In the living area of ​​Tianlong people, they all live on the periphery, and the rooms are not big enough.
Their residence covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters.
The rooms of hundreds of palaces.
There are only a few thousand slaves in captivity.
Compared with other Tianlong people.
It is indeed a little less.
Does anyone think that a house of more than 100,000 square meters is still small?
You know, the Tianlong people have ruled the world for eight hundred years.
In the previous life of Blue Star, there was no country that ruled for so long.
The last slavery country of the Dragon Kingdom reached 800 years, but it was also divided into two eras.
The second era has been controlled by Qixiong.
And the Tianlong people.
They ruled hundreds of countries, a huge planet.
They continued for eight hundred years.
Even the poorest Tianlong people.
It is also far beyond the ordinary emperor.
There are hundreds of thousands of square meters of residences and hundreds of palaces.
Thousands of slaves, plus thousands of guards and servants.
Just a poor Celestial Dragon with a life to live.
Ye Fan’s goal.
A guy named Childs Rod St. was quickly selected.
The reason is also very simple.
Although this guy already has dozens of wives.
But when he sleeps, he sleeps alone.
Because he was afraid that his wives would kill him while they were sleeping.
These wives did not marry him because of their feelings.
Basically, he snatched them, killed other people’s husbands and family members, and then plundered these women into his mansion.
Is a timid Draconian.
Never left the Holy Land of Marie Gioia.
Maybe last night, I was too tired.
Until now he is still sound asleep on the bed.
Ye Fan used Zizaimen himself.
came to his room.
Then the left eye opened the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, allowing him to continue to fall into a dream.
will this guy.
Throw it out of the door and continue to fall into a deep sleep.
Ye Fan’s appearance.
Under the effect of the ability of mindfulness, the frivolous truth plays a role.
Ye Fan’s body soon became Childs Rod St., and put on the upper glass cover of Tianlongren’s head.
Ye Fan rang the bell beside the bed, and the housekeeper and dozens of maids quickly entered the room immediately.
Help Ye Fan finish washing.
the whole processYe Fan just needs to sit by the bed.
Everything is done by maids.
The butler in a suit said in a very respectful tone, “Master Childsrod Saint, what game do you want to play today?”
Ye Fan: “I’m not going to play games today. I’m going to hide the treasure house. When I have strength in the morning, I’m going to take out more precious magic weapons today.”
When the steward heard it, he immediately said, “The villain will arrange guards now.”
As the steward of the Tianlong people, he has no right to oppose all orders of the Tianlong people.
He has only one role.
Conscientiously complete every order of the Tianlong people.
Those who serve Tianlong people are very fast.
Because as long as the Tianlong people are slightly dissatisfied, they will be greeted by death or becoming slaves.
No one dares not to concentrate.
In front of Saint Childsrod, there were several hundred more guards.
But most of them are ordinary people, and their only weapons are muskets.
Even the pirates with millions of bounties couldn’t beat them.
There are only three slaves.
Their status is very special.
A favorite slave of Childe Lord Saint.
They became the bodyguards of St. Childsrod.
He is also a devil fruit capable user, and was in the slave competition admired by Childs Lord Saint.
Winning guy.
Can defeat at least dozens of other people who have the ability of devil fruit.
The strength of these people is equivalent to the pirates who offer a reward of 10 million Baileys.
In fact, the combat power is still very weak.
But for the Tianlong people, these are enough.
No matter how weak the Tianlong people are.
In this world, few people dare to do anything to the Tianlong people.
This is eight hundred years of cruel rule.
Most regard the Draconians as gods.
Not in awe of the Tianlong people, even they can easily destroy a country.
St. Childsrod led his team, marching mightily towards the treasure house.
On several occasions, Childsrod St. even went the wrong way.
Still under the careful and secret reminder of the housekeeper.
This is the right place.
This is of course intentional.
Although Ye Fan has never been to the Holy Land of Mary, but with his ability, how could he go the wrong way.
The main Childs Rode Saint is a rare otaku among the Celestial Dragons.
He himself didn’t know the way to the Treasure Pavilion.
If there is no grace from Lord Im.
A Tianlong person like him who has no status will never have a way to enter the most important treasure house.
This treasure house is very tight.
Ten different guards, each holding a key.
Insert the keyholes in different order to open the door.
There is more than one such door.
But five in a row.
And it’s not over yet.
The last door must be opened by the Tianlong himself.
The officer who guarded and protected said: “Dear Lord Childsrod Saint, the last gate can only be opened by Tianlong people, so we will go outside and wait first.”
After finishing speaking, hundreds of guards guarding the gate.
They all left the passage.
Only Ye Fan was left on the scene, facing the last gate.
Without the help of the Liberty Alliance.
Ye Fan could only force his way at this time.
Ye Fan didn’t know how they got the last way to open the door.
Ye Fan based on the information sent by the Freedom Alliance.
Move the symbol on the last gate.
On this gate, there are paintings full of runes.
There are hundreds of movable blocks on it.
These pictures can be combined at will.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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