
Dark fruit twice as painful attack.

This knife is equivalent to two knives.

Two uncontested tears flowed from Blackbeard Tichy's eyes.

Fall from the air onto Skull Island.

One of Blackbeard's tentacles was inserted directly into his chest.

These are Blackbeard Tichy's nine fruit abilities.

Fauna, plant fruit, white medicine form.

White medicine is a magical plant that heals its injuries quickly.

On the sea, it is also a very precious and rare raw material for healing medicine.

When a large amount of white medicine was injected into Blackbeard Tichy's chest.

The wound on his chest began to heal rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Another auxiliary fruit ability.

It greatly improves Blackbeard Tichy's battery life.


He was beaten to death by Karp with an iron fist when Rocks was beaten to death.

There is a lot of shadow.

Multiple fruit abilities in a row, all of which are auxiliary.

As Blackbeard Titch recovers from his injuries.

He jumped alive and stood up again.

And what greeted him was another slash from Guangyue Tianzhao.

This time.

Blackbeard Tichy did not dare to be arrogant.


Where did Ye Fan find his subordinates.

The strength of that knife just now was not much weaker than that of the red-haired Shanks.

This hateful Ye Fan was stronger than him, and his subordinates were also stronger than his subordinates.

This strength is probably already even more powerful than Ben Beckman.

The red-haired pirate group is powerful, in addition to the redhead having a super overlord-colored domineering.

One more point.

It was the redhead who imitated the configuration of Roger's Pirates.

Has a four-emperor-level imperial vice.

Roger has Hades Rayleigh.

Red-haired Shanks has Ben Beckman.

And now, Ye Fan also has a light moon and a sky.

What's more, Ye Fan also had a father-in-law Kaido who was truly the strength of the Four Emperors.

Comparisons are odious.

This is what Blackbeard Titch is thinking at this time.

However, the two great powerhouses besieged him.

It also gave Blackbeard Tichy a murderous personality.

He began to become violent and bloodthirsty.

Two famous knives appeared in his hand again, and eight tentacles on his back, and eight more famous knives.

Rushing towards the light moon again.

Only this time.

Blackbeard Tichy is no longer hasty to respond.

It was the famous knife in his hand, all of which were covered by his ability to shock a large number of shock fruits.

Use his strongest attack to deal with Mitsuki Amaterasu's slash.

Blackbeard Titch has a fatal flaw and has long hidden his identity within the Whitebeard Pirates.

Therefore, he will not use overlord color domineering.

Attacks naturally don't have a bully, thirty years ago, when he and Redhead and Clown Bucky were young.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates fought each other.

In addition to the clown, Bucky is curious about why Blackbeard Titch doesn't sleep.

Staring at Blackbeard Tichy for three days and three nights.

Blackbeard Tichy and Redhead, what really paid attention to was the confrontation between Whitebeard and Roger's use of bullying.

A picture that directly tears the entire sky apart.

It still affects Blackbeard Tichy and Red-haired Shanks.

Now Shanks, who has become the most powerful Four Emperors, has entangled the domineering color of the top overlord.

And Blackbeard Tichy, although he was young, he had seen peak hegemonic battles.

But he doesn't use it himself.


The power of the Shock Fruit that he plotted to capture.

It is to make up for the lack of high-end damage power.

His development of the Earthquake Fruit far surpassed other fruit capabilities.

After the last battle with Ye Fan.

Blackbeard Titch summed up the findings.

He wanted to break through the defense of a top powerhouse like Ye Fan.

Although he obtained a large number of Devil Fruits.

And the most useful is still the ability to shake the fruit.

Only by developing the power of the Shock Fruit to the limit, he has the ability to damage the powerhouses of the Four Emperors level.

He was qualified to fight with a strong man like Ye Fan.

Otherwise, even if he has the ability of eleven devil fruits.

No matter how much ability he has, he can't break through the opponent's defenses, and no matter how much fruit ability he has, what is the use.

Hide Skull Island during this time.

Blackbeard Tichy's shock fruit power can be said to be more head-on than the first time he confronted Ye Fan.

His strength has improved a lot.

At the same time, through the battle with Ye Fan, he found that his previous research and development direction for the Earthquake Fruit was wrong.

Whitebeard himself is a big sword hao, and has a terrifying overlord-colored domineering winding.

He already has a powerful single melee attack.

The development of earthquake fruits is all terrifying large-scale damage such as shaking the sea, shaking the sky, and shaking the ground.

And he Blackbeard Tichy does not have that kind of domineering ability.

He imitated the fruit development of the white beard.

The route is already wrong.

He needs to use the power of the Shock Fruit to make up for his shortcomings that he will not be overlord-colored domineering.

Now Blackbeard Titch studied.

It is how to compress more of the power of the shock fruit directly into the famous knife.

Then the moment the two sides clashed.

Punch more of the power of the Shock Fruit into the opponent's body.

Let every cell in the opponent's body be shaken at a high frequency.

Let the opponent from the inside out, every cell in the body, be destroyed by the shock fruit.

In order to maximize the damage of your own attacks.

This time.

Well prepared Blackbeard Tichy.

He had already injected a large amount of the power of the Shock Fruit into the ten famous knives in his hand.

This time, it's not the same as before.

The power of the previous Shock Fruit was not well developed.

The famous knives were shaking rapidly, and the concussive power inside was constantly radiating out to the surroundings.

Even the air in the air was stirred by the power of such a shock fruit.

It looks like the special effects are amazing.

But the real attack, that's it.

And now Blackbeard Tichy.

On the surface, it still looks the same as the slash just now.

It's just an extra layer of armed color domineering coverage.


The inside of these ten famous knives is full of the power of the Shock Fruit.

This power is ten times more than when Blackbeard Tichy fought Ye Fan at the bottom of the sea.

The two sides charged each other quickly.

Blackbeard Tichy brandished the ten knives in his hand.

A cruel smile appeared on his face.

No matter how powerful your armed color domineering is, you don't have the ability to kill me.

But my Shock Fruit can crush you to pieces.


two sides confronted each other for the second time.

This time, Mitsuki Amaterasu still cut off all ten of Blackbeard Tichy's famous knives.

And a knife slashed Blackbeard Tichy's chest.

Blackbeard Titch was shot out.

This time, though, he reacted quickly.

On one of the tentacles behind it, a large amount of white medicine had long gathered.

Apply a large amount of the drug directly to your chest.

He flew out to landing, this short moment.

The injury to the chest is already good.

Blackbeard Tichy's gaze was on Guangyue Tianzhao's body.

I want to see her shattered to pieces.

Unexpectedly, he saw a scene that frightened him.

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