Ye Fan’s domineering and domineering power remaining in her body is fighting with the cells in the Qianshou Zhujian.
consumption of each other.
But obviously, the flesh and blood that Ye Fan stuffed into Taotu’s body contained stronger power.
The cells in Taotu’s body that were destroyed by the domineering color.
I am rapidly recovering and becoming more energetic than before.
Ye Fan’s right eye has already seen her through perspectiveChanges in cells in the body.
Looks like it’s going to work.
In this way, it is not a waste for me to cast Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Ye Fan opened his left eye.
Kaleidoscope Sharingan crazily activated its pupil power.
The illusion created by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss flooded into Taotu’s mind.
A perfect dream slowly replaced most of Momotu’s previously necrotic memories.
Her understanding is not called Gion.
It’s called Guangyue Amaterasu.
A loyal ninja loyal to the Ye family.
From the moment she was born, the only task in this life is to protect the patriarch Ye Fan.
As a ninja, protecting the daimyo is her most noble mission.
In order to better protect Lord Ye Fan.
She, Guangyue Amaterasu, practiced sword skills since she was a child, and finally became a great swordsman at the age of thirty.
She finally has enough strength to protect Lord Ye Fan’s safety.
Being promoted to be Lord Ye Fan’s bodyguard, this was the happiest moment for her Guangyue Tianzhao.
A whole memory.
Ye Fan passed through such a powerful illusion as the Pure Land of Bliss.
Send it to Taotu’s mind.
Replaced the original memory of Momotu Gion.
Admiral Momotu Gion disappeared.
On this sea, there is an extra ninja named Kozuki Amaterasu.
He is also a great swordsman.
In her life, the happiest things are only two things.
The first thing is to become Lord Ye Fan’s personal guard.
The second thing was that Mr. Ye Fan rewarded him with a golden knife.
She is a ninja who can do anything to protect Master Ye Fan, even her life.
After a few hours.
The cells in Qianshou Zhujian completely defeated the domineering power of Guangyue Amaterasu’s body.
There is very little life force contained in the cells between the Thousand Hand Columns.
Just in a safe range.
Guangyue Amaterasu will not turn into a big tree because of too strong life energy.
At the same time, it also allowed Guangyue Amaterasu to shine on her body, becoming stronger than before.
Guangyue Amaterasu got up from the ground.
Immediately knelt down in front of Ye Fan.
“Guangyue Amaterasu pays homage to the master.”
I saw success.
Ye Fan showed a happy smile.
His strength has strengthened again.
Now he has another general-level combat power.
No, it should be said that he might be a little stronger than the average general.
Because of Guangyue Tianzhao, there is another place that can be strengthened.
Chapter 171
Momotu Gion, the current ninja Kozuki Amaterasu.
She was not a fruit ability user before.
And after Ye Fan stole the treasure of the Valley of Gods.
It is the ability to obtain several good animal and phantom beast fruits.
Ye Fan took out a ninja grimace mask.
Pass it to Guangyue Amaterasu.
Said, “Put on this mask and follow me.”
This mask was specially made by Ye Fan.
In addition to this ordinary grimace mask, there is a thin layer of truth inside.
Ye Fan’s thinking ability has been strengthened.
Even if others touch it with their hands, it will not disappear.
That is.
Since then, Guangyue Amaterasu’s appearance has completely changed.
She is no longer Momotu’s appearance.
But the appearance is close to Ah Zi, that is, the appearance of Guangyue Rihe.
But he is older than Kozuki Rihe looks.
This is also Ye Fan’s bad taste.
The name Kozuki was deliberately used, so that the Kozuki family, who had always wanted to resist the Beast Pirates, had one more person to be their loyal servant.
The ability to use Kaleidoscope Sharingan continuously for more than one hour.
Now Ye Fan’s left eye is almost blind.
You can only cancel the kaleidoscope Sharingan in the left eye.
It will take a few days for this eye to fully recover under the recovery of the cells in Qianshou Zhujian.
It can be said that Ye Fan has suffered the most serious injury during this period.
But Ye Fan didn’t care about these.
After all, I have an extra helper with the strength of a general.
It’s such a bargain.
Ye Fan opened the door of freedom.
Came to the treasure house of the ghost island.
The guards here are very strict.
More than a dozen givers who are loyal to Kaido.
They are stationed outside the door of the treasury.
There are also a large number of weapons facing the only passage.
I saw Ye Fan come in through the free door.
It should definitely be Ye Fan himself.
The person who gave the gift still asked: “My lord son-in-law, please tell me the password.”
After Ye Fan answered the password.
Only a dozen givers opened the door to the secret room.
In the secret room, there are two red historical texts and several ordinary historical texts.
Ye Fan ignored the stones.
Instead, they came in front of three precious animals and phantom beast fruits.
Facing Guangyue Amaterasu, he said, “This mission was performed well. Choose one of these fruits. This is your reward.”
Kozuki Amaterasu was seriously injured on a deserted island.
In her mind, there is no memory of Taotu.
This is when she was chasing down Kozuki Oden’s remnants and met several powerful samurai.
After Guangyue Amaterasu killed them, he was also seriously injured.
Fortunately, Lord Ye Fan came to rescue Guangyue Amaterasu at this time.
Master Ye Fan is really kind.
He actually cared about the life and death of such a small person like her.
Guangyue Tianzhao’s heart was full of gratitude to Ye Fan.
Looking at the several phantom beast fruits in front of him.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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