His body was filled with the power of the huge Shock Fruit.

Mitsuki Amaterasu was not directly shocked to death by the power of the Shock Fruit as Blackbeard Tiki fantasized about.

Instead, the skin of the whole body becomes an animal skin.


Her mouth also turned into rows of sharp teeth like sharks.

The mouth is wide open.

A terrifying suction force came.

Unexpectedly, the shock fruit ability in her body was directly absorbed, and her mouth was closed.

Directly swallow Blackbeard Tichy's Shock Fruit ability into his stomach.

How much power he had just used the Shock Fruit, Blackbeard Tichy was very clear.

The attack just now.

Gathered Shock Fruit ability.

If there are no multiple general-level masters for joint defense.

The attack just now.

The seismic fruit ability contained in it can directly shake the former naval headquarters Marin Fandor and the entire island to pieces.

Let this huge island disappear from the sea completely.

Other words.

Blackbeard Titch's attack just now.

It is even possible to destroy a medium island state.

Such a terrifying shock fruit ability.

After the other party is withdrawn from the body.

He didn't throw it out, but swallowed it into his stomach.

Her stomach, even if it was a sea king, would be shaken to pieces.

But Blackbeard looked at the light moon, but he enjoyed it very much.

Even if she is wearing a mask, you can see her expression.

It's like a person who has been hungry for more than ten days and suddenly enjoys a gluttonous feast.

This is truly a feast.

Because of the fruit ability of the light moon and the sky.

It is the animal line, phantom beast species, lizard fruit, gluttonous form.

Gluttony is a myth and legend.

A very edible beast.

It can eat everything it sees, and finally because it can't find anything to eat, the gluttony even begins to devour its own body.

Mitsuki Tenzhao licked his lips.

He said: "Nice power, very delicious. Absorbing all your fruit abilities will definitely fill my stomach.

Blackbeard Titch was covered in cold sweat.

"You actually ate it, what kind of monster are you."

Blackbeard Tichy actually panicked.

His capital across the sea is the power of possessing a variety of devil fruits.

Through the combination of different fruit powers, Blackbeard Tichy can restrain the enemy's fruit ability.

But the enemy could not restrain his fruit ability.

And today.

He found himself meeting his nemesis.

The opponent could even devour his strongest attack method, the attack ability of the Shock Fruit.

Then his other Devil Fruit abilities would not be devoured by the terrifying woman in front of him.

Bastard, how can there be such a terrifying fruit ability on the sea.

It actually relied on only one fruit ability.

He restrained all his fruit abilities.

Blackbeard Titch does not believe in evil.

The eight tentacles on his back turned into the head of an eight-headed king cobra.

The snake head opened its mouth, revealing four teeth filled with venom.

A large amount of venom was ejected from the snake's mouth.

Blackbeard Tiqi said in his heart: If you have the ability, you will devour all this venom of mine into your stomach, and see if I don't poison you.

Face massive amounts of venom.

Higetsu Amaterasu did not dodge.

Instead, he continued to open his mouth wide, a terrifying suction force.

In the sky of the eating general, dozens of tons of venom were sprayed at her.

Swallow in one gulp.

The gluttonous stomach, even the golden stone can be quickly digested and turned into its own energy.

Not to mention venom.

The two sides thus reached a stalemate.

Blackbeard Tiki kept squirting venom.

The light moon and the sky are constantly devouring.

It's just that.

This stalemate is unlikely to last.

Soon, Blackbeard Titch was incapable of fruit.

It is not possible to spray a large amount of venom again.

And the small body plate of Guangyue Tianzhao, after absorbing an unknown number of tons of venom.

Still that slim figure.

This venom passed through her stomach and was immediately converted into energy in her body.

Mitsuki Amaterasu felt that he had already divided eight points.

In the past, it was necessary to devour several sea kings to have such an effect.

Right now.

Just started fighting, and you can go all out yourself.

Blackbeard Titch is the opposite.

He felt empty.

Now it is the appearance of an empty son.

The originally dark face became a little white.

Just now I was going all out to activate the fruit ability.

Even Blackbeard Tichy felt his feet soften.

His waist ached faintly, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

Because he found out in horror.

Don't say fight with Ye Fan.

Even if he wanted to defeat the subordinates brought by Ye Fan, it was an extremely difficult thing.

At the beginning, it was still the time of the peach rabbit general.

Her advantage is that she has a high attack, but low defense and little blood.

But when she took the Phantom Beast Seed Fruit.

After devouring a large number of sea kings during this time.

Peach Rabbit's physical body began to become more powerful.

Now the defense is low, and the amount of blood is small and has long ceased to exist.

Now Hikaruyue Amaterasu is a heavy soldier.

She is like Poppy in the six-god costume, with attack, defense and health, she is an undead Xiaoqiang.

Those of his own subordinates are obviously not the opponents of Fire Fist Ace and Pineapple Head Marko.

And yourself.

Behind him was Ye Fan who was in the air, looking at the tiger.

Even if you really try your best to defeat the woman in front of you.

Blackbeard Tiki felt that he would also be killed by Ye Fan.

He only had one thought in his mind now.

That is to get out of here.

But how to escape is a problem.

He can fly now, though.

However, the power of the two fruits was not as fast as Ye Fan's thunder fruit.

What to do, you can't run away, you can't fight.

For the first time in decades, Blackbeard Titch felt he was in a desperate situation.

Ye Fan looked at the blackbearded Tiqi who was like a trapped beast.

He also wanted to see how much Guangyue Tianzhao had improved during this time.

This is an important combat power for his men.


Ye Fan also needed to probe Blackbeard's true strength.

This time, he is going to completely kill Blackbeard Tichy.

He couldn't be allowed to join forces with Draco against himself.

Blackbeard Titch is arguably the purest pirate.

For their own benefit.

He can work with the navy or with Draco.

As long as it is in his interest.

Among the four emperors, the most likely to cooperate with Draco are Blackbeard Tichy and Red-haired Shanks.

Shanks is a powerful presence with relatively few appearances.

But although Ye Fan has crossed the pirate world, it has been almost a year.

He also remembered that the red-haired Shanks could meet directly with the five old stars.

Even Ye Fan suspected that Shanks was also a Draco.

It may even be the upper three races, the more powerful Draco.

For eight hundred years, the people of the three tribes of the Draco people do not know how many nails have been planted on this sea.

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