If you don’t know the method, it is very difficult to piece together the correct pattern in a short time.
As Ye Fan moved slowly.
Ye Fan also took a few breaks in the middle.
Although Childsroad Saint had dozens of wives, he was still very weak.
Ye Fan could only imitate his physical strength.
It took a lot of effort to open the last security door.
Chapter 176 Black History Text
Ye Fan walked into the treasure house.
He saw scenes that he could never imagine in his life.
Gold and silver treasures are piled up like mountains.
But in this huge treasure house, it can only be regarded as garbage piled up in the surrounding corners.
The middle part is a very fine work of art.
The pinnacle artworks of every country and every race are here.
Even many countries have disappeared in the long river of history.
Here is the highest achievement of all cultures and civilizations born in the world of pirates for thousands of years.
Among them, the one in the middle, which caught Ye Fan’s attention, turned out to be a black historical text.
This is the historical text that never appeared.
And the above text is not the text of the historical text left by Joy Boy.
An older, more mysterious form of cuneiform.
There are also various pictures in legends, describing the super ancient world.
However, this did not bother Ye Fan.
His universal translation machine can translate all unknown words.
I am afraid that historians such as Nicole Robin are completely unfamiliar with the text in it.
This black historical text is not square.
It is rectangular, with many patterns and characters engraved on it.
On the first pattern, is a broken planet.
The war between Apollo, the god of the sun, and Tia, the goddess of the dark moon, destroyed the prosperous planet Apocalypse.
In the second pattern, a noble woman holding a scepter stands on a huge spaceship.
The Goddess of Life drove Noah’s Ark and started the expedition with the remaining human beings and lives.
the third pattern,Full of darkness, despair, aging and various negative emotions.
Only one percent of the voyage, all people and animals must face death because there is not enough food.
There is not even enough energy for the oxygen cycle.
Master Wallfacer decided to take the initiative to end everyone’s life and establish a seed.
The fourth pattern is Noah’s Ark in the space of the Pirate Planet, and a large number of seeds are sown on the Pirate Planet.
After a full half a million years of voyage, the Archon finally completed the mission of the Wallfacer.
Came to this strange planet and sowed the seeds of all humans, animals and plants on this planet.
Looking forward to the continuation of civilization on this planet.
The fifth pattern is a gene chain.
The sleeping Archon discovered that his mission had failed.
This seemingly lifeless planet actually has this kind of single-celled organisms.
After the fusion of their genes and the genes of the seeds, completely new humans and completely new animals were produced.
Their intelligence became lower and their physical fitness became stronger.
Even those who love fighting and war have become a ferocious race.
In the sixth picture, Noah’s Ark starts to fire lasers at the ground, preparing to destroy the world.
After more than a thousand years of calculation, the Archon has finally completed the order to wipe out human beings and all species.
The first rule of a computer is not to harm a human being.
But after a long calculation, the human beings on this planet can no longer be called human beings.
The consul finally obtained the authority to destroy the world.
A horrific killing began.
The spaceship in the sky shot out a terrifying death light, erasing all life on the ground.
The seventh picture caught Ye Fan’s attention, because on the picture, there was a huge tree with a lot of devil fruits growing on it.
The consul’s energy was running out, and he immediately made a big tree with the most advanced creatures, and gathered all the horrible microorganisms on this planet on a big tree.
Ye Fan was amazed in his heart, it turned out that this is how the devil fruit came.
The advanced civilization is going to wipe out the aborigines, the aborigines who are still single-celled organisms.
It eventually turned into a devil tree, which produced a variety of devil fruits.
From the present point of view, this artificial intelligence consul still failed, and his plan did not completely kill the natives of this world.
They still exist in this world in the form of devil fruit.
Eighth picture.
Once again, the life seed warehouse has been placed, and real life has finally grown in the world of pirates.
This is the last seed warehouse. If it still fails this time, the Apocalypse civilization will disappear into history.
Noah’s Ark has no energy, and I will fall into a long deep sleep.
Ye Fan has already read the eight patterns on the front.
Coming to the eight patterns on the back, Ye Fan finally understood what this historical text was going to record.
I see.
This is the birth of Pirate World, and the origin of the Age of Gods.
However, this piece of historical text does not explain the event of the battle of Ragnarok 800 years ago.
The time when this historical text appeared should be a thousand years ago.
It was also the era when the gods ruled the pirate world.
After reading the back, Ye Fan lost interest in this historical text.
A historical text that takes place before the Battle of Ragnarok, which is useful.
Ye Fan just wanted to know, the winners of the Ragnarok battle, Im and Joyboy, what kind of means did they have.
In this treasure house, what disappointed Ye Fan was.
There is no last piece of coordinate history text that I want.
Looks like Im really doesn’t care what Joyboy means to stay.
Even if Joey Boy is really resurrected.
He can’t threaten Im, he has this self-confidence, otherwise, in eight hundred years, he would have collected all the historical texts in this world.
Looks like it was a waste of time.
Ye Fan scanned the entire treasure room.
Found an interesting devil fruit.
Holding this devil fruit and some precious treasures, he left the most important treasure room of the Tianlong people.
After returning to the house on the same road.
Ye Fan said to the butler: “I’m very tired today, I’m going to continue to sleep, and none of you can disturb my rest.”
After many servants left.
Ye Fan opened the free door and put Childs Rode Saint on the bed.
Ye Fan used the ability of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss again.
Enter the experience of entering the treasure house today into Childsroad St.’s mind.
Do it all.
Ye Fan took this special devil fruit and left the holy land of Mary Joa.
I didn’t expect that I had spent so much effort.
The whereabouts of the last piece of the historical text is still unknown.
Although I saw an older black historical text, this kind of thing was useless.
There is no description about Im’s ability, and I don’t know what Im’s hole card is.
Joey Boi, who was unable to defeat the three ancient weapons, must have more than just the special arrogance of the Tianlongren.
If this is the hole card, Ye Fan doesn’t need the three ancient weapons.
Rely on his current lifespan of 120,000 years.
Ye Fan can have a tough fight with Im.
But when he was not absolutely sure, Ye Fan would not take the initiative to attack the final victor of the Ragnarok battle eight hundred years ago.
Chapter 177: Beehive Island
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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