It also appears that the Navy has a slight advantage because it can shoot faster.
However, this advantage, after a few minutes.
When the distance between the two sides is less than five kilometers.
It has lost its effect.
Run q took the lead.
Leaping high from the deck of the pirate ship.
She was hit by several shells on the way, and even the scales on her body couldn’t break through, and she was bounced off directly.
I saw Run Yu in the form of a human dragon, and a strong laser light was emitted from her horn.
Directly cut a naval warship in half.
Run q after taking the perfect t virus.
And the bloodline factors in her body have undergone mutations.
It has evolved into the form of animal, phantom beast, dragon dragon fruit, and pachycephalosaurus.
Run q has been training for several months.
She no longer touches other people’s heads.
The main thing is.
Run Yanq felt that her beautiful head was broken and could only be touched by Ye Fan.
Hitting someone else’s forehead with your own is disgusting.
And it’s too violent, which doesn’t fit her image of a lady in front of Ye Fan.
Unexpectedly, after she developed her own abilities.
The newly grown unicorn can actually emit laser light.
This is where the phantom beasts are terrifying.
The Phantom Beast itself comes with some other abilities.
Kaido, for example, possesses abilities such as flame dragon breath.
The flame on the pineapple head Marko has the ability to heal.
And after Run q evolved into a phantom beast.
Under the action of the perfect t virus, the bloodline factors in the body have evolved and improved again.
Runq has the ability to emit laser light.
This trick also made her very happy.
It just meets the needs of the violent woman Runqq.
She doesn’t have to bump heads anymore.
There are more ladies emitting lasers than before.
Just an all-out attack.
It directly destroyed a naval warship.
Watching a large number of naval soldiers fall into the sea.
Struggling desperately, but to no avail.
There are a lot of fish in the sea, but they are not docile fish.
A large number of schools of shark-like fish quickly tore these soldiers who fell into the sea into pieces.
Blood stained the nearby waters, attracting more sharks, which began to surround these warships.
The vice admiral of the headquarters also has the strength to quickly destroy a pirate ship.
At this time, the advantage of the number of ships of the Hundred Beasts Pirates is reflected.
Everyone attacks each other’s ships.
There are only fifty ships in the navy.
The number of pirates has increased tenfold.
Such consumption by both sides is destined to be a disadvantage for the Navy.
Many pirates on a pirate ship.
Seeing how brave Run Yanq was, they all cheered.
In this battle with the navy, it is clear that their Hundred Beasts Pirates have already taken advantage.
The flying squirrel will be the first to react.
He shouted loudly: “Shoot together, don’t let them get close to the warship.”
After finishing speaking, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was the first to step on the moon steps,Then he rushed towards Runqian and killed him.
The flying squirrels will not consume any devil fruits.
He relied on a lot of training to become a powerful swordsman, and then obtained the position of lieutenant general in the headquarters.
In the navy, he is already a well-known swordsman.
Once beheaded with a single sword, a huge sea king with a body length of several hundred meters.
He is close to the back of the moist q.
He directly launched his own slash.
Navy headquarters, more than a dozen lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters.
Although Oda has never had a clear ranking.
But the flying squirrel will have the most shots.
And it is also the most powerful.
You can fight Sauron two years later, and suppress Sauron in a short time.
His strength is infinitely close to that of a great swordsman.
In the Navy, an Akainu who forgoes the use of a sword does not count.
Besides Admiral Momotusa, he should already be the second best swordsman.
The strength of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel is definitely among the top three among all the lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters.
So also the commander of this fleet.
You know, there are more than a dozen lieutenant generals in this fleet.
Therefore, although Akainu temporarily appointed him as the commander.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel wants to convince everyone, he must also stand up first, and use his own strength to win the respect of many lieutenant generals in the headquarters.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel used his best tricks when he came up.
Fast z-slash.
However, what surprised Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was.
Run Qianq was not prepared to resist his slash at all.
Instead, use the mace in your hand.
It directly bypassed Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s attack.
Hit himself in the chest.
Such a completely undefensive style of play was obviously beyond the expectations of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel.
in his intelligence.
The strength of Fei Liubao is about the same as that of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.
Although they are animals.
But he couldn’t resist his own slash.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel had no idea that Fei Liubao’s strength had far surpassed its previous combat effectiveness.
That’s why Ye Fan kept x Drake.
It is to pass these false information to the Navy through X · Drake.
Now, finally, the harvest season has come.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s slash did not penetrate Run’s scales.
Then he felt a huge force hitting his chest.
It was the sound of several ribs breaking.
Afterwards, the flying squirrel will be sent flying in an instant.
Chapter 160
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was defeated with one move.
The result of this battle.
Obviously, it exceeded the expectations of all vice admirals.
in their minds.
Although the total number of warships and naval soldiers does not have any absolute advantage.
But a dozen or so lieutenant generals of their headquarters can easily suppress five Flying Six Cells.
In addition to x Drake’s sneak attack.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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