A few days later.

The official initiation of the royal ceremony by Prince Loki to Prince Rocky began to spread among the giants.

A large number of warriors of the Giant Country began to move in the direction of the capital.

They all wanted to witness the birth of a new king of the Kingdom of Giants.

The ceremony of the king, located on the treasure tree Adam.

On the two huge branches closest to the ground, a jousting platform was set up with Adam's wooden planks.

It is more than a hundred meters high from the ground.

Although under the ring, thick straw has been laid.

But ordinary giants, if they are shot off the ring, will also be injured.

Even relatively fragile giants, falling from such heights, will be thrown to death.

Climbing up to a high platform to fight is the beginning of a test of courage.

The Ceremony of the King.

It's not just the duel between the two princes, Loki and Rocky.

The first to start were their giants.

On Loki's side, there are 19 of his powerful men.

And the men loyal to Rocky are 32.

Loki's men are in an absolute vulnerability.

If Rocky proposes the King's Challenge first, Loki can choose the time of the duel.

As long as there is enough time, Loki can summon all the pirates who are wandering outside.

Maybe even giants in the navy will be on Loki's side.

In this way, the elite combat power under Loki will surpass Rocky.

Because those giants who go to sea, whether they choose to become navy or pirates.

They all hope that more giants will appear on the sea to strengthen their own power.

Loki, who advocated opening the sea and allowing more giants to go out, was obviously more popular with the strong who left the island of Elbav.

But now it's different.

Loki took the initiative to unleash the King's Ritual on him, Rocky.

That is, Rocky can choose when to turn it on.

And all of Loki's actions are under Rocky's control.

He was sure that Loki hadn't secretly summoned back the giants who had become sea pirates and navies.

Other words.

Now his own strength is completely crushing Loki.

Rocky didn't hesitate in the slightest.

When Loki gave the challenge of the king's ceremony.

Rocky directly set the time for three days later.

In the shortest possible time of the ceremony, it will begin.

The shorter the time.

The more unlikely it is for Loki to summon back the many giants outside.

Looking at the elite under him, there are more than a dozen people than Loki.

Rocky smiled happily.

He didn't know why Loki was so stupid.

The strength of their subordinates on both sides is actually five or five.

There are strong and weak, but it is rare to do one person to fight two.

32 against 19, there are 13 more people on his side, and there is no possibility of losing.

The ceremony of kings is very great to say.

But it's actually a very simple ritual.

The giant race with a huge size and fierce combat effectiveness does not have the cumbersome rules of nobles in many ordinary human races.

The ceremony is simple.

Loyal to the two princes' men, they collectively went to the tournament platform on the treasure tree Adam.

Then the scuffle begins.

All the elite generals of both sides began to fight together.

Until all the people on one side were knocked off the high platform.

This is the first part of the King's Ceremony.

The second part is the battle between the two princes.

The difference is.

The remaining subordinates from the first round can fight with their allegiance to the prince.

The strength of Loki and Rocky, the two sides are twins, and they have been five or five since childhood.

Other words.

Who can ascend to the throne depends entirely on the number of elite generals under him.

Seeing his own people, 13 more people than Loki, Rocky is very happy.

From today onwards, I will be the new King of the Giants.

The old king Luo Puru stood on the highest position.

Began to deliver his final speech as king.

"Today is my last speech as king, because my two sons, Loki and Rocky, will perform the sacred royal ceremony today, in the presence of Adam the Treasure Tree."

"The winner among them today will inherit my throne as the new king."

"Now I announce that the most sacred king ceremony of the giant race begins now."

As Luo Purr's voice fell.

On the square below, tens of thousands of giants let out excited shouts together.

Giants have a very long lifespan, three times that of ordinary humans.

At least two hundred years can live, and the giant who has lived for a relatively long time really has a lifespan of about three hundred and fifty years.

The ceremony of the king, at least once in more than a hundred years, can only be seen.

For every giant, it is an extremely important ceremony.

Although the course of this ritual.

Compared with ordinary human islands, those complicated rituals seem so simple.

But in the heart of the giants.

The ritual of kings is sacred.

This is a battle between the highest combat power of the giants.

Only the most powerful giants are qualified to rule the entire race of giants.

In the cries of the crowd.

Dozens of Loki and Rocky's men.

They have already jumped into the ring more than a hundred meters high.

A jousting platform set up on the branches of two treasure trees, Adam.

The footprint is very large.

After all, it is the battle place of giants.

Light is a platform made by Adam's tree planks.

The length reached a kilometer, and the width reached five hundred meters.

These Adam planks alone, if transported to the capital of seven waters, will sell for hundreds of millions of Baileys.

Watch as the battle is about to begin.

The audience of the giant race below seemed more and more excited.

They all have princes who support themselves.

They all started cheering loudly.

Many of the people of the giant race still had several huge wine jugs hanging from their waist.

Inside is the rice wine that the giants love to drink.

Because of the abundant food, they prefer this few tons of grain to make a ton of rice wine.

The taste of rice wine is very strong, and the alcohol content is not high.

Many people of the giant race, even since childhood, have not drunk water, and drink rice wine as water.

In addition to being warlike, wine is also a necessary living commodity for the giants.

So you can see the picture of them shouting and cheering and drinking wine.

And in a room on the periphery in the distance.

Two men dressed in white and wearing masks are holding binoculars in front of their hands to observe the situation.

One tall and one short.

Shorty: "Looking at the strength of both sides, Loki is almost impossible to win." Tall

: "There is no way, the time is too short, even if you let those giants in the navy come back, three days is not enough." Shorty

: "If Rocky wins, I'm afraid there won't be a giant at sea for a long time." Tall

: "Now the giants are no longer important, even without their strength, we will have enough strength to deal with those pirates immediately." Shorty

: "In this way, it is more in our interest for Rocky to become the new king." Tall

: "It doesn't really matter which of them is the king, our goal is to plunge the kingdom of giants into chaos." "

These two people are CP0's spy organization.

Almost on any inhabited island, they have their own intelligence network.

Help Draco monitor the whole world.

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