the past.
The attacks of Kizaru and Yamato collided together.
The powerful force tore apart the clouds in the sky into huge cracks of hundreds of kilometers.
Haixia Jinpei: “Is this the power of domineering domineering color!! It’s really terrifying.”
In the first match between the two sides, Yamato was surprisingly blown away.
Yamato’s body smashed a big hole in the Pluto battleship, after jumping out of the hole.
A stream of blood flowed from the corner of Yamato’s mouth.
Yamato said: “This is not the domineering and domineering entanglement. Who are you, General Huangyuan, that you can use the power of Tianlongren?”
Chapter 158 The identity of the yellow ape
The fight just now.
In addition to feeling that Yamato has a stronger attack power than the domineering entanglement of the overlord color.
I also feel that my life is desperately passing by.
Huang Yuan: “Hehehehe, I didn’t expect to be absorbed by me for more than ten years, and I haven’t aged yet. It seems that Ye Fan gave you the golden apple.”
Yamato: “Now that you know it, if you want to rely on the unique arrogance of the Tianlong people, you can’t consume me, and your lifespan will be consumed faster.”
Huang Yuan: “How can you be confident that only the three of you have eaten golden apples? Don’t forget, you just stole something from a treasure house of the Tianlong people.”
Hear this sentence.
Yamato had a bad premonition in his heart.
Huang Yuan, this old bastard, It turned out to be the deepest hidden one in the navy.
Not only is he not the weakest general.
It may even be stronger than the young naval hero Garp.
Now Yamato’s strength, although because of the perfect t-virus, has far surpassed the three big Kanban before the plot was changed.
Even her fighting power is actually stronger than Quinn.
But this kind of combat power can barely hold back an ordinary admiral.
And the current Yellow Ape has actually surpassed Karp in strength.
That is to say, he can even defeat a strong man of the Four Emperors level single-handedly.
Yamato is no match for Kizaru at all.
Originally, Ye Fan’s plan was perfect.
Use Hades to destroy the naval fleet.
Then Yamato and Haixia Jinpei, even if they can’t beat an admiral, they can hold him back.
What’s more, in addition to Jinbei, there are several Wano country warriors who are not weaker than the lieutenant general.
A dozen or so individuals besieged an admiral.
Even if you can’t win, it will be very easy to delay until Ye Fan can come back to support.
But didn’t think about it.
Yellow Ape turned out to be a hidden boss.
He turned out to be the most powerful in the navy.
It can’t be blamed on Ye Fan’s strategy.
It’s really that Huang Yuan, the Oscar winner, has such good acting skills.
Don’t say that Ye Fan doesn’t know his real combat power.
Even people like Sengoku and Akainu who have been with him for decades don’t know his terrifying fighting power.
Even Ye Fan who is far away in the waters near the Chambord Islands.
He even felt that the one who attacked Wano Country was the Yellow Monkey Queen.
I think the orangutan can still paddle.
If you deal with it a little bit, you will take the initiative to leave the battlefield.
This is Ye Fan’s estimation based on previous intelligence reports.
For example, in the Chambord Islands, although the orangutan kicked a supernova, none of them were actually killed.
For example, on top of the war, the yellow ape’s contribution is even a little bit more than Garp’s.
Ye Fan even once suspected that Huang Yuan was the spy of the Liberty Alliance who infiltrated the navy.
He and Xiong joined the scientific research force just to rescue Vegapunk, or to use the resources of the Celestial Dragons.
Let Vegapunk develop a weapon that can defeat the Draco.
But the reality is far from what Ye Fan expected.
Not only is Yellow Ape not a lazy bastard, he is not a member of the Liberty League.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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