Ye Fan: "Speaking of tall, you people of the three clans have wanted to rebel against Yim for many years."

"You are all afraid, be treated by Im as pigs in a pigsty, fattened and killed."

Red-haired Shanks: "Do you think we are inferior Draco?" They are indeed just the nourishment of Im, and the people of our upper three tribes are direct descendants of the gods.

"You don't really think that when the twenty kings eliminated Joyboy together, their strength was the same."

"Only a noble bloodline like ours can cultivate the three-color domineering and divine domineering to the peak, and other bloodlines, even if it is a monster like Kaido, no matter how hard he works all his life, it is impossible to break through the limitations of the bloodline and reach the peak."

Ye Fan: "Then One Piece King Roger, these guys who are not Draco, aren't they the same cultivation to the top?"

Red-haired Shanks: "The people of the D clan were originally the descendants of the gods, but they turned to Joey Boi, the gods who stood on the side of the Demon Tree Tree Spirit, and they were all failed guys.

Ye Fan understood.

The final battle of Ragnarok.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the emancipation of slaves and the free life of all races.

It is actually a war between gods and gods.

The three kings with the strongest bloodlines, united Im, united with seventeen other kingdoms.

Attack together, Joey Boi, who has the strength of the Devil Fruit, and the rest who give up the bloodline of the gods and choose the D clan with the strength of the Devil Fruit.

Among them, it also includes the Protoss who can control the three ancient weapons.

And this battle of Ragnarok.

Or was Yim victorious, and he killed Joey Boi.

And the power of the Devil Fruit Tree will not be destroyed.

As long as they are given time, they can recover.

And that time is eight hundred years.


Joey Boie was knowing he was defeated.

The people who ordered the country of Wano made the text of history.

Moreover, the people of Wano Country began to close themselves off.

On the outskirts of the country, they erected a wall several kilometers high, triggering changes in the surrounding ocean.

As a result, the current territory of Wano Country is only one-tenth of what it used to be, and they all live on the peaks of Wano Country in the past.

The benefits of this.

If you want to enter the country of Wano, you must climb a cliff of more than two thousand meters.

In addition, because of the rising sea level, Wano Country has been surrounded by terrifying hurricanes.

Through such a completely shrunken Wano country.

Guard Joey Boey's last secret.

None of this really matters.

As long as the Nika Fruit ability is fully accumulated.

And find the people of the D tribe and let them eat the fruit of Nika.

Joey Boy will begin to come back to life.

All this, in fact, has nothing to do with hard work, optimism, friendship, and struggle.

The tree spirit of the Demon Tree chooses the one with the strongest bloodline and transforms him into Joey Boi.

And Luffy has the bloodline of the best D race, and his mother is a Draco of the upper three clans with the bloodline of a true god.

His bloodline is far more powerful than Ace, who is only of the D race.

Naturally, Nika chose Luffy instead of Ace.

Red-haired Shanks: "Now, let you see how terrifying the top tricolor domineering is." "

Finish speaking.

The red-haired Shanks swung his knife again and rushed towards Ye Fan.

This time, Ye Fan left a heart eye.

He did not use his full force.


Just as Ye Fan expected.

The red-haired Shanks' knife dodged his own attack.

At the same time, with incredible angles and rules, he once again slashed towards Ye Fan's abdomen.

This time, Ye Fan did not use his full strength.

Therefore, the speed of retreat was fast, and he dodged the redhead's slash.

But the red-haired Shanks didn't plan to let Ye Fan go just like that.

He quickly followed and launched a continuous stream of slashes.

For a time, Ye Fan was in danger.

Has been busy dodging Shanks' attack.


A loud sound of two knives colliding.

Ye Fan blocked Shanks' attack.

Ye Fan: "No wonder I have always felt that God Avoidance is very strange, even if you can predict my attack, but your speed is not as good as mine, you want to dodge and attack my body, only rely on listening to the voice of all things, this is impossible."

"You have the ability to hide yourself, so that my sight and smell are domineering, and I will misjudge your actions for a moment, which is the key."

Red-haired Shanks: "Even if you know, what can you do, yes, this is the third stage of the domineering awakening of seeing and hearing colors, listening to the voice of all things, and shielding the perception of low-end domineering colors."

"Losing the sense of seeing and hearing domineering, you can still face my knife, and I really admire it."

Just now.

Ye Fan's knife can slash at Shanks' knife.

It is a common sense of Ye Fan.

He directly blocked his perception of seeing and hearing domineering.

Because these things are domineering.

Only incorrect information is delivered.

Seriously affected his own judgment.

And Ye Fan was able to catch the red-haired Shanks in an instant, relying on his own eyes.

Whether it is a white eye or a chakra eye, it has the ability to see through the enemy's attack.

But his own eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is obviously stronger than the white eye.


Ye Fan gave up his white eyes, after all, his white eyes had not yet evolved into the eyes of rebirth, reincarnation, or pure eyes.

Under the gaze of two eternal kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.

Red-haired Shanks' magical moves.

In Ye Fan's eyes, he saw it clearly.


Ye Fan still couldn't resist, and the red-haired Shanks listened to the voice of all things.

His own thoughts, the route of his moves, can still be detected by the red-haired Shanks.

Every time Ye Fan swung his sword, he had to change his route at least three times.

This makes it impossible for the red-haired Shanks to dodge the attack.

The two could only collide with swords.

At the beginning, Ye Fan only wanted to rely on his own great strength.

After constant collisions, destroy the stamina of the red-haired Shanks.

But after ten minutes of fighting.

The two separated again.

Ye Fan: "Those nano worms in your body can also repair your injured body, and they are still increasing your strength, which is really annoying."

Red-haired Shanks: "Your strength also exceeded my estimates, and you found a way to restrain God so quickly."

"Even so, you can't defeat me, after taking this divine potion, I have been an immortal existence for a long time, mortals, never want to defeat the gods."

Red-haired Shanks was full of confidence.

This is the product of the pinnacle of ancient civilization.

The nanoworms inside, even if Vegapunk has studied for hundreds of years, cannot be made.

Although each nanobug is only 0.1 nanometers in size, the energy in their bodies is enough for them to run for decades.

And this battle cannot last for decades.

So, his red-haired Shanks won.

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