With such terrifying strength, they are not yet the opponent of the general.
But Jack, the weakest of the three Kanban boards, is not worried at all.
Instead, he said arrogantly: “There are also exactly five people on the opposite side, one for each of us, quickly settle the battle and go back to drink.”
Ye Fan also had to give his thumbs up.
Sure enough, you are the fiercest, Jack.
Ye Fan said: “It’s enough for the three of you to hold the old guy in the Warring States Period, and leave the rest of the navy to me and my father-in-law.”
There is still a big gap between the three major kanbans and the strength of the general.
But former Admiral Sengoku.
It is also a person with strong defense power and a little weaker attack power than others.
The three major kanbans have rough skin and thick flesh, and there is no problem in fighting a war of attrition with the Warring States Period.
Ye Fan met Aokiji and Taotu.
He originally wanted to deal with Aokiji and Fujitora with a smile.
In Ye Fan’s eyes, among the five people facing him, the weakest must be Taotu.
Although in the plot of the original book, Taotu didn’t make much moves.
But two years later, she was still a substitute general.
Obviously the weakest.
In the navy, apart from Marshal Zhanwai, the strongest is Akainu.
A red dog with the strongest attack power, and a peach rabbit who can’t break through Kaido’s defense, his cheap father-in-law can still deal with it easily.
And Fujitora smiled and had fought against him himself, so he knew his fighting power very well.
In addition to this period of time, Ye Fan practiced in the Time Gravity Room.
After another great improvement in strength.
He is confident of defeating the combination of Fujitora Yixiao and Aokiji.
But did not expect.
Seeing himself ready to attack Qingzhi.
The peach rabbit actually took the initiative to stand beside the green pheasant.
Even so.
Kaido, his cheap father-in-law, will be under a lot of pressure.
But killing the peach rabbit and the blue pheasant by himself will become very easy.
Since the Navy decided to fight like this.
Ye Fan didn’t have any comments either.
He is still very confident in the defensive power of his cheap father-in-law Kaido.
Kaido has become the fourth queen, but his strength has not improved much.
Because I realized that I couldn’t be Joy Boy anyway.
The man who was once full of ambitions started a copycat show of drunkards.
With the arrival of Ye Fan, Kaido felt that he could become Joey Boy’s father-in-law.
He can even go to the final island of Ralph Drew, when he is the Pirate King.
The fighting spirit that has been dusty for many years.
That’s when it burned.
Now Kaido, canNot a bad drunk.
His current strength is stronger than that of Wano Country two years later.
Ye Fan’s appearance, like the wings of a butterfly, has changed the fate of many people in this sea.
Ye Fan immediately entered the human-dragon state, and directly opened the sixth door of the eight Dunjia.
Plus the acceleration of Momo fruit ability.
He must solve the current battle in a short time.
After learning about the fighting power of Green Bull and Fujitora Yixiao who fought with all their strength.
Ye Fan was afraid that Yamato would not be able to hold on for so long.
The battle here must be resolved as soon as possible now.
Only then can he quickly return to the country of Wano and help Yamato solve the large forces of the navy.
Ye Fan ignored Taotu directly.
Go directly to the green pheasant.
Because in Ye Fan’s heart, he thought that Taotu was still at the level of a substitute general.
It was made up of five admirals.
Ignored by Ye Fan.
Momotu was not angry, but showed a relieved expression.
Between Ye Fan and Qingzhi, huge and thick ice walls were erected one after another.
What Aokiji is better at is long-distance field control.
And Ye Fan is best at fighting at close range.
Qingzhi wants to use these ice walls to prevent Ye Fan from approaching.
Ye Fan’s hands turned into the shape of dragon claws.
The charge along the way did not slow down at all.
He rushed directly towards the ice wall.
Every time it came to an ice wall, the dragon claw quickly grabbed it.
It directly blasted a huge hole in the ice wall in front of it.
The distance between him and Aokiji quickly approached.
“Boom boom boom.”
Ye Fan’s figure was as fast as lightning.
The dozen or so ice walls built by Qingzhi were directly destroyed by Ye Fan.
In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Aokiji.
At this time, Qingzhi’s whole body has been elementalized.
His body turned into ice cubes.
But it can move flexibly like a human.
It seems that hard ice can also be turned into a flexible substance on Aokiji’s body.
Ye Fan’s full blown punch was caught by Qingzhi.
The power of the green pheasant is far inferior to that of Ye Fan who has opened the Eight Gate Dunjia and the human-dragon form.
But now he is in the glacier world.
The ice crystals under the feet have combined with the glacier.
Most importantly, dozens of huge icicles suddenly appeared behind him.
Supported his body.
Let the green pheasant hard steel Ye Fan’s punch full of domineering and domineering.
And unload this force to the supporting icicles behind him, after breaking more than a dozen huge icicles.
The green pheasant completely counteracted Ye Fan’s attack.
Afterwards, the ability to freeze fruit was activated.
Ye Fan’s body was covered with a lot of ice.
This green pheasant wants to control himself here.
Even so, he couldn’t hurt himself.
Did he just want to stall for time?
I really thought that the Navy’s Demon Slaughter Order could easily destroy Wano Country and Oni Island.
Then they are too naive.
I can prepare the secret weapon Pluto.
The peach rabbit who was still in a daze in the distance just now.
Suddenly, he rushed towards Ye Fan quickly.
Ye Fan’s domineering and crazy warning.
The beautiful admiral behind him gave Ye Fan a sense of danger.
A few months ago, when the Hundred Beasts Pirates fought against the Navy.
Ye Fan killed the tea dolphin in that battle.
It stands to reason that Taotu’s combat effectiveness is similar to that of tea dolphins.
Why does Taotu feel dangerous to herself?
Even if she tried her best, she still couldn’t break through her defense.
Soon, Ye Fan knew where the source of danger was.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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