Face enemies of the strength of four admirals.

Ye Fan did not use the human-dragon form that he was best at.

Instead, he used his own Devil Fruit ability.

His physical body is already very strong.

These admirals can be used to hone their Devil Fruit abilities.

Ye Fan's fruit ability was launched with all his might.

The whole island, whether it is flowers and trees, or floors and dirt.

In an instant, it all turned into gold.

From Ye Fan after he began to awaken the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

He learns the secret of the Fruit of Awakening.

It is to constantly improve the quality of the fruit's ability, when the quality is improved to a certain extent.

The power of the devil fruit can be assimilated after the surrounding matter.

Ye Fan's awakening of the Devil Fruit ability was already very proficient.

Therefore, during this time, several of his demon fruits had awakened.

Turning this island into gold is the ability of gold and gold fruits.


Ye Fan turned these golds into metallic gold covered with magnetic force by using the magnetic fruit ability.

Subsequently, the power of the thunder fruit covered them with a large amount of electricity.

The entire island where Vegapunk is imprisoned, the surface is changing rapidly.

More than a dozen golden giants made up of gold and full of terrifying electricity.

Appear on this island.

Their appearance was made by Ye Fan based on the cartoons he saw in his previous life.

Such as Optimus Prime Hornet and so on.

The difference is that Optimus Prime is as huge as Bumblebee.

Instead of in the cartoon, Optimus Prime is several times the height of Bumblebee.

They just showed up.

Immediately raise the Gatling gun on the arm.

Although the appearance is the six-tube Gatling of Blue Star, the role is completely different.

Bluestar's six-barreled Gatling is an attack fueled by burning gunpowder and rapidly expanding air.

And here Gatling, however, is in the way of electromagnetic ejection.

The most important thing is that Kidd, the original owner of the magnetic fruit, will also use a similar trick against Aunt Charlotte Lingling after the fruit awakens.

The essential difference between the two people is electromagnetism.

The bullet shot by Kidd is covered with a large number of fruit abilities, using positive and reverse magnetism, instantly generating a super magnetic field, and shooting the bullet.

And these gold mecha built by Ye Fan, the weapons on them, used the speed of the Blue Star electromagnetic railgun.

Continuous acceleration through the electromagnetic coil inside the barrel, resulting in an attack force.

At first, I saw this gun-like weapon.

Four naval supremes, they don't care yet.

Because even if it is a special gun, even if it is a warhead made of sea lou stone, there is no way to cause them any damage.

But when a dozen golden mechs, tilting bullets.

Their sight and domineering look immediately conveyed a sense of danger.

Say a six-barreled Gatling, in fact, a six-barreled electromagnetic railgun.

The initial velocity of each bullet can reach a terrifying Mach 150.

These bullets can directly fly to outer space more than a hundred kilometers away by their own acceleration.

Yellow apes react the fastest.

He turned into a photon and dodged all attacks.

And others don't have such good luck.

Especially Fujitora smiled.

His domineering color is the most powerful, the first time.

Even a wide range of gravity was used, and the bullet fired by the six-barreled electromagnetic railgun was directly shot down by the terrifying gravity.

But when the Mach 150 speed bullet was fired.

Fujitora smiled and knew he was wrong.

There was simply no way for him to take care of other people.

It would be nice to be able to save your own life.

With his terrifying sights and hearsay, domineering.

Fuji Tiger smiled and instantly locked, all the bullets that could hit him.

Then in an instant, the fruit's ability is raised to the limit, covering these bullets with a hundred times more gravity.

It's just that Mach 150 is too fast.

This is unimaginable speed.

From the time the muzzle was fired to the time the bullet hit them, it took less than 0.001 seconds.

Fujitora smiled, although he used strong gravity to make a large number of bullets deviate from him.

But in front of him, there were still hundreds of bullets, smiling at Fuji Tiger.

The rate of fire of each six-barreled electromagnetic railgun is twenty rounds per second.

Four six-barreled electromagnetic railguns on a golden mech.

In a second, there were hundreds of bullets, and the attack smiled at Fuji Tiger.

He drew his knife and slashed in succession and speed.

By the way, a rapid retreat to the rear.

Because of his body, he has already been hit by more than a dozen bullets.

Bullets that attack speed so fast.

Even if Fuji Tiger smiled and saw the domineering color, he could see it.

But the sword in his hand did not have such a fast slashing speed.


Fuji Tiger's armed color domineering is also not weak.

The bullet of the electromagnetic railgun, although breaking his defenses, broke his skin.

But Fujitora's muscles smiling jammed these bullets.

The bullet did not penetrate deep into his body.

As Fuji Tiger smiled, he kept backing away.

He can use gravity after the space is stretched.

More and more bullets, it will not be able to hit the general Fuji Tiger smile.

But in one round, you can go to the admiral and be slightly injured.

For the combat effectiveness of these golden mechs, it is also very powerful.

You know, even if it is a strong person at the level of a substitute general.

A strong man at the level of the emperor and vice.

It is also very difficult to get the admiral injured in a short period of time.

And the golden mecha made by Ye Fan can make people at the general level injured, and it is already a very terrifying combat power.

In the hands of the black horse Tiancheng, a huge pitch-black light shield appeared.

A large number of bullets poured in front of him, blocked by this pitch-black light shield.

It's just that his light shield is not a barrier fruit and can ignore any physical attack.

The light shield of the dark horse Tiancheng comes from his fruit ability.

Animal lineage, phantom beast species, human fruit, dark angel form.

This move is the special talent skill of the Dark Angel, the Dark Energy Shield.

The dark horse Tiancheng's face is not good-looking.

Of all the people here, his strength is the worst.

Although relying on the powerful fruit ability, he barely reached the level of a general.

In fact, it is similar to Magellan in Advance City, and it is still a line away from the real general, the degree of development of that terrifying fruit.

On the pitch-black light shield, small pits more than ten centimeters deep were punched by ultra-high-speed bullets.

Fortunately, his fruit ability has been developed well.

The pitch-black light shield was not pierced.

Dark horse Tiancheng is also retreating rapidly.

If you withstand the saturation attack of the golden mech for a long time.

This pitch-black light shield of his could shatter at any time.

Dark horse Tiancheng looked bitter.

The potential of Dragon God Ye Fan was really terrifying.

In just a few months, his combat effectiveness became more terrifying.

The means of attack now are completely different from before.

It is obviously a move that has been studied in recent days.

Sure enough, it is the biggest enemy of the navy, a monster that is even more dangerous than the four emperors.

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