In Lu Fei’s blood, there is actually a mixture of the blood of the D clan and the Tianlong people.
This is really news that shocked the world.
Kai Xia Jinbei: “It’s hard to believe the truth, but why did you tell me such news.”
Huang Yuan: “You are already dead, so what’s the point of telling you?”
“I was originally the supreme Celestial Dragon of the upper three tribes, but because I accidentally ate a devil fruit for slaves, I was demoted to the navy by the patriarch.”
“It’s not easy today, I can show the real strength of Tianlong people, I will kill you two, and then turn the whole Wano country into history.”
“Only in this way can I reflect the majesty of a Tianlong person.”
Draconians hate Devil Fruits the most.
This kind of fruit ability that countless people in the sea dream of.
Whether it is a king, aristocrat, a big pirate, or even a devil fruit that the navy desires.
This kind of thing that can strengthen people’s strength.
In the eyes of Tianlong people, it is just a shame. If any Tianlong person eats a devil fruit, he will be looked down upon by other Tianlong people.
for them.
Devil fruits are for lowly slaves.
These slaves eat the devil fruit and fight, which can bring them fun.
For example, the devil fruit of Queen Boya Hancock.
It was she who was fed to her by the Tianlong people after she became a slave of the Tianlong people.
That is a very powerful fruit.
Superman・Sweet Fruit Ability.
Can directly petrify the enemy.
Among the superhuman fruit abilities, the devil fruit ability can already be ranked in the top ten.
Just feed it to a slave.
This is where the Tianlong people are proud.
The treasure that others yearn for is just a toy that the Tianlong people give to the slaves to eat and enjoy.
The yellow ape attacked again.
Yamato also used Thunder Gossip.
Yamato was sent flying by Kizaru again.
The unique arrogance of the Tianlong people completely crushed the arrogance of the three colors.
This ability has disappeared in the sea for hundreds of years.
It is the key to their Tianlong people who can suppress the entire sea for eight hundred years.
Over the years, the sea has had countless strong men.
Among them, the terrifying big pirate like Lockes has also given birth to several people.
But without exception.
Such strong men were all suppressed by the Tianlong people.
They never cared about devil fruits, nor did they care about the text of history.
Otherwise, eight hundred years.
Tianlong people can collect all the coordinate history texts just by looking for them.
In front of the pirates, you will arrive at the final island of Ralph Drew.
The proud Celestial Dragon.
I don’t believe in Joey Boy at all, the person who was once defeated by them.
You can also use the historical text to make these things come back.
Their strength over the years has become far stronger and more terrifying than back then.
not to mention.
Because he captured Vegapunk, a guy whose technology is five hundred years ahead of the present.
He was about to complete the task of the Celestial Dragon.
After mastering that power.
The Tianlong people can even rule the entire sea without relying on the navy.
But the research of Vegapunk still needs time.
Want to activate that long-lost power.
It’s still a few years away.
The navy is still there.
This is what made Huang Yuan so angry.
The Hundred Beasts Pirates even secretly controlled Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons.
Back then, Joyboy relied on the three ancient weapons, but it caused them a lot of trouble.
Unexpectedly, eight hundred years later, this terrifying force would appear on the sea again.
It even killed tens of thousands of elite navy with one shot.
This made Huang Yuan no longer hide his strength.
Yamato must be killed today, and Pluto, one of the three major weapons, must be destroyed.
Pirates cannot be allowed to have this kind of weapon that can threaten the rule of the Tianlong people.
The conversation just now.
Huang Yuan is not talking nonsense.
The unique arrogance of Tianlong people also has a huge weakness.
First, the user will also consume his own lifespan.
Therefore, the Tianlong people themselves will not use it easily.
In their eyes, one day’s life of their own is more important than the life of the Four Emperors.
What’s more, with this domineering use, every attack will consume at least a few months of life.
Although the enemy’s lifespan may be reduced by several years or even ten years after being hit.
In the eyes of the noble Tianlong people, this is not a cost-effective thing.
That’s why.
The reason why Tianlong people can hardly make a move.
Even in this world.
Few people know the horror of the Tianlong people.
Just look at Doflamingo.
It’s just a branch of the San Don Quixote family.
His talent has already surpassed most people in this sea.
As a descendant of twenty kings.
They already have excellent bloodlines and powerful talents.
It’s just that except for the Tianlong people of the upper three clans, the other Tianlong people have been banned from practicing and are raised as pigs.
The Tianlong people are divided into the upper three clans, and they control all the power of the Tianlong people.
Among the five clans, their clansmen will become the five old stars.
remaining tenA Celestial Dragon family is the lower three clans. They are not qualified to practice, nor are they qualified to control power like the five old stars.
Among the Tianlong people, there is also a strict hierarchy.
The second shortcoming of Tianlong people’s domineering is that it consumes a lot of energy.
Power is conserved, and they have mastered such a terrifying attack method.
The consumption of physical strength is far beyond the domineering entanglement of the overlord color.
Huang Yuan just talked on purpose.
It was because he was a little physically exhausted just now.
He needs a little time to use life return to recover all his physical strength.
Huang Yuan is not Iron Fist Garp, he does not have the perverted physical ability of Garp.
As a Tianlongren, Huang Yuan is also not good at physical skills, and prefers to rely on fruit ability to fight.
Now use the arrogance unique to the Celestial Dragon.
Dozens of attacks were not expected.
Neither killed Yamato.
Yamato’s strength exceeded Kiwi’s prediction.
Just throw out such a secret on purpose.
In fact, it is to buy time to use life return to recover all physical strength.
Now he has regained all his strength.
It is necessary to use continuous attacks.
Kill the most difficult Yamato first.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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