Ye Fan teleported to the vicinity of Pluto.
Looking at Yamato who was seriously injured, there was also Junqian.
Ye Fan was very distressed.
“Huang Yuan, you are courting death for daring to hurt my woman.”
Ye Fan held the Sun Wheel Knife, covered the domineering and domineering attack, and slashed at the yellow ape.
Ye Fan was surprised that Huang Yuan was able to severely injure Yamato and Runqin.
Of course, Peggy Wan and Haixia Jinping, who were more seriously injured, were directly ignored by Ye Fan.
Yamato and Run q shouted nervously at the same time: “Be careful, he will be as domineering as a Tianlongren.”
Ye Fan and Huang Yuan fought against each other.
After the two sides collided.
At the same time, because of the terrifying power of the opponent, he flew backwards.
Huang Yuan stabilized his figure.
“I didn’t expect you to come here so soon. It seems that that trash Akainu failed.”
“Since this is the case, there is no need for the old man to stay here.”
Kiwi harnesses the power of the Shiny Fruit.After a few teleports, they quickly left the battlefield.
Ye Fan did not choose to pursue.
His speed is not as fast as Huang Yuan.
Huang Yuan wanted to escape, but few people in this world could catch up with him.
Instead, open the door of freedom directly.
Send the seriously injured Yamato, Runqian, Peggy Wan, and Haixia Jinpei back to the General’s Mansion in the Flower City.
There are the best doctors in Wano country.
They were so badly injured that they needed medical attention urgently.
As for seeking revenge against Huang Yuan, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.
The war that took place in three sea areas today.
The all-out war between the Beast Pirates and the Navy.
Naturally, such a big event cannot escape the World Economic News Agency.
When a large number of newspaper birds sent the news of the navy’s defeat on the third front to Morgons.
It was the first time Morgons encountered such big news, so he jumped up and shouted without excitement.
After a few minutes of silence.
Only then slowly said: “The navy is completely defeated, the world is about to change.”
Chapter 170 Amaterasu
Morgans still sent the news to the world immediately.
The navy was defeated, and the Beast Pirates dominated the sea.
This title immediately attracted every pirate in this sea.
Countless pirates regard Kaido of Beasts and Dragon Emperor Ye Fan as their idols.
They all hope to join the Hundred Beasts Pirates through the Great Route.
In this sea, although there are four emperors that make the navy helpless.
But whether it is the current Four Emperors or the former One Piece.
Neither is it like today’s Beast Pirates.
The main force of the navy was defeated head-on, and even two admirals were killed.
But no one knows.
After Ye Fan sent Yamato and the others to the General’s Mansion.
He opened the door of freedom again, and returned to the battlefield near the Chambord Islands.
On the surface, Peach Rabbit had already died due to the destruction of all her organs.
Akainu, who hurriedly escaped from the battlefield, didn’t even have time to collect the bodies of Momotu and Aokiji.
Ye Fan sensed the cells in Taotu’s body with his hand.
Not completely necrotic yet.
In other words, Taotu is still saved.
In this case.
Life and death depend on your own will.
Ye Fan took out the sun wheel knife and cut out a small piece of flesh from his body.
It was stuffed directly into the wound on Momotu Gion’s chest.
Then he opened the door of freedom and came to an uninhabited island.
The cells in one’s own body are the purest cells of Qianshouzhujian.
It contains a lot of life energy.
For example, in Naruto World.
Only Uchiha Madara’s physical body can carry the complete and active Senju Hashirama cells.
And other people, absorbing the cells between the Thousand Hand Columns, will directly become a big tree.
Even if it is the later Obito.
In fact, it’s just the fusion of white cells.
The white cells have been greatly diluted.
The cell activity in Qianshou Zhujian is less than 5%.
This is also the limit point that ordinary people can bear.
The flesh and blood of a powerful person is not something that ordinary people can absorb.
But Taotu’s situation is special now.
Her current strength is much stronger than that of Obito who was just the person at the end of the crane back then.
And she’s more seriously injured now.
Obito was only half broken.
Momotu Gion looked like his chest was pierced by Ye Fan’s sword.
In fact, almost every cell in her body was torn into pieces by Ye Fan.
Now, only Momotu Gion, who can fuse complete intercolumnar cells, can gain a new life.
Ye Fan did this.
Naturally not to save a powerful enemy.
The current Momotu Gion is already at its weakest.
She is only a tiny distance away from death.
It is even possible that most of her brain cells have been necrotic due to long-term lack of oxygen.
This is why Ye Fan took the risk to save her.
The illusion of Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, although not as good as other gods, can change a person permanently without knowing it.
For example, the fourth generation of Mizunin Village was permanently changed by the power of other gods.
He became very jealous, and tried to kill all the geniuses in the water ninja village to ensure his status as a water shadow.
The power of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is better at large-scale illusions than single-body illusions like other gods.
But if this person is already very weak in willpower.
Ye Fan’s Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can also achieve the same effect as other gods.
Let Taotu Gion be in Ye Fan’s illusion forever.
If successful.
Ye Fan is equivalent to having one more admiral-level subordinate.
This is a very rare and powerful combat power.
This piece of sea.
Owns hundreds of countries. There are also hundreds of thousands of small villages and small islands like Orange Island and Windmill Village.
But even the navy.
On average, it is difficult to cultivate a general-level combat effectiveness in ten years.
Take the Beast Pirates as an example.
Except Beast Kaido and Ye Fan.
Now there is still Yamato on the three major kanbans, which is still a little short of the real general’s combat power.
I want to add a general-level combat power to the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
How difficult it is.
The cells in Qianshouzhujian are rapidly recovering Momotu’s body.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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