Admiral White Deer.

His body began to enter the human-deer form.

But the appearance has little to do with the deer.

The scales covered all over the body resemble dragon scales.

This is his fruit ability.

Fauna, phantom beast species, deer fruit, ice unicorn form.

Although his name is White Deer, he is actually an ice unicorn.

With hard skin, plus a large amount of ice covered on the body surface.

Hold up the dense attack of the golden mech.

All the way.

General White Deer quickly approached a golden mech.

"A pile of broken copper and iron, also dare to do it in front of me."

After speaking, the general Bailu bombarded out with a punch.

Want to cover your armed domineering fist with yourself and destroy a golden mech with one punch.

But when he swung it out with a punch.

Hit directly on the air.

The characteristic of gold is that it is very soft.

Apart from mercury, there is hardly any metal softer than gold.

The golden mech was attacked in the chest by the general White Deer.

A hole appeared.

Just dodged the fist of the general Bai Lu.

At the same time, a large amount of electricity filled the hole in the entire chest.

The powerful current also caused the general Bai Lu to suffer a lot of damage.

The scales on his arm, several of which were powered by powerful electricity, were somewhat blackened.

"How is it possible, you can actually control these golden pimples and dodge my attacks."

"I don't believe that your domineering and fruitful ability can be so powerful."


General Bai Lu quickly swung his fists.

In an instant, dozens of punches were thrown.

But without a single punch, it can hit the mecha in front of you.

All of them were gold armor, removing the gold from his attack, and could only open the void full of electricity.

And those who dodged the attack of the general White Deer.

It was not Ye Fan's domineering.

For example, the cookie warriors of the three generals, their reaction speed is very slow.

Even Luffy can easily dodge the Cookie Warrior's attacks.

You can also use your flexible position to attack the Cookie Warrior.

The reason is that the manipulator is domineering, and after sensing the opponent's attack, he also needs to transmit his perception and command back.

And that's what happened.

Delay in time.

For a strong person like them, even if it's just a millisecond delay.

It's all too slow.

Unless Ye Fan's domineering appearance and reaction speed were more than ten times that of Bai Lu.

to do what you just did.

But how is this possible.

Great General Bai Lu is the highest combat power, surpassing his domineering and reflexes ten times.

Even Roger, the One Piece King, has seen and heard the domineering awakening, and listening to the voice of all things cannot be done.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, even if you can predict the future, you can't avoid my attack."

General Bai Lu felt humiliated.

If it is to attack Ye Fan.

Being teased by him using fruit abilities like this, that is still said in the past.

After all, his sight and smell are domineering, and he has only reached the level of meeting the future.

It is still far from listening to the voice of all things.

But what he was attacking now was just a metal soldier that Ye Fan had created by using the fruit ability.

How could his gap be so huge.

Because he doesn't know.

These golden mechs were actually not controlled by Ye Fan.

This time.

Ye Fan gained three more plot points.

Change the plot of the Giant Kingdom, obtain the Great Secret Treasure Heavenly King, and let Princess Neptune White Star awaken in advance.

This ability is one of the plot points, which is obtained by the lottery.

This time, not the skill.

It's Jarvis in the world of Iron Man.

Advanced artificial intelligence.

If not get Jarvis.

Ye Fan would not have made these dozen golden mechs.

The reason is simple.

These things, in the three generals Star Emperor deputy level of the battle.

Maybe there is some effect.

After all, not everyone can awaken to see and smell domineering.

Just like the battle between Luffy and the cookie warrior, it is also very difficult.

But to the level of a general.

Basically, they have at least the following abilities.

At least awaken the domineering of the junior and foresee the future.

At least fruit abilities develop to awakening.

The least armed color domineering can already achieve the flow of cherry, that is, internal destruction.

These are the basics of becoming a general level of combat effectiveness.

If it is the level of the four emperors.

Add one more to the overlord-colored domineering winding attack.

In such a level of combat, the attack style of the cookie warrior is as ridiculous as a child's toy.

You can't attack enemies and you can't dodge enemy attacks.

Occasionally it can be used as a shield, and that's what it does.

But with advanced artificial intelligence after Jarvis.

It's all different.

Ultra-high-tech algorithms, huge computing power.

Under the control of Jarvis.

Even if it is the attack speed of the general White Deer.

Still far from the limit of Jarvis' computing power.

This is why these golden mechs can easily dodge the attack of the general White Deer.

The yellow ape returns to its adult form from elementalization.

The order was immediately given.


On the island, ten pacifists transformed by Vegapunk.

They stood in front of several admirals.

Opening two pairs of huge bear paws, the ability of the flesh ball fruit is activated.

Fly high-speed bullets flying all over the sky.

At the same time, two lasers from both eyes began to attack these golden mechs.

This is the whole-body pacifist.

It is no longer just eyes, but also has the sparkling fruit bloodline factor of yellow apes.

Their palms also possess the flesh and flesh fruit power of a tyrant.

Enemy attacks can be ejected.

The scariest point is.

Inside these pacifists, their Devil Fruit abilities have been developed to a very high level.

This is the core of Vegapunk's research.

Draco hopes that Vegapunk will at least replicate the future tech kingdom.

The most advanced retrofit people can.

Then on this basis, it is best to have the power of multiple demon fruits.

Vegapunk first extracted Kaido's fruit ability.

Devil fruit created.

He lied to Draco that he had failed.

But Ye Fan also possessed the same Devil Fruit ability.

Draco naturally knew that Vegapunk had succeeded.

Vegapunk was helpless and created a large number of bloodline factors containing the ability of the fruit.

The experimental target was also from Kaido, a hundred beasts captured by the navy that year.

Become a tyrant bear and a general yellow ape.

The laser shot by the pacifist is actually the yellow ape's shining fruit ability.

Using the bloodline factor of the yellow ape as a breeding target, the ability is created.

Let the pacifists have, the attack ability of the shining fruit.

And their palms are the flesh and flesh fruit ability of the tyrant bear.

And it is also the flesh fruit ability after awakening.

Although it is not yet possible to develop the terrifying fruit ability of the tyrant bear.

However, it can also be done, using flesh and flesh fruits to easily bounce off the opponent's attack.

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