in the animation.
The real fighters and bestowers of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are all tricks.
Many were not even eligible to play.
But think about it, this pirate world is bigger than Blue Star.
nearly ten billion people.
Being able to become a strong man of 10,000 people is also a strong man selected from a million people.
This ratio is a little bit more difficult than the provincial champion in the college entrance examination.
It can be said that those who can achieve real fighting strength are already masters.
What’s more, Reiju is still young, relying on her blood, at least she can reach the level of Fei Liubao.
Since you want to become the strong king of the sea.
The power of the Germa Kingdom must also be won over.
Others in the Germa Kingdom have no emotions.
It’s no use pulling them together.
The only one who can win over is Wensmoke Reiju, the eldest daughter of the Wensmoke family.
Vinsmoke Sanji’s older sister.
The two came to a bar in a dependent country.
This country is called the kingdom of bees.
This is a kingdom where humans and bees coexist.
It’s just that the bees here are completely different from the bees in Blue Star.
These tiny bees, they also have human heads and hands.
But other places, like bees.
There are also tails that can vibrate for rapid flight, and sharp bee tail spines.
These little guys are the combination of human and bee.
They are responsible for collecting flowers that bloom everywhere in the bee kingdom.
Residents here sell their honey to other islands.
The tavern here.
They sell Baihua wine.
Honey produced from hundreds of flowers is used to brew fine wine.
The taste of the wine is very sweet.
Not the top wine though.
But it is the most distinctive wine with the richest taste.
Ye Fan: “I visited more than a dozen countries controlled by the Hundred Beasts Pirates with me, how do you feel, Reiju?”
Vinsmoke Reiju: “People in these countries live very happily. They don’t have to worry about expensive heavenly gold and safe ocean trade. This is something I never thought of before.”
The two have been together for a few days.
There is no need for Reiju to hide her human emotions in front of Ye Fan.
Ye Fan: “Then do you like the current Hundred Beasts Pirates? Let all the dependent countries, everyone can live in peace and happiness.”
Vinsmoke Reiju: “It’s a beautiful idea, but with the existence of the Celestial Dragons, such days are destined to be just a flash in the pan.”
Vinsmoke Reijo has emotions though.
But I hide myself for a long time, pretending to be a person without emotion.
After saying such exclamation words, her expression was still so cold.
This is the result of long-term expression management in the Vinsmoke family.
Ye Fan: “Do people always have dreams? My dream is to end the brutal rule of this world. Reiju, are you willing to fight with me?”
Vinsmoke Reiju: “I am willing, I like such a stable country.”
Ye Fan: “If you succeed in overthrowing the Tianlong people’s rule, what do you want to do?”
Reiju: “Maybe I will find a quiet town, become a doctor, find an ordinary man to marry, and live a stable life for the rest of my life. No one knows, I used to be a big pirate.”
Ye Fan: “It’s really a cute idea. Your brother Sanji is very similar to you. He just wants to be an ordinary chef.”
Vinsmoke Reiju’s expression finally changed.
“Sanji is my younger brother, not many people in this world know about it.”
Ye Fan: “As a member of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, I naturally know many secrets that others don’t.”
“In the future, the Beast Pirates may fight the Straw Hat Pirates.Now you will be on Sanji’s side, or on my side. ”
Vinsmoke Reiju: “How is this possible? The Straw Hat Pirates are just a very weak pirate group. Although they defeated Sand Crocodile and Moonlight Moria, even our Vinsmoke family Can’t beat them all.”
Ye Fan: “Hehe, don’t underestimate them. That pirate group is not easy. I think they will challenge the Hundred Beasts Pirates in at most two years.”
Vinsmoke Reiju: “I will stand on the side of the Beast Pirates, but I hope that my brother’s life can be spared.”
Vinsmoke Reiju is still that kind sister.
Although pretending to have no emotion.
In my heart, I still care about Sanji the most. Although Sanji is a silly boy, he doesn’t know how to secretly pretend that he has no emotions.
Not being able to integrate into the Vinsmoke family is far inferior to Reiju.
But at the same time, Vinsmoke Reiju also yearns for Sanji very much.
He dared to leave the shelter of the family.
Living the life she likes is also the way Reiju yearns for it.
Ye Fan: “Okay, I promise you, I will let Sanji go.”
The two sides had a brief conversation.
The relationship between Ye Fan and Vinsmoke Reiju has taken another step.
The two parties happily finished their dinner on this island.
Just when Ye Fan was about to return to Ghost Island.
The phone bug in his arms made a sound.
Ye Fan answered the phone.
It was his first call from his loyal subordinate Renault.
“Master, the Liberty Alliance has found all the methods to enter the treasure house of the Tianlong people, but there is no way to enter without the identity of the Tianlong people.”
Hear this sentence.
It immediately aroused Ye Fan’s interest.
Ye Fan: “I will go to Marie Gioia in person tomorrow, and you will report to me in detail then.”
After Ye Fan sent Reiju back to the island of ghosts.
Early the next morning, we arrived at the Red Earth Continent.
Near the Holy Land of Mary Gioia.
The current him will not easily go deep into the holy land of Mary Gioia.
Renault has been here disguised as a businessman for a long time.
Immediately reported to Ye Fan.
turn out to be.
The nearest Tianlong people can rely on their own identities to go to the most heavily guarded treasure house and receive treasures three times.
It’s just that there are restrictions, only they can go in, and they can bring out as many treasures as they can hold with both hands.
If you can’t hold it, you can’t take it out.
This is Yim’s compensation for calming down their heavenly gold.
Chapter 175 Holy Land Treasure
the last few months.
Renault’s undercover operation in the holy land of Mary Joe still obtained a lot of information.
Ye Fan looked at the photos of several Tianlong people above.
These are all Tianlong people living in relatively remote areas.
And the guards under him are weak.
It is the easiest Draconian to control.
Ye Fan didn’t dare to unleash his domineering arrogance in the holy land of Mariejoya.
This kind of thing is a bit like the radar of the previous life.
When you scan the enemy with knowledge-colored arrogance.
Strong can also sense your scan.
But Ye Fan has the ability to roll eyes.
At this time, Ye Fan’s eyes turned into white eyes.
Looking towards the not-too-distant Holy Land Mary Joa.
Soon, through Baiyan’s perspective ability, he discovered several Tianlong people recommended by Lei Luo.
Their status should not be high.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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