Then destroy Pluto and Wano Country.
Let this ancient weapon completely disappear from this sea.
Chapter 163 The battle that permanently changes the environment
Yamato, who exploded with all his might, has been knocked into the air more than a dozen times in a row.
Seaman Jinbe is now more of a support.
He uses his ability to control the flow of water.
Try to use your own strength to drag Yamato who was knocked into the air.
Otherwise, the current Pluto battleship would have long since been turned into ruins due to the battle between the two sides.
On the other side, Run Q and Peggy Wan have arrived in the capital of flowers.
But I want to run from the city of flowers to the seaside of Wano country.
It takes a long distance.
at this time.
The weakness of the animal fruit ability is highlighted.
In addition to Kaido’s fruit ability.
Most animals are people with fruit ability.
Does not have the ability to move quickly.
If Ye Fan supports, he can arrive quickly with just a few teleports.
And Run Yanq and Peggy Wan have turned into complete dragon forms.
Their nearly ten-meter-long legs ran with all their strength, without turning any corners along the way.
Saw house hitting house, saw tree hitting tree.
Even so.
It will take a lot of time for the two of them to run to the beach of Wano Country.
Run q: “Master Yamato hold on, I’ll be right there.”
On the sea near the Chambord Islands.
Terrible changes are taking place now.
The poor little island.
In just a few months, it has experienced several battles with the highest combat power in the world.
The new generation of supernovas headed by Bartolomeo are just pirates whose bounty has just exceeded 100 million.
I have encountered such horrible battles in succession.
There are even many supernovas, they are already afraid to go to the terrifying new world.
I saw the top power in advance.
They are already very confused about their own strength.
Along the way, they defeated countless strong men in the four seas and the great route, before arriving at the Chambord Islands, the last stop on their way to the new world.
Only then did I discover the battle of the top powerhouses in the sea.
Let alone get involved.
Even in such a terrifying battlefield, it is very difficult not to be killed by the aftermath of the strong.
Bartolomeo has a strong defensive barrier fruit ability.
Became the leader of this generation of supernovas.
Because these supernovas discovered how ridiculous their fragile attack power is in front of the real strong.
Only Bartolomeo’s ability can make them feel safe.
The monsters in this sea are really terrifying.
There is still a big gap between them and the powerhouses of the Four Emperors and Admirals.
Follow Bartolomeo, at least you can face such a terrifying powerhouse, they can hide behind Bartolomeo.
Keep yourself safe.
This is also the horror of Luffy, a man of destiny.
Although Ye Fan killed Kidekira, Luffy lost two powerful allies.
But his younger brother Bartolomeo soon gathered a group of future strongmen.
These people will all join the Straw Hat Fleet in the future.
Ye Fan weakened Luffy’s strength.
But the trajectory of fate has not changed significantly.
There are new forces, and due to various reasons, they will eventually become the combat power of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
at this time.
On the sea surface hundreds of kilometers away on the Chambord Islands, at the edge of the windless belt.
There was a scene of incomparable horror.
The environment here has undergone extremely terrifying changes.
Perhaps thousands of years ago, the new world was actually as stable as the four seas.
There aren’t all kinds of extreme climates.
It is because for thousands of years, countless strong men have fought in the New World.
Their fruit awakening ability completely and permanently changes the environment of the new world, which makes the new world full of all kinds of terrifying weather changes.
In fact, these are the products of the past, the strong who have been dead for many years, using the fruit ability to permanently change the environment.
And now the battlefield in the Chambord Islands, hundreds of kilometers away, is such an environment like the end of the world.
The sky was full of terrifying thunder and lightning.
Every second, tens of thousands of thunderbolts fall from the sky and bombard the ground.
Yes, now the ocean is gone.
Now the ocean in front of Ye Fan has become two other substances.
On one side is a glacier stretching tens of kilometers, and on the other is a lava ocean stretching tens of kilometers.
blueThe sea becomes a white world and a red world.
This is the ability of red dog and blue pheasant.
Permanently change the environment.
Both of them turned the surrounding sea into the most suitable environment for their own battles.
And Ye Fan is the same.
His awakened thunder fruit ability.
Turn the sky in this place into a world of thunder.
Their battle, even hundreds of years later.
There will also be such a terrible weather environment near the Chambord Islands.
Icebergs and volcanoes merge into one ocean.
There are still a lot of lightning falling in the sky above this sea area.
Even if it is a strong man who has just learned the cover of armed domineering, it is extremely difficult to survive in such an environment.
As for the domineering cover of armed color, there is no one.
They were either frozen into ice sculptures, killed by magma, or struck to death by lightning.
There are more than a dozen supernovas behind Bartolomeo. They saw such a terrifying scene. Department/Group:9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6.
One of the supernovas said in a trembling voice: “It’s another terrifying battle of the strong, boss, I think the Chambord Islands are more dangerous than the New World and the Great Route. Let’s go to the New World, or return to the Great Route.”
Bartolomeo thought about it carefully, yes, in just a few months, the Chambord Islands have experienced so many wars.
The new world is so huge, and not every island is such a terrifying war.
Why don’t they go to the new world.
Bartolomeo: “We are all supernovas. There is no reason not to enter the new world. I have decided. I will set off immediately and go to the fishman island to directly enter the new world.”
Bartolomeo would not say that he did not dare to get involved in the war between Ye Fan and the admiral, so he ran away quickly.
The other dozen or so supernovas would not admit that they were running away.
“As expected, he is the boss of Bartolomeo, and it’s time for us to enter the new world.”
More than a dozen supernovas, and dozens of pirates with good strength.
He hurriedly drove his own ship and followed Bartolomeo’s pirate ship. They had already coated the ship.
Dive into the deep sea and head towards Fishman Island along the way.
[Note: The fruit abilities of all the admirals have been strengthened. There is no other way. The admirals also have the overlord-colored domineering winding setting. Otherwise, let alone Big Mom and Kaido, the navy can’t break through their defenses, and one person can kill through the navy without Sengoku and Garp. Even in the future, Luffy and Zoro, they all have mastered the domineering and domineering entanglement, I I think they can kill the navy headed by Akainu in 10 minutes, just based on the fragile combat effectiveness of the navy in the top war. If their fruit ability is not strengthened, they are just a piece of tofu in front of the domineering and domineering attack. 】
Chapter 164 Fighting the Blue Pheasant Peach Rabbit
Looking at such a terrifying scene in front of him.
The three major kanbans except for Jack.
Jhin and Quinn still felt a little guilty.
Sure enough, he is a strong man at the general level.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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