Vegapunk hurried toward the ship.

"Quinn and Vince Mock Gaji we haven't seen each other for almost fifty years, and I didn't expect that you would get such a treasure."

Vegapunk's eyes, you can see it at a glance.

How advanced is the spaceship disassembled by the two of them.

They are all people who have been experimented with the future technology kingdom.

Nature can be seen at a glance.

The spaceship in front of you, regardless of technology or appearance.

Every aspect far exceeds the technology of the future tech kingdom.

For research more advanced equipment.

Vegapunk's eyes were full of fanaticism.

Three scientists, soon fell into a frenzy of research.

Two people, Runma and Peggy Wan, are responsible for guarding the door of the research room.

I believe that no one can interfere with their research.

Ye Fan came to the martial arts arena.

Three giants are fighting there.

It was his cheap father-in-law Kaido, and Fire Ember and Drought Jack.

Not an alcoholic, Kaido who has regained his fighting spirit.

During this time, the strength has increased rapidly.

In addition to the perfect T virus, Kaido's body genes are enhanced.

Most importantly, Kaido regained his confidence.

Becoming the Four Emperors is not the end of Kaido before.

In fact.

His biggest dream before.

It is also to find the final island, become the Queen of Pirates, and defeat Draco after becoming Joyboy.

In his youth, Kaido was also a pirate full of ideals and confidence.

It's just that.

When he knows a lot of historical texts.

After knowing the truth about a lot of the world.

Kaido just found out.

His power, though, can dominate the remote new world.

But if you want to defeat Draco, you are still far from it.

Sent to death again and again, he did not gain more powerful power in a desperate situation.

Like the legendary Joy Boi, every time he encounters the threat of death, his power skyrockets very exaggeratedly.

Can't defeat Draco.

Can't be the most powerful man on this sea.

This is what makes Kaido, who has entered middle age.

From a sunny handsome guy full of confidence, to a rotten drunkard who only knows how to drink all day.

Since her daughter married Ye Fan.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group underwent a rapid transformation.

He began to grow convinced.

His son-in-law is the legendary Joyboy.

He will defeat Draco.

Kaido also regained his youthful fighting spirit.

Now he is no longer a rotten drunkard.

It looked like a decadent uncle disappeared.

Now the hundred beasts Kaido.

What you have to do every day is to practice against the three major Kanban boards.

Strive to improve their strength as soon as possible.

Kaido is not a stupid pirate.

Stupid people can't become emperors on the sea.

Don't look at the current group of hundred beasts and pirates.

There are already more than 100,000 pirates.

On this sea, it is never possible to win by a large number of people.

When you really duel with Draco.

The people of the Hundred Beast Pirates who really fight the Draco.

In fact, it was Ye Fan and him.

Whether it is his daughter Yamato, or the three major Kanban.

There are also flying sextuplets, which can only drag down the subordinates of the Draco at most.

None of them are the main combat units.

It should also be mentioned that the last person of the current flying sextuplets was replaced by Haixia Jinping.

Haixia Jinping also took a precious animal fruit.

Now his strength has also made leaps and bounds.

Haixia's personal combat effectiveness can already be separated from Doflamingo.

It has reached the strength of the previous three major Kanban boards, if placed in other pirate groups.

It is already considered the combat effectiveness of the imperial deputy level.

The current group of Hundred Beasts Pirates.

The four emperors level combat power, there are Ye Fan and Kaido.

General-level combat strength, with Yamato, Mitsuki and Tianzhao.

Infinitely close to the combat effectiveness of the general, there are three major Kanban.

Emperor and deputy level combat effectiveness, there are flying sextets.

Plus Admiral Ye Fan killed a few.

The current group of Hundred Beasts Pirates.

In the half year or so that Ye Fan joined.

Already in the highest combat strength, it has been able to crush the Navy.

If it weren't for the Draco's back, the Im sitting on the Void Throne.

The Hundred Beast Pirates can already begin to control the entire sea.

Ye Fan stood next to the martial arts arena.

Watch the three big men fight over.

Only then did Ye Fan speak: "Father-in-law, Vegapunk has been brought to Ghost Island. After

hearing this, Kaido the Hundred Beasts.

Haha laughed for a while.

"Good, good, good, as long as Vegapunk joins, that weapon will definitely be repaired, and our goal will soon begin to be achieved."

Jack was also very happy when he heard about the Fire Ember and Drought.

Drought Jack: "Great, in soon we can level the entire navy and attack the Holy Land of Mary Joa." "

Don't be careless, we think we should now remove the hidden dangers in the rear."

Kaido the Beast: "You mean nations and redhead." "

If we don't solve them first, it's hard to guarantee that when we start a full-scale war with the navy, they won't sneak up on their backs." "

The most pirate.

Nature uses the most sinister intentions to speculate on the behavior of others.

Drought Jack immediately said fiercely: "Don't worry, big brother, whether it is Aunt or Redhead, if they dare to come and sneak attack, I will destroy them all." "

Although Drought Jack has combat effectiveness, he is the weakest of the three major Kanban.

But he is the most fierce person.

He had the courage to face two Four Emperor level powerhouses alone.

Hundred Beast Kaido said: "Charlotte Lingling, I can negotiate with her, we may have the possibility of cooperation, but the redhead cannot be underestimated, and the strength of Blackbeard Titch is also growing rapidly."

Ye Fan: "It's better like this, father-in-law, you lead people to deal with all nations, if Charlotte Lingling is not willing to submit, I believe that your current combat strength can defeat Auntie."

"And I, can contact the remnants of Whitebeard, Fire Fist Ace and Pineapple Head Marko are also good combat power, I will unite them to eliminate the Blackbeard Pirates."

"Then, let's focus on dealing with redheads."

Ye Fan's proposal.

Gained the approval of Kaido.

Red-haired Shanks is the youngest of the Four Emperors.

But he is the most powerful.

The red-haired overlord color domineering made Kaido feel terrified.

As for Blackbeard Tichy, who just became the Four Emperors and offered a bounty of only 2 billion Baileys.

It was not taken seriously by Kaido at all.

A guy who doesn't overlord and domineering, he also deserves to be called the emperor of the sea.

In Kaido's eyes, the current Blackbeard Tichy is also a parallel trader.

The battle plan was quickly deployed.

The Hundred Beast Pirates immediately began to act.

Hundreds of huge pirate ships began to move towards Cake Island.

Led by Kaido himself.

This time, Aunt Charlotte Lingling refused to give in.

He would personally give this old friend a ride.

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