Charlotte Lingling was suppressed although the overlord color domineering.

She was still unwilling, although she knew that she might lose to Ye Fan.

As the dignity of the Four Emperors, seeing his most beloved son is already dying.

There is no possibility that she will not shoot.

As soon as he raised his hand, Napoleon appeared in his hand and turned into a pitch-black machete.

Rushed towards Ye Fan.

A terrifying overlord-colored domineering aura wrapped around Napoleon's body.

A knife slashed towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan did not move.

Because next to him is the light moon and the sky.

Jin Biluo, who was shining in the light moon, blocked Charlotte Lingling's attack with a sword.

Overlord color domineering winding and armed color domineering confrontation.

It also had a terrifying effect.

Powerful force, the entire hall along the place where the two clashed.

There was a tear.

The floor, the walls, to the top of the tall living room, under the strong force of two people.

Directly cracked a gap.


The clouds in this sky were torn apart by the powerful power of the two people.

Aunt Charlotte Lingling was unwilling to her own attack and was blocked so easily.

Shouting in his mouth.

Babbling ~~~

Constantly increase the power in your hands.

But the gold ribbed in Guangyue Amaterasu's hand did not move.

The two sides have been deadlocked for a long time.

Charlotte Lingling was horrified to discover.

The current Hundred Beast Pirate Group, not only the Hundred Beast Kaido is more powerful than her.

Not only Ye Fan is stronger than him.

Even the guards around Ye Fan were not as strong as her.

Their own pirate group was originally suppressed because of their numbers.

According to the information of Aunt Charlotte Lingling, the current Hundred Beast Pirate Group already has at least a few thousand artificial devil fruit abilities.

Her pirate group is far from being the opponent of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Unexpectedly, in terms of high-end combat effectiveness, the gap is even greater.

This woman in a mask is like the general Fuji Tora Yixiao and the green cow Aramaki.

The strong man who suddenly appeared can actually open up with himself.

What a terrifying strength the Hundred Beast Pirate Group really has.

Even the Rocks Pirates back then did not have such a strong strength.

No wonder it can defeat the navy head-on.

Ye Fan said: "Stop, I promise that your son is fine." Hearing

Ye Fan's words.

Charlotte Lingling immediately withdrew the weapon in her hand.

Her big black knife became Napoleon.

Although Charlotte Lingling is very arrogant, she despises the weak on the sea.

But she can become the Four Emperors.

Not a naïve fool.

On the contrary, she is very intelligent a lot of the time.

From the beginning, she took her family as the foundation and established a pirate group.

The most obvious advantage of this is that most children will not betray.

There will be no reason like the Rocks Pirates.

The subordinates were all distracted, which led to the direct collapse of the final decisive battle.

Kaido, Ye Fan, and Guangyue Tianzhao three people.

You can easily kill her.

Good men do not suffer immediate losses.

Charlotte Lingling said: "As long as you save my son Katakuri, I will submit to your Hundred Beast Pirates. "

Katakuri's whole body was smashed by the terrifying armed color domineering.

If put on the body of ordinary people.

Such injuries.

It means that all parts of a person except below the head have been necrotic.

Ordinary people, with such injuries, have already died.

What method Ye Fan can use to save her son, Charlotte Lingling also wants to know very much.


Ye Fan took out a bean from his pocket.

With a flick of his finger, he shot the bean directly into Katakuri's mouth.

The sticky, paste-like glutinous glutinous on the ground disappeared.

Katakuri appeared in the hall intact again.

Charlotte Lingling stepped forward to carefully examine Katakuri's body.

"My son actually recovered, this bean is amazing."

Ye Fan: "This magical bean is called fairy beans, the quantity is very rare, and it is very precious, but the effect is also very powerful."

"No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you still have a breath, eat this bean, you can recover all injuries, and your combat effectiveness can also return to its peak."

Charlotte Lingling: "What a good baby, can you give us some of these beans?"

Ye Fan opened his pocket.

Charlotte Lingling saw that there were still nine fairy beans inside.

Ye Fan said: "There are still nine now, I can give you one in advance, and after we eliminate the red-haired pirate group, I will give you two more."

Charlotte Lingling: "Just three fairy beans, let us BIG MOM Pirates and Redhead go to an all-out war, it's not enough."

Ye Fan: "You misunderstood, the red-haired pirate group is known as the Iron Wall Pirate Group, and they don't have so many subordinates."

"I, father-in-law Kaido, my assistant Amaterasu Mitsuki, and you Charlotte Lingling, the four of us, it is enough to eliminate the red-haired pirate group, give you a fairy bean in advance, you have two lives, you won't think that you will be killed by the people of the red-haired pirate group."

Charlotte Lingling's eyes rolled a few times.

Seriously consider Ye Fan's suggestion.

In the end, it seemed feasible.

The redhead was just a few years ago when he became the Four Emperors.

Their veteran Four Emperors don't care yet.

But when the red-haired Shanks showed his terrifying overlord-colored domineering.

They just knew.

He turned out to be no match for the red-haired Shanks.

This young Four Emperors, his strength is really terrifying.

Kaido, who has never spoken.

Also spoke at this time.

"Lingling, I told you, my son-in-law Ye Fan is the legendary Joyboy, he is invincible."

Hear Kaido's words.

Charlotte Lingling finally made up her mind.

The most terrifying thing about the red-haired pirates is just the red-haired Shanks.

Even the royal copy Beckman is still worse than them.

If Ye Fan could really challenge the redhead alone.

It just proves that he is the most powerful pirate.

Maybe it's really like Kaido said.

Ye Fan is the legendary Joyboy, a powerful existence that can defeat Draco.

In that case.

They all nations, following behind the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, do not suffer losses.

Even the Draco need a huge navy to control the world.

If Ye Fan could really defeat the Draco.

After they are all nations, there may be even greater territory.

Charlotte Lingling said: "Okay, I will go with you to eliminate the red-haired pirate group, as long as Ye Fan can prove that he has the power to surpass the red-haired Shanks, our BIG MOM pirate group will truly submit to the hundred beast pirate group."

Charlotte Lingling agreed.

But at the same time, it was also clear that she needed to see Ye Fan defeat the red-haired Shanks.

Instead of relying on their siege, it was possible to defeat the red-haired Shanks.

Seeing Charlotte Lingling agreed.

Ye Fan was also very happy.

At this moment, completely solve the red-haired Shanks, there will be no problem at all.

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