What's more, Shanks' former captain did something to cooperate with the navy to kill Lox.

The configuration of the pirate group of red-haired Shanks is completely a copy of the pirate king Roger.

Now he wants to kill Blackbeard Tiki with all his might.

Then go all out and kill the red-haired pirates.

In this way, you can ensure the safety of your own rear.

Full of energy from the king of heaven.

It's only about half a month left.

Ye Fan wanted to sweep away all obstacles.

Prepare yourself for a showdown with Im.

He was never optimistic.

Obtained the Great Secret Treasure and obtained the legendary Heavenly King.

Own it.

Qualification to defeat Im.

This guy was already as powerful as a god eight hundred years ago.

How horrible he would be.

Ye Fan would only amplify Im's ability infinitely.

He doesn't feel that as long as he destroys his hole cards with the king of heaven, he can easily defeat Im.

Ye Fan who stayed in the air.

He has been using chakra eyes and white eyes, as well as seeing and smelling domineering to lock on Blackbeard Tichy.

It is afraid of Blackbeard Tichy, in case he gets a fruit similar to the black charcoal snake, or has the kind of escape method that is almost like a green bull.

His goal in coming here today is to determine the death of Blackbeard Tichy.

The light moon shone after absorbing a large amount of materials.

She is now full of power in her body.

Has entered the human-animal form.

This is a state that Mitsuki Amaterasu hates very much.

Because her smooth skin will turn into very disgusting beast skin.

Gluttony is not a good-looking beast.

On the contrary, this legendary fierce beast is very ugly in appearance.

Mitsuki Amaterasu does not like human-animal forms.

But now.

Face such a formidable opponent as Blackbeard.

Mitsuki Amaterasu began his most powerful battle form.

Holding the golden biro in his hand, he quickly rushed towards Blackbeard Tichy.

She suddenly felt it.

The resistance to moving forward on your own is growing.

The powerful force made her move forward like a sticky glue.

This is Blackbeard Tichy's repulsive fruit.

I want to rely on this fruit to limit the forward speed of Guangyue Tianzhao.

And the closer to Blackbeard Tichy.

Guangyue Amaterasu felt an even stronger repulsion.

Blackbeard Titch saw that his fruit ability worked.

There was no hurry to launch an attack on Mitsuki Amaterasu.

Instead, I thought about how I could get out of the island safely.

Because he has seen it.

Ace and Marko have defeated most of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Now only a few cadres are still struggling to support.

It can even be said.

If not stranded on Skull Island.

They will even run away.

It was because all the ships were destroyed.

There is no way for them to leave.

Only barely insisted on resisting.

Look at the time.

His subordinates are only a few minutes at most.

They may not be able to carry it.

If you don't run away, you will be surrounded by Fire Fist Ace and the undead bird Marko.

There really isn't a little chance today.

Looking at Guangyue Tianzhao, who was desperately approaching him, and Ye Fan, who was staring at him in midair.

Blackbeard Tichy suddenly punched the sea.

The attack was on the surrounding sea.

Affected by the earthquake fruit, a huge tsunami of thousands of meters immediately formed on the surrounding sea.

Under the influence of Blackbeard Tichy's shock fruit.

Around Skull Island, there are at least dozens of huge tsunamis thousands of meters high.

They rushed towards Skull Island.

This is the method Blackbeard Tichy came up with.

Among them, only Ye Fan could catch up with him.

And Ye Fan, he can't use the ability to teleport casually.

If he teleports directly into the sea.

The fruit's ability was limited, his body became weakened, and he could even kill Ye Fan back.

When a large amount of sea water rushes to the sky.

Blackbeard Tichy also unleashed the ability to repulse the fruit against Ye Fan in the sky.

Subsequently, the octopus tentacles on the back turned into wings again.

The ability of the wind fruit is activated.

Blackbeard Tichy was ready to fly towards the beach.

At this time.

He suddenly felt a terrifying crisis.

Look back.

Mitsuki Amaterasu actually ignored his repulsive fruit ability.

At a very fast speed, rush towards yourself.

How is this possible.

Armed color domineering, can actually do this point.

Blackbeard Tichy's domineering look is also very good.

He immediately understood why.

The Jin Biluo in Guangyue Tianzhao's hand actually exuded an incomparably terrifying armed color domineering.

You know, armed color domineering is generally divided into these levels.

In the first stage, part of the body is covered with domineering colors, such as weapons or fists.

In the second stage, the whole body is covered with armed color domineering, such as Luffy's fourth gear.

In the third stage, the armed color domineering directly destroys the enemy's interior, such as the flowing cherry blossoms.

Reaching the level of flowing cherry blossoms, it is basically the apex of armed color domineering.


Now Mitsuki Amaterasu actually used the fourth form.

Armed color domineering release.

On this sea, there are three forces that can restrain the power of the Devil Fruit.

Sea lou stone, sea water and armed color domineering.

However, armed color domineering can only be restrained when contacted.

Before the light moon and the skylight, no one had ever been able to release the armed color domineering.

Only the overlord color domineering can be released.

And today.

Guangyue Amaterasu actually came true.

A large amount of armed color domineering radiated around her.

Directly eliminated Blackbeard Tichy's repulsive fruit.

There are no restrictions on repulsive fruits.

Guangyue Tianzhao's strong speed quickly approached Blackbearded Tichy, who was ready to get up and leave.

A sword full of armed color domineering stabbed into Blackbeard Tichy's vest.

A huge amount of armed color domineering energy flowed within Blackbeard Tichy's body, tearing every cell in his body.

However, this is not the end of it.

In the sky.

Ye Fan, who had not moved for a long time.

Suddenly teleported in front of Blackbeard.

Ye Fan had already pulled out the blue sun wheel knife.

It was filled with black lightning.

This is Ye Fan's overlord-colored domineering winding attack.

At the same time, a knife pierced Blackbeard's chest on the other side.

On this sea.

Two people with the strongest armed color domineering and the strongest overlord color domineering.

At the same time, he punched his most powerful power into Blackbeard Tichy's body.

Just for a short moment.

Blackbeard Tichy hadn't even had time to wail.

Every cell in his body was destroyed by two supreme domineering qi.

Blackbearded Tiki, who has endured humiliation and borne the burden for thirty years, has just become the Four Emperors.

I haven't had time to show my terrifying and powerful strength on this sea.

And so he died on this island, which is basically unknown to few people.

That's it.

The battle of Skull Island came to an end.

If Blackbeard Titch doesn't want to run away desperately.

Under the siege of Ye Fan and Guangyue Tianzhao, it can also hold out for a long time.

But he was timid.

The moment he was ready to escape, he was seized by Mitsuki Amaterasu.

Since then, there has been one less emperor on the sea.

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