Charlotte Lingling was furious.

Her overlord-colored domineering aura radiated.

Angrily said to Ye Fan: "Boy, don't think that you are Kaido's son-in-law, you can yell at me, think back then, Kaido's devil fruit was still given to him by me." "

Here it is again.

When Aunt and Kaido were together.

She will repeatedly mention her kindness to Kaido.

Back then, I found the precious Devil Fruit in the Valley of the Gods.

Fauna, phantom beast species, fish fruit, green dragon form.

And the story of giving this devil fruit to Kaido is publicized everywhere in exchange for benefits with Kaido.

This kind of thing light Ye Fan was in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group during this time.

Charlotte Lingling has already said it twice.

And the three generals sitting next to him also stood up and angrily rebuked Ye Fan with an angry expression on their faces.

In their opinion, as the Four Emperors Pirates, even if they agree to Kaido's request and control the new world together, the two sides are also cooperative.

And now Ye Fan actually wanted to treat them as subordinates.

This is just too much.

Ye Fango didn't care about their feelings at all.

In fact, as long as they didn't drag their feet behind, Ye Fan didn't care about their strength at all.

Charlotte Lingling is indeed very powerful.

But after she ate the soul fruit at the age of five, her spirit was somewhat abnormal.

Devouring a large number of souls, the personality will be very changeable at every turn.

Many times, not even helpers, turn into trouble.

And the strongest three general stars are now only the strength of flying sextuplets, among which Katakuri can barely be regarded as the combat power of the three major Kanban levels.

Instead of waiting for Charlotte Lingling to storm away in the future, it is better to let them completely give in now.

Ye Fan said: "On this sea, the strong are respected, I know that you are not convinced, but the strength does not allow you to be high-profile, Lingling might as well fight with my subordinates, if you can win, it will give you a higher status."

"The servant behind me is called Mitsuki Amaterasu, if you can beat her, I can give you a higher status."

Charlotte Katakuri stepped forward.

"Bastard, you underestimate us too much, let me kill your men."

Ye Fan said to the light moon Tianzhao behind him: "Go all out, you only need to leave a breath." "

Now the light moon and the sky, even Charlotte Lingling may not be her opponent, let alone Katakuri.

Many people think that Katakuri is very powerful.

Because he possesses the Fruit Awakening and the Domineering Awakening of Seeing and Hearing.

But ignoring Katakuri's age.

When Aunt joined the Rocks Pirates, Katakuri was already seven or eight years old.

He is now 47 years old, and he is already the oldest and strongest in the prime of this sea.

He was three years older than Marko.

In fact, his strength, talent, etc., are all very ordinary guys.

Individual combat effectiveness is not as good as Yamato.

It can be said that the Aunt Pirate Group is actually a state of no one in the follow-up.

She used her high-end bloodline and fused the children born of ordinary bloodlines, none of whom inherited her monster-like talent.

And Guangyue Amaterasu, even if he did not obtain the true power of Jin Biluo, did not eat the devil fruit.

Without the power of gluttonous fruits, even the combat effectiveness of the naval substitute admiral, it can also fight with Katakuri.

Not to mention the light moon and the sky now.

Katakuri is simply sending to death.

The two sides began to fight.

The weapons of the two began to collide together.

Katakuri's domineering look when he meets his own weapon will be easily cut off.

He was terrified.

But because Mitsuki Amaterasu's attack speed was too fast.

Katakuri also had no way to recover his weapons.

He can only be domineering according to his own sights and smells, and quickly enter the state of glutinous fruits.

Remove what you see as the body that you are going to be cut off.

I want to dodge the slash of Mitsuki Amaterasu.

Just this time.

He suddenly saw endless horror.

Even Charlotte Lingling, who was in the distance, stood up from the table.

Say loudly, "Stop. "

What can make Charlotte Lingling so frightened is because she saw the armed color domineering released.

Charlotte Lingling, who has a lot of knowledge, has seen in this sea, and can arm the strong people who are domineering outside.

This man is the naval hero Karp.

One man, one warship, dares to capture the men of the entire Rocks Pirates.

A man who chased the Pirate King Roger Pirate Group and fled everywhere.

Karp can be called a naval hero, the strongest in the navy.

The biggest reliance is not the domineering of the Draco.

And he is the first man on this sea to achieve armed color domineering release.

Known as Tekken Karp.

The domineering power of the Draco was only used twice when killing Lox and attacking Ye Fan.

Charlotte Lingling was horrified to see that Guangyue Tianzhao could even achieve the domineering release of armed colors.

This kind of armed color domineering form on the sea, the ultimate extreme.

The result is already known.

His own son Katakuri wants to rely on his domineering and fruitful ability to awaken, and to avoid such a terrifying move is to send him to death.

However, her voice was still slow.

What's more, Guangyue Tianzhao would not obey her orders.

The armed color domineering released outside "Boom"

is like a pan, slapped on a piece of tofu.

Snap ~~~

Katakuri was slapped on the ground like a pool of mud.

The whole body is waxy and fruity katakuri.

I tried hard to restore my body to my physical form.

But the moment of hand-to-hand just now.

Let his entire body be hit by the armed color domineering.

It was a look he couldn't resist.

The sticky fruits scattered on the ground seemed to be out of their control.

He could only squirm slowly on the ground, showing that he was not dead, but only breathing.

Guangyue Tianzhao was completely in accordance with Ye Fan's order.

Only leave a breath for Katakuri.

Definitely not give him two more breaths.

Charlotte Lingling was furious.

Katakuri is her most productive son.

is also the successor of the future Aunt Pirates.

She has dozens of children, but none more has the talent as powerful as Katakuri.

Charlotte Lingling's overlord-colored domineering aura began to spread in all directions.

"Bastard, bastard, how dare you, how dare you kill my favorite son."

The overlord-colored domineering aura on Ye Fan's body also began to be released at the same time.

A more powerful overlord domineering than Aunt Charlotte Lingling.

Instantly suppressed the domineering of the aunt.

The floor walls in the hall began to crack inch by inch.

At the same time, Ye Fan's whole body was wrapped in black lightning.

Aunt Charlotte Lingling looked even more frightened.

It was as if I had seen something incredible.

"How is this possible, even the red-haired kid can't be so terrifying."

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