Ye Fan took the light moon and the sky and began to set off.

This time the target was the village of Deer Antler.

Whitebeard Pirates, after Whitebeard's death in battle.

More than a hundred countries controlled in their hands.

Harvested by the Hundred Beast Pirates, the Mama Pirates, and the Blackbeard Pirates.

All that was left for them were small countries and villages.

And this antler village.

According to the intelligence of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

At present, it is the base of the Whitebeard Remnant Party.

It's different from the original.

Because Ace is still alive, Ace plus pineapple head Marko are two.

It was enough to suppress the remaining sixteen Fan captains.

The Whitebeard Pirates did not split into a dozen pirate groups.

Their goal now.

It's to gather together and kill Blackbeard Tichy.

These months.

They have already had several battles with Blackbeard Tichy.

Both sides have their own losses.

Ace and Marko couldn't beat Blackbeard Tichy, but for months.

Ace has begun to learn the tricolor domineering, especially after he mastered the overlord color domineering, and has made great progress.

People from the Blackbeard Pirates.

Except for Blackbeard Tichy, the others are no match for Fire Fist Ace.

After experiencing the war on top and seeing Whitebeard die with his own eyes.

Ace can be said to have completed his transformation.

His three-color domineering spirit is improving rapidly.

Although there is no four-emperor-level combat power yet.

Personal strength, already infinitely close to the admiral of the navy.

The combat power is still more powerful than the ship doctor Marko.

Everyone in the group of white-bearded pirates who are drinking.

See the door of freedom that suddenly appears in the air.

There was also Ye Fan and Guangyue Tianzhao who came out of the door.

They all nervously took out their weapons.

Although in the top war.

I don't know why, Ye Fan will help them.

However, the most plundered territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is their Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

After their discussion.

I felt that Ye Fan was not an ally.

Instead, he wanted to use the power of Whitebeard to destroy the former naval headquarters of Marin Fandor.

Just look at the crazy expansion of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group now.

They are not kind people.

The current Whitebeard Pirate Group had absolutely no way to fight Ye Fan.

That's why they're nervous.

Ace: "Dragon Emperor Ye Fan came to a remote country like ours, what are you going to do."

Ye Fan: "When it comes to cooperation, there are rules." Ace

: "I don't know what cooperation is, what the rules are."

Ye Fan: "Cooperation means, I can help you kill Blackbeard Tiqi together, and the territory he occupies belongs to you."

"The rule is that in the future, you must ensure that in the area under your control, there will be no pirates plundering caravans, nor can you plunder other people's caravans, and in the future, your income can only be taxes paid by the vassal countries."

Diamond Joz snorted coldly and said, "Do you treat us as pirates, or do you treat us as navy." "

As a pirate, you do not engage in the activities of plundering caravans.

Instead, taxes are collected to protect the route.

This is clearly what the Navy likes to do.

Even the Whitebeard Pirates, although only a small amount of taxes are collected by the vassal countries.

And will not kill ordinary people at will for fun.

It will even destroy the pirates who invade their territory.


These guys are not good people.

They will still plunder caravans that are not their territory.

Let them, like the Navy, just receive a fixed salary every day.

Instead of living on plundered treasures.

It's worse than killing them.

If you can tolerate a job of 996 and are willing to take a meager salary.

Why do they still risk being pirates, is it bad to become a navy.

They had sixteen captains, and that person joined the navy, not at least one vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

Let a flock of eagles who like to be free.

To be a watchdog, who would want to.

After Diamond Joz took the lead.

The other captains also stood up against it.

Bramanke: "Your rules are completely inconsistent with the rules of pirates, and we will not agree."

"We'd rather be killed by you than have our freedom restricted."

"Going to sea to become a pirate, is to like this freedom and equality, I can do whatever I want, whoever has strong strength, can control more wealth, this is freedom and equality, this is the world of pirates."

All the captains, except Ace and Marko.

Everyone else was ready to fight Ye Fan.

Ye Fan: "If you want to resist my rules, just rely on you, can you do it?" Ye

Fan's overlord color domineering began to show his heart's content.

Take him as the center.

Inches of ground began to crack.


, "Plop", "Plop", "Plop

", "Plop


First, the ordinary crew of the Whitebeard Pirates began to faint and coma.

Then came the captains, who began to kneel on the ground and struggle to support.

Fosa was already completely lying on the ground.

"How is it possible, how can it be so powerful, more terrifying than a redhead."

After speaking, he also fainted.

Spido Gere: "Daddy's overlord color domineering will not make me unable to even kneel on the ground, it's abominable." "

Spido Kiel also fell into a coma.

Foil Bista plunged the sword in his hand into the ground.

Barely supporting your body.

But his gradually weakened body slowly began to be unable to resist.

Kneeling directly on the ground, but he was much stronger than the others, just kneeling, and did not fall into a coma.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard, why are my legs so uncontentious, you stand up for me!!!"

However, no matter how much he struggled, he lost his strength.

Foil Bista could only kneel on the ground with difficulty.

Although Ace stood there, he still had to endure Ye Fan's coercion.

"Enough, Ye Fan don't deceive people too much."

Ace also broke out his own overlord-colored domineering.

But it only exploded for a few seconds.

It was completely suppressed by the overlord-colored domineering aura exuded by Ye Fan.

He can only barely achieve the third stage of overlord-colored domineering.

That is, the overlord color domineering designated area release.

Now it is not even possible to do the overlord-colored domineering entanglement.

Where is Ye Fan's opponent in the fifth stage now.

Overlord-colored domineering can envelop a country, can inflict physical damage, and can perform full-body bullying.

The intensity of the overlord-colored domineering of the two people is like the difference between clouds and mud.

Wait until the scene.

Except for Ace and Marko.

Others were on their knees or unconscious.

Ye Fan then said: "Just like you said, only the strong can make rules.

"My rule is that the pirate group that has acquired the territory is not allowed to plunder, and it is necessary to protect the safety of the shipping lanes of their own territory."

Marko: "Do you want to go to war with the navy and rely on the sea pirates in the future to maintain the balance of the whole world?"

Ye Fan: "It's worthy of Marko, I immediately understood what I meant, I don't want to make the sea more chaotic after defeating the Draco, my goal is to let this sea, everyone, can live relatively fairly." "

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