The devil’s triangle is still hundreds of kilometers away from the hive island.
Beehive Island is the closest island to that place.
Therefore, Rocks regards this island as his lair.
Many people who don’t know think that this place is located in a dangerous place.
Because there is a devil’s triangle around it.
On the other side there are a large number of reefs.
To attack Beehive Island, there is only one navigation route.
This makes the Hive Island naturally in a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.
And actually.
Rocks was not worried at all that someone would dare to attack his lair.
He just wanted to be closer to that mysterious weapon.
hundreds of kilometers away.
It takes at least a dozen hours to advance with sails alone.
The sail is greatly affected by the wind.
Now an hour is tens of kilometers per hour.
This speed made Ye Fan very dissatisfied.
When the ships of the Beast Pirates are not sharp enough, there are still a large number of crew members who use the rotation force of the pedal gears to advance by propellers.
But this backward old sailboat has no such ability at all.
Ye Fan had no choice but to turn his head into a dragon head.
A large amount of gusts of wind spit out from the mouth.
Accelerate the forward speed of the pirate ship.
Two hours later.
Under Ye Fan’s desperate acceleration.
They finally reached the edge of the Devil’s Triangle.
The climate here is immediatelyHuge changes.
The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a lot of rain fell from the sky.
Visibility has been very low.
Even if it is domineering and knowledgeable, it is also because of such dense rain.
The detection range is greatly reduced.
The waves here have also become rough.
Ships sail in waves tens of meters high.
This bumpy speed is even more exaggerated than riding a thrilling roller coaster.
Ships sail in such dangerous waters.
Fortunately, whether it is Renault, or Peggy Wan and Run Yanq.
They are all qualified seafarers.
The former has commanded sea battles, while the latter two have plundered countless caravans on board.
Even Guangyue Amaterasu, when she was still Momotu.
He also often drives warships out to sea to catch pirates.
It can be said that everyone is a veteran.
Don’t panic because of such abnormal weather.
Ye Fan’s pirate ship was still quickly approaching the center of the Devil’s Triangle.
But as the center of probability gets closer and closer.
The speed of the hurricane on the sea is getting faster and faster.
Extremely exaggerated wind speed.
It can blow a fat man weighing several hundred kilograms directly into the air.
However, this is not the most dangerous.
The waves are now hundreds of meters high.
Along the way just now, they sailed along the waves.
But not now.
A huge wave, not a tsunami.
It came from both sides.
Hundreds of meters of sea waves, if they hit the pirate ship.
Not to mention whether this fragile pirate ship can resist.
Even if the ship is fine.
The five devil fruit people on board.
Except that Ye Fan’s fish fruit and purple dragon form is not afraid of sea water.
The other four will lose their strength.
It was the first time Renault took the initiative to speak: “Master, if the waves hit our ship, I’m afraid the ship will be finished.”
Ye Fan didn’t care at all.
“You try to control it, and rest assured that these tsunamis will not hit the ship.”
Renault’s driving skills are also superb.
Will be a huge ship.
Like a surfboard enthusiast.
Across the waist of the huge tsunami, shuttle all the way past.
That’s not the hardest part.
Because there’s not just one tsunami.
After crossing a tsunami.
Reynolds also had to scramble to steer the ship into the waist of another tsunami.
In this way, the boat they were on would not be smashed into pieces by the huge tsunami.
It’s just such a difficult operation.
It doesn’t last long.
The pirate ship’s steering rudder broke.
This is an old pirate ship after all.
Even if it is the best maintained one on Hive Island.
Still in such bad weather, the steering rudder broke.
That means, now the pirate ship cannot turn.
Renault: “Master, I’m sorry, I used too much force just now, the steering rudder must be broken, and now I can’t control the direction.”
Ye Fan didn’t care at all.
Said: “You have done a good job, leave the rest to me.”
Watch the tsunami that has covered this sky.
Now their boat is at the bottom of the tsunami.
It will soon be covered by a huge tsunami.
Guangyue Amaterasu pulled out the sword in his hand, and prepared a sword energy to cut off the tsunami.
Don’t let the huge amount of sea water hit the pirate ship.
This is the advantage of the Great Swordsman.
You can easily use the sword energy to cut the entire sea surface.
But she hasn’t moved yet.
Ye Fan just looked up at the tsunami above his head.
In an instant, the tsunami was frozen into ice.
A brief moment of stillness on the sea.
Now Ye Fan’s right eye is also the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.
The pupil power of the right eye, the cold winter region has a shorter time to work, and there are no side effects.
In an instant, the tsunami was frozen.
Most importantly, Ye Fan doesn’t need to touch it with his fingers like Aokiji to activate the fruit ability quickly.
Ye Fan only needs to be able to see with his eyes.
The pirate ship was rapidly heading towards the center of the Devil’s Triangle amidst the frozen tsunamis.
Peggy Wan watched such a scene.
shouted excitedly.
“The son-in-law is indeed the coolest man. I have never sailed on such a violent sea. I am so excited, so excited.”
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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