Soon, Ye Fan found that hiding his appearance was somewhat redundant.

Because this country is the kingdom of giants.

It is simply difficult for outsiders to survive in this country.

Their seats are six or seven meters high.

Higher than the average person's house.

Except for a few wealthy people, most people's roofs are only three meters high.

Ye Fan was in such a giant country.

His current height of two meters and five meters still looks very small.

Even many children's height is higher than Ye Fan.

Ye Fan appeared on the streets of this town.

It immediately attracted the attention of other giants.

There were a few giants who wanted to get close to Ye Fan and ask.

Ye Fan didn't want to waste time here with these ordinary giants.

The power of the thunder fruit randomly found a location in the forest.

Directly using the power of teleportation, he left the town directly.

Want to get the last piece of red history body message.

Ye Fan felt that it was better to find the king of the Giant Kingdom.

The island of Albav is huge.

Ye Fan's first appearance was just a corner of Elbaf Island.

This island is much larger than the country of Wa.

As the most remote and massive island in the world of Pirates.

At the same time, it is also the most combat-ready island.

For thousands of years, the island has never been ruled by a foreign race.

It can be said that the strongest island is no problem.

Ye Fan can only cover a radius of tens of kilometers, which is far from covering the entire island.

Ye Fan gently kicked his feet.

Immediately rise from the ground.

Beyond the trees hundreds of meters high, we came to the sky above the forest.

Trees hundreds of meters tall, in other places, can be said to be towering trees.

But here, it can only be said that it is an ordinary tree.

The giants have a very long lifespan, and can live to be more than three hundred years old.

This is also one of the reasons why the giant race is strong.

Even if it is a giant who is no longer good at fighting and has no talent.

With their huge size, they have a long life.

In your lifetime, there is no problem in mastering at least good color domineering and armed color domineering.

Other words.

The Giants can at least make up dozens of lieutenant generals fighting power.

Such strength.

Any country placed on the sea is crushed.

Even if it is the country of Wano.

It is also impossible to have such terrifying combat power.

Maybe people who read comics.

I don't think such combat effectiveness is of any use.

Because in the manga, Luffy has just been out to sea for a month and begins to fight with Nanabukai.

But in reality.

A country, if it can appear combat effectiveness at the level of lieutenant general.

It is enough to shelter a small country.

Seven Wuhai strength, such as Haixia Jinping can shelter Fishman Island.

The female emperor Boyahan Cook can shelter the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

A country can have the combat effectiveness of more than fifty vice admirals.

This is an incomparably terrifying combat power.

It is enough to crush dozens of countries around.

You know, suppressing the entrance of the East China Sea into the Great Sea, Smog in Rogue Town was only the strength of the colonel at the beginning.

Later, after entering the new world and becoming a brigadier general, he was easily suppressed by the lieutenant general.

In this world, those who can cultivate the armed color domineering and the seeing color domineering to a certain extent, but they are all strong people on the sea.


On the island of Elbav, the trees here also have a long life.

Hundreds of meters tall, large trees that have grown for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years can be seen everywhere.

And really huge giant trees.

There is a resounding name.

Treasure Tree Adam.

This giant tree, which has lived for tens of thousands of years, stands in the center of the island of Elbaf.

It is a sacred tree worshipped by the giants.

The height reaches 5,000 meters, like a huge hill.

Ye Fan could see the treasure tree Adam hundreds of kilometers away.

Many sea fans of Blue Star in the past life had a misunderstanding.

They feel that all pirate groups, their pirate ships are pirate ships made of Adam Shenmu.

This is actually a serious mistake.

There are few pirate groups that can use the treasure tree Adam as a material to create pirate ships.

Even the Straw Hat Pirates are because they obtained a lot of gold on the empty island.

After selling tens of millions of Baileys, he barely built a small boat, the Miles of Sunshine.

If you want to build a pirate ship as large as the navy and has a variety of heavy guns.

All made of Treasure Tree Adam as a material.

Such a pirate ship costs at least several hundred million Baileys.

Even if it is the Four Emperors.

It is also just its own flagship, which can partially use Treasure Tree Adam.

For example, the keel of a ship.

A new warship made of high-strength alloys for the Navy.

In naval battles, it was the pirates who were crushed in an all-round way.

There is no participation of the competent and the strong.

It's just that ordinary people attack with artillery.

A naval warship can chase at least a dozen pirate ships to shell.

Ordinary pirates, their boats, are equivalent to tens of thousands to tens of millions of fishing boats.

And the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Golden Melly, equivalent to tens of millions of luxury cruise ships.

Miles of sunshine is equivalent to an ultra-luxury cruise ship costing tens of billions of dollars.

The Miles of Sunshine was not only made by Adam Shenmu.

And Frankie, the world's strongest shipbuilder, based on many of the things in the Hades design drawings.

Added a lot of super high technology that only Hades has.

For example, with special cola, you can fly and so on.

These technologies.

Not to mention other pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions of Baileys, their pirate ships cannot be owned.

Even if it is the pirate group of the four emperors, the main battleship does not have the performance of the Wanli Sunshine.

Many sea fans believe that all pirate ships are close to the level of the Wanli Sunshine.

In fact, this gap is between heaven and earth.

Ordinary pirates are like Blue Star's poor people who live on fishing boats.

And the Straw Hat Pirates, they are the richest second generation of pirate worlds, sightseeing luxury cruise ships.

Ordinary pirates choose wood as pirate ships because wood is available on most islands, is cheap to build, and is easy to repair ships.

As many sea fans fantasize, it is because the tree Adam is harder than steel, that does not exist.

can be so extravagant, a few people are still pirates.

It's like Blue Star people, driving hundreds of millions of luxury cruise ships, I just want to catch hundreds of pounds of fish and shrimp every day to get by.

Ye Fan looked at the treasure tree Adam in the distance.

It's a valuable asset.

How many powerful pirate ships can be built with this tree?


Adam the Treasure Tree is the divine tree of the Giants.

In the country of giants, it is forbidden to cut down the treasure tree Adam.

Anyone who dares to do this is tantamount to being an enemy of all giants.

On the sea, the source of those treasure trees Adam.

In fact, this tree that has lived for tens of thousands of years, some of the branches of the tree are old and naturally fall off.

After falling on the ground.

The people of the giant race were sold to the merchants of this island at a high price.

The production is very scarce, which is why wood like Treasure Tree Adam is so expensive.

The keel of the Wanli Sunshine is only about fifty meters, and the cost is as high as tens of millions of Baileys.

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