Ember walked into the room.

said: "According to intelligence, the location of the red-haired pirate group has been determined. "

The current Hundred Beast Pirate Group is completely different from the previous turtle shrinking in the country of Wano.

More than a hundred allied countries, a large number of maritime trade was generated.

There are too many people who can provide intelligence to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

When Ye Fan ordered to find the location of the red-haired pirate group.

The flame is through the telephone worm.

From the mouth of multiple caravans.

Determines the red-haired Shanks, as well as the location of his pirate ship.

The redhead at this time was on Nunu Island.

That island is very close to the Kingdom of Giants.


The redhead receives the news that the kingdom of giants has a new king.

The island of Elbaf is just outside the red-haired Shanks' sphere of influence.

As a powerful country on the sea, it cannot be underestimated.

The red-haired Shanks must at least guarantee that the Giant Kingdom is still friendly to him.

Just right.

The location of Nunu Island, Ye Fan is also clear.

He took out three fairy beans in his hand and gave one fairy bean to Kaido, Auntie, and Mitsuki Tianzhao.

Then open the door of freedom.

He said: "Through this free door, we can directly reach Nunu Island, and this time, our goal is to eliminate the red-haired pirates." The

four walked into the portal together.

Immediately came to Nunu Island.

This is the closest island to the Kingdom of Giants.

Ye Fan released a large number of electric ions.

Soon the entire island will be covered.

Immediately found the location of the red-haired Shanks.

Ben Beckman: "The intelligence information is very strange, Loki is an adventurous person, when he was a prince, he encouraged giants to become pirates, but now after becoming king, he began to block the kingdom of giants, becoming more blockaded than before.

Red-haired Shanks: "As long as we get to Elbaf and meet Loki, everything will be clear." "

Ben Beckman, as the royal deputy of the red-haired pirates, is also a think tank, and he needs to consider a lot of issues.

Jesus Bu: "Beckman is too worried, just a giant kingdom, as long as the boss unleashes the overlord-colored domineering power and envelops their entire country, they will yield." "

Jesus Bu was full of confidence in the power of the red-haired Shanks.

Their boss, but can be overlord-colored domineering, covering the entire country's powerful existence.

After speaking, pick up a glass of wine and hold it high.

"Cheers, everyone."

The red-haired pirate group is also known as the copper wall and iron wall pirate group.

This means that the red-haired pirate group is indestructible and has no shortcomings.

It is the smallest group of pirates of the Four Emperors.

There were only 10 crew members, including the red-haired Shanks.

In fact.

Previously, there were only nine of them, and they became the Four Emperors.

Because the weakest also have the strength of a vice admiral of the headquarters of the Navy.

Or Roxda, a newcomer who has just joined the red-haired pirate group in the past two years.

The only news Ye Fan knew about this person was that he was sent by Shanks to deliver a letter to Whitebeard.

But these small characters, Ye Fan didn't care.

Although the red-haired pirate group is the most powerful individual fighting force.

However, not all 10 people have the combat power of the general level.

The real strength is actually only four people.

Red-haired Shanks, Ben Beckman, Jesus Bu, and Raki Lu.

Apart from the red-haired Shanks, the most famous is undoubtedly Jesus Bu.

Because he is the father of Usopp the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Except for the four of them.

The strength of other people, there will be some gaps.

In fact, the future Luffy Pirates are actually such a configuration.

Except for Luffy, the only high-end combat power is Solon, Yamaji, and Yamato, who has not changed the plot.

As for Robin, Jinping, French, Choba, Brooke, and Usopp, they can only be regarded as second-rate combat power.

Although Choiba also did, the bounty of fifty Baileys, resisted the aunt's knife, and fought the battle of five billion Baileys.

But they are also only occasional outbreaks.

And the red-haired pirate group is also in the same configuration.

They have a captain, three major cadres, and the remaining six crew members, that is, the combat strength of the vice admiral level of the navy headquarters.

Ten people and an orangutan began to drink together.

He didn't care too much about the changes in the Kingdom of Giants at all.

Who are they, they are a group of red-haired pirates.

When they finished this drink.

The redhead stood up and looked out into the street outside the bar.

Seeing that the boss's expression was wrong.

Everyone noticed the situation outside.

Two tall figures, only slightly smaller than the occasional giant on the streets here.

Two tall men walking down the street.

Naturally, it was Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

On the side of the street, there are two smaller figures.

It was Ye Fan and Guangyue Tianzhao.

Watch the arrival of several people.

The people of the red-haired pirate group also took up arms nervously.

Whether it's facing Kaido alone or Charlotte Lingling.

None of them will have the slightest nervousness.

But today.

The oppression of the two Four Emperors powerhouses.

Let the crew of the red-haired pirate group have a sense of crisis.

Of course, that's just a hint.

They will not be nervous when facing the marshal Sengoku, as well as the three major admirals of the navy.

This is the confidence of their red-haired pirates.

Ben Beckman: "The two Four Emperors have come to the territory of our red-haired pirates, what do you want to do?" "

Ben Beckman didn't feel like they were here to fight.

In his heart.

Recently, the movement of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has been very large.

They were expanding wildly and defeated the navy.

It seems that he wants to go to war with Draco like the previous Rocks Pirates.

And the target of their red-haired pirate group.

But the ultimate island, the legendary great secret treasure.

In Ben Beckman's heart, he felt that he had come to negotiate and wanted them to fight Draco together.

And not those who came to the decisive battle.

They don't know.

Ye Fan had already secretly found the Great Secret Treasure.

And use the power of the Pure Land of Bliss.

Let the White Star Princess awaken the power of Aquaman in advance.

The opening time of the Great Secret Treasure.

It has been opened almost two years earlier than normal.

Kaido: "There is nothing to talk about, this time it is to destroy you, and the provincial Shanks, like Roger back then, sneaked up from behind when we were at war with the Draco." "

Hear the words of Kaido the Hundred Beasts.

The red-haired Shanks pulled out the famous knife at his waist.

Griffin, one of the twelve supreme large knives.

Ben Beckman took out the pistol at his waist.

Jesus Bu took out the sniper rifle on his back.

Red-haired Shanks: "It's too arrogant to want to eliminate our red-haired pirate group just by relying on the two of you, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, today I want to teach you a lesson." "

Although the red-haired Shanks is more friendly to Luffy and to ordinary people.

But don't think he's really a good-tempered person.

Just like Kidd challenged the redhead, he was directly cut off by the redhead.

He is also a murderous pirate who has destroyed a country.

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