The giant race is undoubtedly a powerful force on this sea.

It has a lot of masters in itself, and strategic resources such as Baoshu Adam.

No wonder Charlotte Lingling took decades.

All want to get the power of the Giant Kingdom.

Ye Fan quickly flew towards the treasure tree Adam.

Because Ye Fan had already seen it in the air.

The most prosperous area on the island of Elbav.

It is the town built around this incomparably huge treasure tree, Adam.

It should be the capital of the Kingdom of Giants.


Many years ago, there were several powerful races.

There was a very long war around the ownership of Adam the Treasure Tree.

In the end, the Giants triumphed.

From then on, the giants became the rulers of the island of Elbaf.

But this matter was more than a thousand years ago.

It is even longer than the eight hundred years that the Draco ruled the world, plus the hundred years of disappearing.

Whether this rumor is true or false.

Who those races that were defeated by the giants are, there is no place to verify.

After Ye Fan saw the location of the capital of the giant race.

Ye Fan fell from the air to the ground again.

Open a door to your own comfort.

He prepares to go directly to the capital of the Giants.

There is an old saying in ancient times.

Watch the mountains run dead horses.

Meaning, see the mountains in the distance.

But if you want to really run to the bottom of the mountain, the horse may not have run to death if it is tired.

Although he saw the treasure tree Adam.

But it's terrifyingly high, higher than many mountains.

Ye Fan was still hundreds of kilometers away from the capital of the Giant Kingdom.

At such a distance, even if Ye Fan flew with all his strength, it would take a long time.

Far from being convenient with the ability to be at the door.

Ye Fan had already seen the capital of the Kingdom of Giants.

He can then use the ability to reach the door freely.

And where it was just now.

It should be the place where Aunt lived when she was a child.

Because of the island of Elbafu, Ye Fan's impression is only a little fragment.

As for this sprawling island, what is the situation in other locations.

Ye Fan didn't know at all.

The only impression that Elbaf Island gave to Ye Fan now was big.

Everything on this island is very big.

The island of Elbaf is very large, even bigger than the great powers of the country of peace and the kingdom of Alabastan.

The giants living on the island are huge.

The trees, stones, etc. on the island are very huge.

Even the animals on the island are huge.

For example, Ye Fan, this forest.

There is a wolf pack with a body length of five meters, chasing several rabbits that are one meter long.

Open the door of freedom.

Ye Fan appeared in the room of a giant nobleman.

Jump directly to the top beam of the house.

People from the Kingdom of Giants, because they are too tall.

The easiest house for them to make is all kinds of wood.

Because their size is too big, whether it is stone, or brick, etc.

It is very difficult to build a house tens of meters high.

And wood is much simpler.

On the island, there are hundreds of meters of wood everywhere.

It is easy to make pillars and roof beams for large houses.

So the house of the kingdom of giants.

Most are made of wood.

Ye Fan's sight was domineering, and he wanted to prevent others from discovering himself, but it was a very easy thing.

After a while, Ye Fan came to a relatively remote room.

In this room, there are no giants.

There was only one woman in a mask, and it was Guangyue Tianzhao who had been here for more than a week.

Guangyue Tianzhao: "Master, in the past few days, I have not found any news of the main body of history.

"Now in the Kingdom of Giants, the most important thing is that the old king Luo Puru is about to die, and the two most powerful princes, one is Loki and the other is Rocky, they are going to compete for the place of the next king of the Kingdom of Giants."

"Prince Rocky is the most vocal, but Loki's power is the strongest, there are many giants who go to sea to become pirates, all on Loki's side, and the giants who remain on Elbaf Island are on Loki's side."

Just a few short words.

Ye Fan understood the situation on Elbaf Island.

Draco sent nuns to the island of Elbaf decades ago.

Nun this demon disguised as an angelic woman.

Just introduced many giants to the Navy.

Even, there were quite a few giants who became vice admirals of the navy headquarters.

There are also some giants who have become pirates.

For example, the giant soldier pirate group.

And in the future, the new giant pirate group loyal to Straw Hat Luffy is also a pirate group composed entirely of giants.

Lodge has the support of conservatives.

Loki gained support from those who wanted to go to sea.

Mitsuki Amaterasu continued: "Master, we can choose to support one of them, just like Kaido controls the Black Carbon Great Serpent, controlling the Giant Kingdom, so that we can use the power of the entire Giant Kingdom to find the last piece of history. Before

this, Ye Fan only knew the name of a prince.

That's Loki.

Originally wanted to marry the daughter of Aunt Charlotte Lingling.

I didn't expect that Aunt's daughter eloped for freedom.

This also caused the relationship between the Aunt Pirates and the Giant Kingdom to deteriorate to freezing again.


It wasn't that Prince Loki fell in love with Aunt's daughter at a glance.

Rather, both sides are for profit.

Aunt Charlotte Lingling wants to control such a powerful combat power as the giant race.

Loki also hopes to successfully become the new king of the giant race with the strength of the Aunt Pirates.

This is a smart giant, and he is not as innocent as other giants.

Know how to use other forces to help you gain power.

You can even sacrifice your own marriage.

What an ambitious guy.

Ye Fan hesitated for a moment and said, "Then contact that guy named Loki first." "

For Ye Fan, it doesn't matter who he chooses to be the king of the giant race.

As long as they can give the last piece of red history text.

It's enough to get yourself to the final island early.

Now as long as it is the power that can deal with the Draco.

The more Ye Fan, the better.

As long as he defeats Draco, he will be the new king of the world.

The interests of one or two island countries were not taken into account by Ye Fan at all.

"Loki's room is in that huge castle, and he just happens to be at home right now without going out." "

Loki is different from the other giants.

His house is also made of wood, though.

However, because of the influence of the outside world, it is not a comfortable bungalow.

Rather, it is a castle that is very suitable for combat defense.

This is also a completely different architectural style from the Kingdom of Giants after he likes to go to sea.

Build like this.

Except that Loki himself likes it.

He also hopes to bring more things from the outside world and attract more giants to join him.

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