The moment the two sides are fighting.
The navy’s high-end combat power can achieve an overwhelming victory.
But now.
Obviously, there is a big difference from their intelligence.
With the strength of Fei Liubao, he could easily defeat the lieutenant general in this department.
All the vice admirals in the book department have serious expressions.
The ghost spider stood up.
He is also a well-known sword master in the navy.
But different from others.
Because of his fruit ability, he can use eight knives at the same time.
In addition to his hands, he has six spider-like arms on his back, each holding a knife.
Green Algae Sauron’s three-sword style, in front of the ghost spider, can only lament that he doesn’t have enough knives in his hand.
Ghost Spider is also a well-known combat master in the Navy headquarters.
What he is best at is to use his eight-sword style.
Attack the enemy in different directions.
The enemy can often block one or two knives, but he has a total of eight knives.
Destroy the enemy’s defenses with stormy attacks.
In the eyes of the ghost spider, the flying squirrel was only careless, and was seriously injured by the blow.
The moisturizer in front of me is not that powerful.
Now he is fully alert, and he will definitely not be attacked by Run q.
Knowledge-colored domineering has been driven to the limit.
The ghost spider will rush towards Runqian stepping on the moon.
Coming up is his specialty.
Eight Swords Stream・Meteor Shower.
His eight knives will be like a meteor shower.
Quickly attack the vital parts of the enemy’s body.
Most enemies have at most two weapons.
But he can wield eight weapons.
Even if the enemy wants to fight back, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider only needs to spare two weapons for defense.
Even if he encounters a strange swordsman like Sauron, he only needs to use three knives to defend.
The ghost spider is also because of its ability to attack.
Only then did he dare to stand up to single-handedly challenge Run Qi after being injured by the flying squirrel general in a second.
For the navy, there is no shame in besieging pirates.
But today the battle is different.
The speed of the pirate is two or three times that of the navy.
The most important thing is that the ordinary navy is not an ordinary pirate opponent who can enter the new world.
These ordinary pirates can kill all the way to the new world.
Each is a ruthless character who has experienced at least dozens of life-and-death battles.
Their only advantage is the navy.
There are more than a dozen lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters, who can suppress the Hundred Beasts Pirates in terms of high-end combat power.
but now.
If you need several lieutenant generals from the headquarters, you can hold a Flying Six Cells.
Then there are more than five hundred endowers, who will deal with these strong men.
Although the navy also has many powerful major generals and brigadier generals.
But not more than five hundredMany people can deal with the giver.
It’s not that there are enough people in the navy to reach the combat effectiveness of the giver.
For example, Smoker, when he was a colonel, he already had the strength to defeat the giver.
There are many others in the Navy like Smoker.
But for such elites, the general navy has two places to go.
The first is to guard each branch.
The second is to go to the elite training camp, which used to be trained by Zefa the Black Arm, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, who were trained by Zefa the Black Arm, and even the Red Dog and Yellow Monkey were trained by him.
The first reason why it cannot be transferred is because if all such combat power is withdrawn.
The navy doesn’t even have the generals to suppress the four seas and the great sea routes.
The ones who were transferred this time were mainly the admirals of the New World.
Because if this battle is lost, it is basically determined that the new world has fallen.
The Navy basically lost control of New World completely.
The navy did not transfer all the elite naval elites from the great routes and the four seas.
The second type, the elite in the boot camp, is now being trained by retired Sengoku and Karp.
This time, the demon slaying order was launched against many countries in the New World, without telling Karp.
Sustain specially arranged an island for Karp to lead these elite students to that island to lead the elite students to train.
As a result, there are not many generals who can fight the Giver.
There are only about seven or eight hundred people in total.
More than 300 of them were assigned to Huang Yuan, and they wanted to launch a demon-slaying order against Wano Country.
In other words, if they are lieutenant generals, they cannot fight overwhelmingly against Fei Liubao.
Now this navy does not have enough troops to fight with 500 givers.
What’s more, the current Hundred Beasts Pirates has relaxed the restrictions on recruiting pirates.
There are also a lot of superhuman real fights.
For example, Basil Hawkins, the new supernova who joined the Beasts Pirates, and so on.
The two sides have reached the boarding battle.
Whether it is high-end combat power or mid-range combat power, it is very important.
On the contrary, the number of ordinary sailors and ordinary pirates is no longer important.
If the lieutenant general of the headquarters cannot be alone, he can suppress Fei Liubao, at least the two sides will be tied.
The navy’s high-end combat power and mid-range combat power will collapse.
All this is obviously far beyond their expectations.
Because X. Drake is also the strength of a major general who is about to be promoted to a lieutenant general, and he can already join Fei Liubao.
According to their estimation, this department will be enough to suppress the Fei Liubao.
Now this fatal intelligence error has attracted the attention of more than a dozen lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters.
They were all paying close attention to the solo fight between Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Run Liq.
I prayed in my heart, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider must win, at least he must have the ability to hold back Runeq.
However, their prayers were of no avail.
Run the same fighting style this time.
He didn’t defend against the ghost spider’s attack, allowing six knives to stab Run’s body.
Then the damage was blocked by the scales on his body.
The ghost spider’s two-knife defense did not block the mace in Runq’s hand.
It’s also just a one-stroke fight.
In the end, the ghost spider was sent flying by Run Q.
It’s just because the double knives somewhat resisted Run’s attack.
Vice Admiral Ghost Spider’s injury was far less serious than Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.
Just seeing the situation in front of them, the hearts of the remaining lieutenant generals in the headquarters sank.
It seems that today is bound to have a death battle.
Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, stand up at this time.
He said loudly: “Let’s go together, the three of us will fight one, I don’t believe we can’t win.”
Hawkins in the distance saw this scene and showed a happy smile.
“It seems that I joined the Hundred Beasts Pirates. This choice is really not wrong. With my strength, I should be able to be promoted to Fei Liubao soon.”
Chapter 161 The Secret of the Yellow Ape
Huoshaoshan, Stoloberg, Gumir, John Jaendo, Lonzi, Dalmesia, Daubman, Lakrowa, etc., more than a dozen lieutenant generals from the headquarters, all came to kill Runq.
Suddenly, a huge figure stood in front of Run Q.
It was Peggy Wan.
At this time, Peggy Wan was already in the form of a golden-armored spinosaurus.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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