Every enemy Ye Fan faces is just a powerful tool for him.
If Ye Fan took the initiative, his cheap father-in-law trusted him so much, he would ask Kaido not to trust him so much.
When it’s time to block a bullet for yourself, you can’t help it.
Chapter 169 Ye Fan’s Strategy
Momotu’s sword slashed fiercely.
But it didn’t fall on Ye Fan.
Instead, he froze the full position of Aokiji in the world.
Cut it in half with one knife.
Although the green pheasant is in an elemental state.
But elementalization cannot resist armed domineering color.
Especially Momotu’s full blow.
This knife contained an incomparably majestic armed domineering spirit.
A domineering armed color with quantity causing qualitative change.
Armed color domineering enough to entangle with Ye Fan’s domineering domineering air and gain the upper hand.
In an instant, Aokiji was instantly killed by Momotu.
The frozen world maintained by Aokiji’s fruit ability also collapsed instantly.
The sun in Ye Fan’s handThe round knife stabbed the surprised Taotu.
A large amount of blood flowed from the peach rabbit’s chest.
But she didn’t care about her injuries.
Momotu, who was kneeling on the ground, was seriously injured.
He asked very sadly: “Why, why, how could I become a green pheasant when I slashed at your head with a knife?”
Ye Fan pulled out the sun wheel knife.
He smiled and said, “Do you think your trap can escape my eyes?”
At this time, Ye Fan’s eyes had changed.
At the beginning of the battle.
It is the left eye white eye, the right eye kaleidoscope Sharingan.
But now it is the left eye kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the right eye is white.
His pupil power had already quietly changed during the fierce battle just now.
How can Qingzhi’s small movements escape the detection of Baiyan.
White eyes have the ability to see through.
It is the most useful eye for detection.
Sharingan is the most suitable eye for fighting. Every move of the enemy is in slow motion in his eyes.
It’s like watching a 120-frame movie, which is a smooth picture.
In Ye Fan’s eyes, there are only 120 pictures, and at most they are slow-motion slides.
Although the small movements of Qingzhi and Taotu are extremely hidden.
But under the action of the pupil power of Ye Fan’s eyes.
How can I hide it from Ye Fan.
So Ye Fan quietly replaced the pupil power of both eyes.
The kaleidoscope sharingan in the left eye has secretly activated its own unique pupil technique.
Pure land of bliss.
This large-scale illusion consumes a lot of Ye Fan’s pupil power.
Rows of blood fell from his eyes.
Although there were only a dozen people at the scene.
But even the few people in Germa Kingdom are not weak.
These powerhouses must be controlled by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss at the same time.
Let them be in an illusion.
For Ye Fan, it was also extremely stressful.
Yet all the risk is worth it.
Ye Fan didn’t change much.
It’s just that when Tao Tuo made the final blow, he switched Aokiji and his own figure.
Tao Tutu slashed at Ye Fan with all his strength, but it actually slashed at Qingzhi’s body.
The result is also very perfect.
Aokiji didn’t expect Momotu to attack him.
He was killed by Taotu with a single knife.
And Taotu, who was also escaped by Ye Fan, directly hit the vital point.
Now he is seriously injured and has lost his combat effectiveness.
Looking at Ye Fan’s left eye that was still bleeding.
Taotu: “You devil, I will kill you.”
Momotu struggled to stand up.
But she had lost the strength to stand up.
Ye Fan’s knife was not an ordinary knife, it just caused a small wound.
Domineering and domineering entangled attack.
The internal organs of Peach Rabbit have been destroyed.
She doesn’t have long to live.
Ye Fan waved his hands.
Will peach rabbit’s golden girl
“This is why you suddenly became stronger. Now this weapon belongs to me.”
On the battlefield in the distance.
Beast Kaido: “As I said before, my son-in-law Ye Fan is the reincarnation of Joey Boi. Any dangerous battle will only make him stronger. How can your navy win if you try to resist the gods?” .”
“Hahahaha, oh oh oh, hehehehe.”
Kaido let out a strange laugh, a huge laugh that spread hundreds of kilometers around.
But Akainu had a bitter expression on his face.
Now two more generals have been lost.
From then on, the combat effectiveness of the navy could no longer suppress the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
I actually wanted to be the greatest naval admiral in hundreds of years.
Become the worst admiral ever.
Akainu’s heart was filled with unwilling anger.
But he had to give the order to retreat.
Lost two generals again.
The current navy has only five admirals who expanded the army to only two admirals, Fujitora and Kizaru.
Huang Yuan is also mainly in charge of the scientific and technological troops, and has slowly begun to separate from the navy.
The Navy has never been weaker.
But there is no way.
Lost two powerful fighting forces.
They have already lost this battle.
Although Akainu is not reconciled.
The order to retreat was still issued.
When they came, they had the five highest combat powers.
When leaving the battlefield.
There are only three people left.
Of course Kaido wouldn’t just let them go like this.
But this time.
Kaido and Ye Fan’s phones rang at the same time.
They also received a message that Yamato was having difficulty resisting Kizaru.
His wife was bullied.
How could Ye Fan recognize it.
Ye Fan said to Kaido: “Father-in-law, I will return to the Wano Kingdom, and you will take the people from the Germa Kingdom to the new world.”
After finishing speaking, Ye Fan directly opened the door of freedom.
Came to the edge of Wano country.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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