Ace: "Your idea is even more terrifying than Joey Boi, eight hundred years ago, he just wanted to build an ideal country, but you wanted to change the whole world."

Ye Fan: "People always have dreams, and my dream is to build a world that belongs to my ideal."

"Be my enemy, I will kill you, be my ally, and I will help you defeat Blackbeard Tichy."

Ace and Marko are now covered in sweat.

Ye Fan had completely covered the two people's bodies with his overlord-colored domineering coercion.

Ace: "Okay, I agree to your request. "

If it was Ace before, his character would not have been able to be softened.

But after Daddy died in battle, dozens of affiliated pirate groups were disbanded.

The sixteen captains were uneven.

He has seen the difficulties of the world.

For the survival of the white-bearded remnant party, he was forced to agree to Ye Fan's request.

I thought in my heart that I must become stronger so that I can live with dignity.

There used to be white beards, they were all flowers in the greenhouse, and they did not fully appreciate the cruelty of the sea.

When Whitebeard dies.

They are being bullied too much.

The two sides reached an agreement.

Ye Fan withdrew the overlord-colored domineering.

Through Ace their intelligence.

Ye Fan understood.

The recent Blackbeard, because of the failed sneak attack on Ye Fan.

Hive Island has been abandoned.

Went to the more hidden Skull Island and hid.

It is shrouded in fog all year round.

It is basically impossible for people who are not familiar with the route to find that island.

That huge fog, even if it is domineering, will be affected.

And the compass and compass, etc., will also lose their effect in that sea.

It's like walking with eyes closed, but can't walk in a straight line.

In that fog.

Even an experienced helmsman sails in that sea.

It will also end up deviating the ship from course.

Either forever stuck in the fog, or slowly around a big bend out of the sea.

The name Skull Island means that if you want to sail to Skull Island, you will also die of old age and become a skeleton.

The island was formerly home to the Whitebeard Pirates.

They had been to that Skull Island.

When it is discovered that Blackbeard Titch led his pirate group and fled to Skull Island.

Ace gathered all the captains and prepared to go to Skull Island to attack Blackbeard Tichy.

Their original plan was.

Even if you can't beat Blackbeard Tichy, as long as you destroy their pirate ship.

Then they will be stranded on Skull Island forever.

Ordinary ships will not sail in the waters near Skull Island.

Now with Ye Fan joining.

Ace felt that he could even kill Blackbeard Tichy with his own hands to avenge his father.

This time, only one pirate ship set off.

Sneak attack on Blackbeard's pirate ship, it doesn't take much.

Because Blackbeard Tichy is not a pirate who is willing to fight to the death.

In the event of a threat to his life, he can even abandon all the crew and escape alone.

After they arrived at Skull Island.

The first thing is to burn all the ships on the island.

Even this pirate ship they are now on.

Because of the existence of Ye Fan's own door.

There is no need to worry about leaving.

This time, the goal is to trap Blackbeard Titch to death on Skull Island.

So that he has no way to escape.

Strong people like Blackbeard Tichy.

If you run away with all your might, you don't want to fight at all.

Even Ye Fan would be difficult to kill him.

After a day of sailing on the sea.

It came to the misty zone.

Marko held out a permanent pointer.

He said: "This permanent pointer can reach Skull Island." "

A permanent pointer is on an island after a magnetic field has been established for a few days.

You can mark the location of that island forever.

Ye Fanxin said: It's good that I found them in advance, otherwise by myself, I want to cut Blackbeard Tiqi and remove the roots, and I don't know how long to waste in this fog.

He also used his domineering power just now, covering a range of less than a kilometer.

The ability of the white eye, which is also affected by the fog, cannot see very far.


There is Ace they lead the way.

Along the way, I came to Skull Island very smoothly.

Through the white eyes, Ye Fan determined that Blackbeard Tiqi and them were on this island.

Facing Ace, they said: "The target is on the island, prepare for action." "

The island doesn't have a marina.

The ship ran aground directly to the shore, and several people jumped directly onto a cliff tens of meters high.


"Fire Fist"

Ace unleashed his ability to burn fruits.

Directly burn the ships they came, as well as Blackbeard Titch and their fleet.

On this island.

There are only a few hundred pirates, all of whom are the elite of the Blackbeard Pirates.

After the failure of Ye Fan near the cooperation navy.

Blackbeard Tiki knew that he would definitely be hunted down by Ye Fan.

Blackbearded Tichy, who is good at patience.

Just think of this very hidden Skull Island.

This unknown island.

Except for a small number of people from the Whitebeard Pirates, few people in this sea know about this island.

But unfortunately.

When they fled into Skull Island.

It happened to be discovered by the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates who wanted to take revenge on them at any time from afar.

The island, though, is shrouded in fog.

Without any food and resources.

But the Blackbeard Pirates, brought supplies for more than a dozen ships.

They are not short of food and drink.

Hundreds of people were having a pleasant banquet.

Without Ye Fan's attack.

It seems that Blackbeard Tichy wants to hide here for at least a few months.

Because in his opinion.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group will have a full-scale war with the Draco in a few months at most.

Even if the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group don't want to fight with the Draco.

The Draco will not let the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, such a behemoth that can threaten them, exist.

As long as the two sides go to war, it doesn't matter whether the Hundred Beast Pirate Group loses or wins.

There was no way to target him Blackbeard Tichy.

If he loses, Ye Fan will be killed by the Draco.

After winning, the Hundred Beast Pirates will control the entire sea.

Where there is still time and energy to look for his traces in the entire sea of the New World.

It can be said.

Blackbeard Tichy thought well.

The only pity is.

The news that he was hiding on Skull Island was discovered by hostile Whitebeard forces.

It just so happens that the people of the Whitebeard Pirates are the few people in this world who know about this island.

See the raging fire rising from the sea.

All the pirate ships, plus the supplies on board, were engulfed in raging fire.

All the people of the Blackbeard Pirates were furious.

Without the ship, they cannot leave here.

Now these people all have the Devil Fruit.

None of them can touch the sea.

Someone wants to trap them on this island.

How could these murderous pirates not be angry.

A group of people, hundreds of pirates, came together to kill towards the beach.

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