Two CP0s who are talking.

Without seeing behind them, there was already an additional woman with a mask.

This person is Guangyue Tianzhao.

Before becoming a substitute admiral in the headquarters of the Navy.

What she is best at is using her beauty to break into the inside of the pirates.

Then choose the right timing.

Arrest the entire pirate group.

Subordinate to the intelligence services of the Navy.

Although Ye Fan washed away the memory of the past in the navy.

But her instinct as a spy remained.

Found it quickly.

These two CP0s are hiding in the corner.

CP0 has a very powerful thing that can isolate the domineering probe.

It's like in the Battle of Oni Island.

The five emperors Luffy and Aunt Kaido duel, so many strong people, there is no way, through seeing and hearing the detection of CP0.

And these, but it is difficult to fall into the light moon and the sky.

According to the instinct of their own spy background.

She was quick to adapt to the situation around her.

Found this best location for observation.

Here is on the periphery of the capital of the Kingdom of Giants, on top of a very tall building.

Everything can be seen throughout the site.

It is a favorite location for intelligence officers.

According to Ye Fan's order, call Guangyue Tianzhao to clean up the CP0 queen in the Giant Kingdom.

Mitsuki Amaterasu had already begun to look for them.

The whereabouts of the spies are very hidden.

But in the eyes of Mitsuki Tianzhao, who is also good at espionage.

They are easier to find than the average person.

The ceremony of the king has just begun.

Their location has been locked by the light moon and the sky.

Hands up and down.

Amaterasu Mitsuki directly kills the two CP0s.

Then quickly returned to Ye Fan's side and reported to him that the mission had been completed.

In the ring.

19 to 32.

Apparently Loki's men were in a weak position.

But it's not much weaker.

Loki's nineteen subordinates were obviously much stronger than when they met Ye Fan.

It allows them to become powerful quickly in a matter of days.

This is all because they were injected with the perfect T virus.

Let Loki's giants have more power.

This is why, obviously there are few Loki people, they dare to take the initiative to open the ceremony of kings.

The people of the Giants, apparently very suitable for the Perfect T virus.

After being injected, their ascension is greater than that of ordinary pirates.

Although it is not as good as the improvement of the ability of animal fruits.

That is the evolution of fruit capabilities.

But the effect of simple physical evolution far exceeds that of ordinary people.

After some scuffle.

More than forty giants were shot to the ground from the ring high in the air.

There are still 8 giants left standing on the high platform.

Five of them are Loki's men, and three are Rocky's men.

The first round of fighting is over.

It turned out that Loki's men had the upper hand.

Loki, who was standing under the ring, smiled at Rocky and said, "It seems that your subordinates can't do it, it's useless to have a large number of people." "

Now Loki worships Ye Fan even more.

Lord Ye Fan is really powerful.

It turned out to be so easy, and he let himself have the strength to defeat Rocky.

It shouldn't be crushing Rocky.

From today onwards, I will be the king of the Giants.

I must lead the people of the giant race and do my best to help Lord Ye Fan and become the master of this world.

Rocky's expression did not panic in the slightest.

Although he was in the ring, there were only three people left.

Rocky said, "You're happy too early, Loki.

Then he shouted into the ring: "Audre, don't play and solve them." "

At this time, a giant standing in the ring.

His physical shape began to change.

The giant, which had reached a height of twenty meters, swelled again.

It turned out to be a Devil Fruit Ability.

The people of the Giant Kingdom rarely take Devil Fruit.

First, they are very powerful in their own right.

Even many Devil Fruit Abilities are not their giants' opponents.

The second is that their giant kingdom is remote, most of the giants have never left Elbaf Island, and there are not many devil fruits on this island.

Not to mention the Devil Fruit that can enhance the combat effectiveness of giants.

Pirate World, it seems that most powerful pirates, have the ability of Devil Fruit.

But in fact, the Devil Fruit is still extremely precious and rare.

Except for Draco, on average, a country can rarely exceed thirty Devil Fruit powers.

And this giant of Audrey is himself a strong man under Rocky.

Recently, he was lucky enough to obtain an animal, canine fruit, and hyena form.

When he completes the transformation of the human-dog form.

The body size has grown to about thirty meters, half the height of other giants.

The whole body is full of terrifying muscles.

Now although it is three to five, with the ability of fruit.

Audrey ended up being the final winner in the ring.

Rocky laughed happily.

"Loki, I didn't think of it, I still have hole cards, you better admit defeat now, otherwise when you get into the ring, Audrey and I will join forces to make you cry."

Crying is a serious insult.

Beaten into a disability, or even losing his life, the fierce giant will not choose to cry.

Loki was an accident, he didn't have the same fierce character as the giant.

On the contrary, he is more like a pirate, more cunning and insidious, but at the same time, his personality is weaker than that of ordinary giants.

Rocky is clearly in control now.

Audre's strength can basically be separated from him and Loki.

Two fight one, and Rocky has no chance of failure.

Therefore, when he said that he wanted to cry Loki, he was mocking the weakness of Loki's character.

After Loki heard this.

Naturally, he was very angry.

Jumped directly into the ring and yelled at Rocky: "Don't be like a and just say hi, come to the ring and see how I can easily defeat you." "

Loki dared to go straight to the ring.

This made Rocky a little strange, when did this brother of his have such guts.

But now there is his own subordinate Audree who is still in the ring.

Loki was left alone on the other side.

Rocky felt he had no chance of failing.

So he jumped into the ring as well.

However, after the start of the battle.

Rocky discovers in horror.

Loki is now much stronger than before, both in terms of strength, speed, agility and attack.

Even if it is two to one, the two of them are the party that is comprehensively suppressed.

Audre, who was still very powerful just now, was bombarded under the ring by Loki's punch after just a few moves.

Rocky: "How is this possible, we have been fighting for hundreds of years, how can your strength become so strong."

Loki: "Do you think you're the only one hiding your strength?" You are so naïve Rocky, the reason why I want to open the royal ceremony with you is because I am confident that I can defeat you and all your men.

"I, Loki, am the king of giants."

After speaking, Loki clenched his huge fists and knocked Rocky off the ring with one punch.

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