Each of these ten pacifists has ten hearts.

These pirates with hearts are all pirates with a bounty of 10 million to 30 million Baileys.

On the Great Voyage, it was the captain who had his own pirate ship.

Luo was also desperate enough to obtain the position of the Seven Wuhai.

Unexpectedly killed a hundred pirates in a row.

The ability to take their heart, using the fruit of surgery, is taken directly out and then kept the heart active.

Such a means, ordinary people really can't do it.

The admiral can easily kill a hundred such pirates.

But it is used to keep the heart alive.

Installed on pacifists, that cannot be done.

Actually these hearts.

It's also just Vegapunk's delaying tactics.

His true strength now can already attach the bloodline factor directly to the weapon.

For example, all kinds of famous knives can have the ability of devil fruit.

And there is no need for artificial devil fruits, you only need to extract the bloodline factor, and after breeding and cultivation, you can do it.

It has to be a large number of powerful pirate hearts, in fact, it is just to delay time.

I didn't expect that the navy found Luo directly.

Let him use the fruits of surgery to call the heart.

This makes it easy to meet the needs of Vegapunk.

But Vegapunk still played a trick.

Originally, a heart could use a blood factor.

Vegapunk, on the other hand, uses a blood factor with three hearts.

Today's pacifists have only three fruit abilities.

One is the Tyrant Bear's flesh fruit ability.

One is the shining fruit ability of the Great General Yellow Ape.

The last one is the magma fruit ability of the red dog.

Vegapunk: This is the general's marshal's wool is bald.

This is the use of the hearts of a hundred pirates.

and three powerful fruit abilities.

Made ten pacifists.

This would have been the yellow ape's hole card.

Today's pacifists are far more powerful than they were when they were at war.

The top war can only deal with some pirates who cannot be mastered by domineering.

A person of the level like the female emperor Boyahan Cook.

It is easy to hit a hundred pacifists per person.

And now.

Has three fruit abilities, especially flesh fruits.

Let pacifists no longer fear domineering attacks in general.

The ability to flesh fruit allows pacifists to directly bounce off each other's attacks.

You can even bounce off the damage you received.

It can be said that both attack and defense, both very powerful fruit abilities.

Ye Fan before coming to this island.

These ten pacifists have already attracted his attention.

Under Ye Fan's white eyes.

He could clearly see that the internal structure of pacifists was completely different from the war at the top.

In the body of every pacifist, there are ten hearts that are still beating rapidly.

If it is the original plot.

It will be at the Draco meeting a year later.

The kings of all the major allied countries will call together the kings of the other allied countries.

Vote to cancel Nanabukai.

At that time, the Navy also had the mass production of new weapons of Vegapunk.

It was decided to replace the status of the Seven Warrior Sea with these new weapons.

In the original Draco's original intention of setting the Seven Warrior Sea.

It is to let these powerful pirates, give them the right to legally rob.

However, Qibu Hai must help the navy and prevent the spread of the power of the Four Emperors.

Let the four emperors only shrink in the second half of the new world.

This is the dovish approach.

Sacrificing the interests of a small number of people in exchange for a stable life for more people.

Marshal Sengoku knows his strength, and he cannot let people from every country on the sea live happily.

He designated the Four Emperors and Seven Wuhai systems.

I just want to protect most countries and can survive better.

For example, Luffy is located in the East China Sea.

The two most powerful pirates, the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, and the pirate group where Ye Fan has forgotten his name, where Ah Jin is located.

Their strength is already the strongest in the East China Sea.

But if they run to the Great Voyage, the pirate group that comes out of any other sea area can destroy the two pirate groups.

It is because of this dovish compromise.

Although the navy lost part of the country on the Great Route, there was still control of the second half of the New World.

For example, the country of Wano, and the country controlled by Doflamingo.

Those people were living in hell.

But the safety of the four seas is guaranteed.

This is the doves of the Warring States.

Sacrificing the small number of people to protect the majority.

And let the Navy decide to abolish the Qibuhai system.

It will certainly throw the Great Route into chaos.

Able to guarantee the interests of Draco.

Let them control the great shipping route without relying on the combat power of the Seven Martial Seas.

This is because of the integral pacifist developed by Vegapunk.

Inside the tall body.

Has three powerful Devil Fruit abilities.

Every pacifist can offer a bounty of seven or eight billion Bailey to fight the sea thieves.

The strength is already similar to the three general stars and the three major Kanban.

Such strength.

Ten pacifists, even in the face of generals and powerhouses at the level of the Four Emperors, have the possibility of winning.

This is also the hidden power of the yellow ape.

Ten pacifists were originally prepared to sneak up on the two sides at a critical moment when the two sides were fighting.

Didn't think of it.

Ye Fan directly manufactured more than a dozen golden mechs.

Just relying on these mechs, they dragged down their four admirals.

The yellow ape had to change his plan.

These ten complete pacifists were used in advance.


The yellow ape also wants to really use war to test the pacifists.

These use the future technology kingdom to transform people, as well as the lineage factor researched by Vegapunk.

Can two great technologies be made capable of fighting with the powerhouses of the Four Emperors.

If it can be successful.

Such a large-scale production of pacifists can even wipe out the four emperors on this sea.

And Ye Fan also wanted to see.

Relying on the three fruit abilities to awaken, the golden mech manufactured in batches.

With Jarvis, this artificial intelligence.

Whether it can compete with the latest research of Vegapunk.

So an order was given to Jarvis.

"Jarvis, kill all ten pacifists first."

Hear this sentence.

The yellow ape immediately thought of Auntie's Homiz.

Auntie's Gangster Fruit can collect other people's souls to increase their own lifespan.

And the souls of these other people can also be cultivated by her into Homiz to fight.

But the side effects are obvious.

Because a large number of souls are absorbed.

Causes Auntie's mood to become capricious.

Sometimes it's a cute old lady, sometimes it's a tyrant who likes to kill.

In the understanding of Huang Ape and the others, it was Ye Fan who controlled a certain soul-type fruit ability.

Infused these golden mechs, a soul named Jarvis.

In their eyes, Jarvis and Homiz are the same thing.

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