Whether it's Momo three hundred times faster.

Or Bamen Dun Jia.

Every kind of strength is very physically draining.

Ye Fan's consumption naturally far surpassed that of the red-haired Shanks.

And most critically.

Now the red-haired Shanks has also become energy-saving.

He is no longer domineering around the overlord color all over his body.

Now the red-haired Shanks, only on the griffin in his hand, injected domineering.

Every second, his consumption was less than one-tenth of Ye Fan's.

Even if Ye Fan had several times the physical strength of Shanks.

As long as it is consumed like this.

The last person to lose can only be Ye Fan.

And see such a situation.

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were not worried, but felt very happy.

Ye Fan had a total of ten immortal beans.

Give one for each of the three of them and one for Katakuri.

He also had six fairy beans in his hand.

The Shanks in front of him, his combat power far exceeded the estimates of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

But if the competition is consumed, how can he defeat Ye Fan, who still has six immortal beans.

So neither of them was worried that Ye Fan would lose.

Just tackle the red-haired Shanks.

The remaining people of the red-haired pirate group are definitely not their opponents.

Against Im, against Draco, there is no hurry.

Just solve the red-haired pirate group today.

From now on.

The three of them will control the entire new world.

Kaido didn't know that Ye Fan had obtained the Heavenly King.

Now the Heavenly King is not fully charged, and no one else knows about this except the female emperor.

Even in Kaido's heart, really go to war with Draco.

It is also to find the last piece of red historical text.

Then after finding Ralph Drew's final island.

It's time to go to war with Draco.

Something he felt might take many years to achieve.


Kaido didn't know that they would soon be at war with Draco.

Ye Fan: "Do you really think you can consume me?" That's a ridiculous idea. "

Take back the blue sunwheel knife in your hand.

Ye Fan's right hand was the power of the Thunder Fruit.

The left hand is the power of the magnetic fruit.

Two palms, slap on the ground at the same time.


This is on a windless, deserted island.

It becomes an island of lightning and strong magnetism.

Ye Fan wanted to use a large amount of high-voltage lightning and a powerful magnetic field to destroy all the nanobugs in the red-haired Shanks' body.


Directly using the ability of the fruit to awaken, it changed the properties of all matter on this island.


Just as Ye Fan expected, the red-haired Shanks used a domineering overlord color to block Ye Fan's attack.

Ye Fan said: "In this way, you can't consume it, I have used the ability of fruit awakening to permanently change the environment of this island, and I have been maintaining the whole body to be dominant, and it is not easy to consume." "

This is Ye Fan's purpose.

Permanently changing the surrounding material properties does require a lot of fruit power.


Similarly, the red-haired Shanks, he must also be bullied all over his body.

Even the red-haired Shanks, who has the strongest overlord color domineering.

If he wants to maintain this state all the time, he also needs to consume a lot of physical strength.

In this way, the longer the battle.

The more Ye Fan took advantage.

After all, his fruit ability only needs to change the environment permanently.

He doesn't need to be consuming.

And Shanks can't.

But Shanks, on the other side, did not have the slightest worry.

Instead, he said lightly: "Do you know why I said, relying on the power of the fruit, you will never want to defeat the Draco, don't want to defeat Im?" "

Finish speaking.

The griffin in his hand, the entire body of the knife, was all red lightning.

Divine domineering wrapped around Griffin's knife.

And then.

The redhead plunged Griffin directly into the ground beneath his feet.


The whole island was restored to its original state.

Whether it was the terrifying lightning in the air or the strong magnetic field on the island, it disappeared in an instant.

The red-haired Shanks laughed arrogantly.

Then he said: "In the face of divine domineering, all fruit abilities are useless.

"In order to fight against the demon fruit ability of this planet, the divine domineering that the archon specially researched was to destroy all the demon fruit abilities in this world."

It turned out that this kind of divine domineering was actually researched by artificial intelligence on the ark spaceship.

Specially used to deal with the power of the Devil Fruit on this planet.

They are outsiders, the offspring stored in the gene seed bank.

It is clear that you can use the power of the mysterious devil fruit on this planet to become more powerful.

But this artificial intelligence, the first few thousand years of the Archon, was all about the power of destroying the Devil Fruit.

For this.

Even at the expense of erasing all life on this planet once.

Ye Fan didn't know why he did this.

But obviously.

The consul eventually failed.

It ultimately did not have the power to destroy the Devil Fruit.

However, the consul failed though.

But he researched it, this special domineering.

Something that is called divine domineering by the Draco.

Can purify the power of the Devil Fruit Awakening.

Ye Fan: "It seems that the power of divine domineering is really beyond my understanding, but I want to ask Lord Im, the legendary archon, why did he destroy the power of the Devil Fruit."

Red-haired Shanks: "It seems that you know a lot, there are two reasons why he wants to destroy the power of the Devil Fruit.

"First, originally this world is a noble-blooded person, ruling a low-blooded race, and this rule has been maintained for millions of years."

"Second, don't you think the climate of this planet is very weird? The windless belt, the great shipping route, and the strange, changeable and dangerous climate of the New World are simply not in line with the laws of science.

Ye Fan: "Are you saying that these are the Devil Fruits that have awakened and permanently changed the terrain, making the environment of this planet so weird?"

Red-haired Shanks: "That's why Lord Im, Lord Archon, caused the first mass extinction." "

A person with a noble bloodline like me who can easily learn the four domineering qi to the limit, how long do you think it will take me to fully awaken the Devil Fruit ability."

"For the first time, countless noble bloodlines all possessed powerful demon fruits, and their melee with each other formed the windless belt, the great voyage and the new world, which permanently changed the climate of this planet."

"Give these strong people and use such power unscrupulously, and the climate of this planet will soon become a world where only a few strong people can survive."

"Lord Im and we Draco are the ones who truly maintain the balance of this world."

The red-haired Shanks said a lot, and the truth was not described in the text of the black history.

It turns out that in this world, there have been two occurrences of Ragnarok, the first time is that Im destroyed all life.

The second time, eight hundred years ago, Im killed all the gods, and the last one was Joey Boi.

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