There is no pirate who does not like to conquer the entire sea.
Whitebeard is known as the most powerful man in the world.
A large part of the reason.
It is because of his shaking fruit ability that he can create a tsunami.
For most people who are devil fruit.
They are all afraid of such a terrible tsunami.
As long as they are surrounded by a large amount of sea water, their fruit ability will disappear.
And the body will become extremely weak.
This kind of terrifying tsunami, so for the powerhouse of the Flying Six Cells level.
It is also a very dangerous marine environment.
Not to mention the Flying Six Cells, even the Golden Lion, the Flying Pirates were almost destroyed because of the huge tsunami.
So he wanted Nami to be his navigator.
And now Ye Fan easily let the pirate ship sail in the tsunami.
In the eyes of a pirate who often goes to sea, this is a remarkable skill.
Under Ye Fan’s control.
Although the pirate ship does not have a steering rudder.
But Ye Fan used the gust of wind from his mouth.
Different positions for blowing the sail.
Still in control of the direction of the ship.
Travel across frozen tsunamis along the way.
Move quickly towards the center point.
This sea area is very huge, and he only knows the approximate location.
I want to find the treasure of Rocks accurately.
Blackbeard Teach must also be found.
Otherwise, finding a needle in a haystack is not easy.
But even finding Blackbeard’s pirate ship is not an easy task.
Here the coverage of knowledgeable color is limited.
The naked eye sees vision, which is also limited by the heavy rain.
Fortunately, such a dangerous environment still cannot restrict Ye Fan to observe the enemy.
Chapter 181: The Blackbeard Who Changed His Mindset Continuously
Ye Fan’s left eye turned into a white eye.
Baiyan’s perspective is not affected by this terrifying storm.
Because the characteristic of white eyes is to penetrate these objects.
Even mountains can be pierced.
It is still very easy for Ye Fan to penetrate such a dense storm.
In Ye Fan’s line of sight, he saw the shadow of a ship in the distance.
Blackbeard held a perpetual pointer in his hand.
His ship was silent in this position.
In the Terrible Triangle, although there is an extremely chaotic and violent climate around.
But the central point, on the contrary, is like a windless belt, very calm.
Don’t talk about the wind and waves.
The sea is very calm, without the slightest wind.
Just like the windless belt.
Blackbeard Tiki’s pirate ship just stayed there quietly, as if waiting for something.
Ye Fan manipulated the pirate ship to approach.
They were more than ten kilometers away, finally able to hear their conversation through the rainstorm one kilometer thick, using the ability of the heart network.
A pirate old enough to need a wheelchair.
He said to Blackbeard Titch: “Young master, according to the time, the maelstrom will start soon, you can get that thing and become the master of the world, but when all your fruit abilities are not fully awakened , or don’t worry about making enemies with the Tianlong people.”
Blackbeard Titch: “I can endure for decades in order to obtain the dark fruit. What am I worried about now?”
The aging pirate said: “Lord Lockes was the same back then, but when he found out that he was already the most powerful pirate, his mentality would expand sharply. I’m afraid you are like Lockes, because you are too powerful now. And act faster.”
The aging pirate continued to persuade. What he was most worried about was that before Blackbeard could truly be invincible in the sea, he would crazily expand his power just like Lockes.
Blackbeard Titch: “The sea now is different from decades ago. It is far less chaotic than it was back then. As long as I am powerful enough to conquer the Big Mom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates again, I will be able to dominate the sea. Of course , before that, I will kill the red-haired Shanks, so that he will not be like Roger back then, and the United Navy will come to defeat me.”
The aging pirate was very relieved when he heard that.
Said: “Sure enough, I didn’t misunderstand you. You are a stronger person than Lockes. In the future, you will become the master of this world. I don’t know how many old guys we have, who can see the scene of you dominating the world.”
Blackbeard Tiki laughed wildly.
Said: “As long as you can persist in living for ten years, I believe you old bastards can see that day.”
Listen to these conversations.
Ye Fan already understood where Lockes’ treasure was.
The upcoming deep-sea vortex should be deep in the bottom of the sea.
know the exact location.
Ye Fan didn’t care about them anymore.
Because of his dragon form, he can ignore the water in the deep sea.
Even the ocean is its own home.
Ye Fan can find the treasure in the deep sea without going through the maelstrom.
According to the legend, it is a weapon that can deal with the Celestial Dragons.
In this case.
Then it’s useless to still have a black beard.
People like Blackbeard cannot be completely conquered.
Even the members of the Whitebeard Pirates have treated him like a brother for decades.
The family atmosphere is only weaker than the Big Mom Pirates who are connected by blood.
Still unable to influence Blackbeard.
At critical moments, he will still betray the water.
Such a person will never become Ye Fan’s subordinate.
Then, kill him now.
Before he fully awakened the various fruit abilities, he grew into the strongest state.
Ye Fan has already decided to attack Blackbeard.
So control the pirate ship and rush out of the innermost circle of storms and tsunamis.
Directly reached the windless belt at the center point.
Soon, Blackbeard also noticed their movement.
Watching the pirate ship getting closer and closer.
Blackbeard also recognized Ye Fan on the deck of the ship.
His face was a little frightened.
He still hasn’t forgotten the scene when he saw Ye Fan for the first time and was easily crushed by Ye Fan.
Because of this, Ye Fan brought him into the promotion city.
Help Ye Fan extract the Momo fruit.
But on second thought.
I am different now, I have obtained so many powerful devil fruits.
Especially these devil fruits can also perfectly cooperate.
Blackbeard began to be full of confidence again.
Suddenly, Blackbeard thought of something.
When Ye Fan met him for the first time, he had at least two devil fruit abilities.
A purple dragon-shaped fruit of phantom beasts, and a devil fruit that can freely travel through space.
And with his own help, he obtained the ability of Momo fruit.
The guy in front of him has obtained at least three Devil Fruits.
And according to the latest intelligence, Ye Fan and the navy had a big battle.
He also has the power of lightning, the power of freezing, and the power to manipulate others, etc.
Doesn’t it mean that this Ye Fan now controls at least six devil fruits at the same time.
One Piece World is such an advantage.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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