When the people of the Blackbeard Pirates, rushed to the shore.

They stopped en masse.

Because the person who burned their pirate ship turned out to be Fire Fist Ace.

Now Fire Fist Ace.

It's not the fragile guy on top of the war.

These people have all suffered losses under the hands of Fire Fist Ace.

Others don't know how powerful Ace is.

Because on top of the period after the end of the war.

Ace is not on the sea, fighting with others, but constantly sneaking up on the people of the Blackbeard Pirates.

In the Blackbeard Pirates, he gave Ace a new nickname Yandi.

Except for Lord Blackbeard Tichy, none of these captains are Ace's opponents.

Fire Fist Ace is no longer enough to describe the horror of Ace.

Yandi Ace can represent his identity at this time.

Ye Fan did not take care of the cadres and official crew of these Blackbeard Pirates.

They handed it over to Ace and they could do it.

Although less than ten people came from his own group.

Not to mention Ace and Marko, two super powerful emperor deputy level combat power.

Diamond Joz, Foil Bista, etc., which is not a powerful group of pirates.

It is completely enough to hand them over to deal with the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates.

And Ye Fan, with the light moon and the sky, the two people directly targeted Blackbeard in the rear.

Blackbeard Tichy saw Ye Fan's arrival.

The first time he thought about how to escape.

I didn't expect that if I hid on such a remote island, I could also be found by Ye Fan.

Glancing at Ace and Marko.

The remnants left behind by these whitebeards are really abominable.

If not them.

Ye Fan definitely couldn't find himself.

In the future, I must kill them completely.

Blackbeard Tichy's heart was resentful though.

But he was not slow to escape.

Blackbeard Titch as he left Advance City.

Just lament that he does not have the ability to fly, and it will be very embarrassing in the windless zone.

Therefore, his eighth Devil Fruit ability is in the form of an animal, bird fruit, and owl.

Although it is just an ordinary animal line devil fruit.

But Blackbeard Tichy can master two abilities.

The first is the ability to fly, the second is night vision, and at night he can also see all the movements of the enemy as if it were daytime.

It is a functional fruit ability.

Ye Fan, they had just approached Skull Island.

Blackbeard Tichy saw Ye Fan.

He knew that he was not Ye Fan's opponent now.

The first time he chose to run for his life.

This is also the reason why Ye Fan did not directly use the overlord-colored domineering to stun those black-bearded pirates.

These people are not important, just leave it to the people of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ye Fan used the teleportation skill and began to chase Blackbeard Tichy.

He's fast.

The owl is originally a bird of prey that is good at flying, hunting, and sneaking up.

Don't be fooled by its cute appearance, when hungry, the owl will even catch the same size eagle.

Plus Blackbeard Tichy's fruit ability.

Nature and wind fruit.

Every stirring of his wings behind him can trigger a violent wind.

Blow him into the distance.

This flight speed is much faster than the pineapple-headed Marko.

However, in Ye Fan's eyes, his speed was not fast enough.

Ye Fan was just two teleportations.

Just intercepted in front of Blackbeard Tichy.

Entwined with the overlord-colored domineering fist, a punch bombarded out.

Looking at Ye Fan, who suddenly rushed in front of him.

Blackbeard Titch is also not polite.

A punch that was also full of shocking power came to a confrontation with Ye Fan.

In the air.

Neither side can borrow power.

The bodies of both sides retreated towards the rear because of the huge impact.

It's just that Blackbeard Tichy's body is heading in the direction of Skull Island.

On the ground, there is a figure running fast.

It is the light moon and the sky that wears a mask.

Look at Blackbeard Tichy who keeps getting closer to him.

Decisively pulled out Kim Biluo.

Jumping high and unleashing her slash at Blackbearded Tichy in the air.

Blackbeard Tiki in the air.

He is also very experienced in combat.

First use the Superhuman Repulsion Fruit to stabilize your body.

Subsequently, the Superman Famous Sword Fruit was launched.

Two more famous knives appeared in both hands.

At the same time, the owl wings on the back disappeared.

Turns into tentacles of eight octopuses.

On each tentacle, there is a famous knife.

He was afraid of fighting hard with Ye Fan.

But it does not mean that any cat and dog are qualified to fight against themselves.

This woman wearing a mask was just one of Ye Fan's subordinates.

Also dare to sneak up on me Blackbeard Tichy, what kind of person are you and me.

I will become the strongest man of the Four Emperors.

Blackbeard Titch once again urged the power of the Wind Fruit.

Flying towards the light moon.

He wanted to kill Ye Fan's men first.

Then concentrate on dealing with Ye Fan.

Ten famous knives, against one, how could he lose with a blackbeard tichy.

Even if the red-haired Shanks does not use the overlord color winding, the physical skills are no match for his blackbeard Tichy.

More than thirty years ago, when he was still a child, he dealt with the red-haired Shanks and Bucky the Clown alone, without losing the slightest.

Thirty years later, relying on his own physical skills, he scratched half of the face of the red-haired Shanks.

He is Blackbearded Tichy, although relying on the fruit ability to fight.

But his physical skills, on this sea, there are few people who can compete with him.

Ten famous knives, from different angles, fiercely slashed towards the light moon and the sky.

He wanted to fight in an instant, and he would tear Guangyue Tianzhao into pieces.

Ten knives against one knife, even Hawkeye Mihawk did not dare to resist, his ability could block Blackbeard's three knives at most.

And this woman in front of her who does not know whether she is dead or alive.

Dare not dodge.

Still swinging his knife at Blackbeard's slash, he launched his own attack.

"Ringing the bell"

A series of sharp and loud sounds of famous knives clashing.

Blackbeard Titch immediately sensed something was wrong.

The opponent's armed color is so domineering and powerful.

The famous knife in front of him turned out to be an incomparably terrifying black knife.

The armed color domineering contained in it far surpasses Hawkeye Mihawk's Black Knife Night.

Ten famous knives in Blackbeard's hand.

It's as fragile as tofu.

Although he has a famous sword fruit, the development ability of this fruit is not high.

It is indeed enough to deal with ordinary famous knives.

But to deal with Jin Biluo, who has the most elite great sword master in the navy for eight hundred years, and uses armed color tyrants to raise Jin Biluo.

That's too far away.

"Ring the bell."

The ten famous knives in Blackbeard Tichy's hand were all cut off by Guangyue Tianzhao.

At last.

This knife slashed at Blackbeard Tichy's chest.

Huge wounds over fifty centimeters in length.

At the same time, a large amount of blood broke apart.

Blackbeard Tichy was slashed by Mitsuki Amaterasu.

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