On this deserted island.

It's not that there are no people.

Inside a cave on a hill in the distance.

And two more people.

Clearly heard the conversation between the redhead and Ye Fan.

They are thousands of miles away though.

But the red-haired Shanks and Ye Fan were full of overlord-colored domineering voices.

It still spread throughout the island.

And these two people.

If the plot doesn't change.

The future Four Emperors Baki, and the most powerful Imperial Deputy MR.3.

While advancing the city.

Bucky the Clown helps Luffy as Luffy's reward.

Captain Bucky finally got Captain John's treasure map.

After participating in the top war.

Bucky successfully became Nanabukai.

And he used the identity of Qi Wuhai and did not legally plunder.

Nor did they occupy a country.

Instead, a sea express company was launched.

Ordinary people.

Thought he studied sea express delivery just to earn a lot of Bailey.

In fact.

Bucky the Clown is just to develop a ship that can sail in various seas.

Because Captain John's treasure map is in the dangerous windless zone.

The strength of Bucky the Clown.

Plus the strongest emperor deputy MR·3 two people.

They don't have the strength to kill a large number of giant sea kings in the windless belt.

It's hard work.

Finally bought a small ship of the Navy.

The bottom is equipped with a large amount of sea lou stone, plus steam power.

There is also the wealth accumulated by the courier company, which has established supply points on multiple islands.

Bucky the Clown became Nanabuki after that.

It took half a year.

He finally had the ability to come to the island.

The place where Captain John's treasure is buried.

40 years ago.

The terrifying Rocks Pirates plundered the wealth of more than a hundred countries.

However, after the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Lox died.

These pirates gathered because of the treasure, but no one was interested because of the wealth.

The most powerful golden lion, at that time, he only wanted to win over the most subordinates and establish a huge flying pirate group.

The second most powerful whitebeard, who just wants to have his own family.

Charlotte Lingling, the third most powerful, just wants to build a nation based on her family.

At that time, Kaido was only a substitute crew.

After the Rocks Pirates collapsed, Kaido formed his own Pirates and began to dominate the sea.

During this period, Moonlight Moria's pirate group was also annihilated.

This group of terrifying thieves gathered because of treasure and wealth.

Rather, when Rocks died.

By John, the not very powerful Captain of the Fan, he inherited a lot of wealth.

But Captain John is too greedy to give his pirate members a Bailey.

Instead, he was killed by the rebellion of his men.

Moonlight Moriah in order to defeat Kaido after being defeated by Kaido.

He stole the body of Captain John.

Then decades later, he was defeated by Luffy.

Luffy has no interest in treasure, and defeats Moonlight Moria to obtain treasure, which is controlled by the thief cat Nami.

Nami, a thief cat who is very sensitive to wealth, ignores the badge of Captain John.

Worn by Luffy, and did not find the treasure map inside along the way.

In the end, it was in the hands of Bucky, the clown with the strongest luck.

Today, he and the co-captain MR.3 have gone through a lot of hardships.

Finally found Captain John's treasure.

The two were very happy.

The mountains of Bailey were piled up inside, and they transported them at least a dozen times before they could empty the wealth inside.

Find Captain John's treasure and fulfill your decades-long dream.

It was supposed to be the highlight of Bucky the Joker.

But now, his face was full of panic and despair.


This island contains the treasure of Captain John.

Suddenly, a group of people came.

They came out of the gate that appeared out of thin air.

MR·3 said in horror: "This is Kaido, he won't come to rob us ~~~"

He was covered by Bucky, the clown next to him.


"Little sound, we will die if he hears us."

Bucky, the clown on the side, was already trembling.

But when they saw that Charlotte Lingling also walked out after her.

The two of them, already hugged together, trembled wildly.

They are terrified at the moment.

This scene, like a little mouse, encounters a group of cats.

When the red-haired Shanks came in.

Bucky the Clown is happy.

This was his childhood friend, and the two of them grew up together.

With the redhead there, he was safe.

Could it be that this island is the meeting of the four emperors?


When Ben Beckman actually sneaked up on and killed Jesus Bu with his own hands.

The two hugged each other in fear.

MR·3 trembled and asked softly: "Ship~~Captain, aren't you ~~ and ~redhead~~ friends?"

Bucky the Clown's voice trembled equally.

"I~I haven't seen ~~ when he is so cruel."

MR.3 asked, "So what do we do now, captain, we seem to have participated in the battle of the Four Emperors." Bucky

the Clown: "What else can I do, be careful to hide, go and don't let them find out." "

A conversation between the two of them.

In fact, it had already been heard by Ye Fan's ears.

The ability of the heart net is really useful when it is eavesdropping on a large scale.


On this island is the treasure of Captain John.

Ye Fan hadn't read the comics behind.

He doesn't know.

Two years later.

This clown Bucky will become the boss of the Cross Society.

Members also have Nanabukai, such as Hawkeye Mihawk and others.


Bucky the Clown would announce a bounty order for all navies.

It opened the precedent of pirates bounty to the navy.

Thus became the new Four Emperors.

But even if Ye Fan knew.

It doesn't find anything strange either.

Bucky the Clown, the man shrouded in luck.

A bounty with its own strength of only a few million Baileys, but has the status of billions of Bailey bounties.

After he obtained the treasure of Captain John, he had a large amount of money in his hands.

He has a lot of Bailey in his hands.

In order to ensure their own safety, there is also a lot of treasure that they have acquired.

It is not surprising that a small part of it is not surprising that the navy that captured him was rewarded.

Take advantage of money.

Take advantage of other pirates.

Help him solve the threat of the Navy to himself.

This kind of thing.

The timid Bucky did exactly do it.

Ignoring Bucky the Clown them.

Wait until the problem of the red-haired pirate group is solved.

These treasures of Captain John.

It's your own.

In addition, obtained in the deep sea, another part of the treasure of Lockes.

Ye Fan has enough Bailey.

Reward those pirates and let them work for themselves.

Let's go attack Draco.

Right now.

The most critical issue.

Still to solve the red-haired Shanks.

His combat effectiveness.

It was even stronger than Ye Fan thought.

Originally thought that he was the most powerful Four Emperors, he must be more powerful than his cheap father-in-law Kaido.

But now that I have exchanged hands, I have discovered how terrifying the redhead who has studied the ultimate state of the tricolor domineering is.

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