Ye Fan and Shanks fought together.

However, Ye Fan now, although he has the power of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

Can look different from the red-haired Shanks on the surface.

But the action is not so good-looking.

Jumping up and down like a monkey.

And Shanks' understatement can block his own attack.

Listen to the voice of all things.

It's a nasty skill.

Ye Fan, who has a variety of abilities, actually has many ways to restrain Shanks.

For example, Ye Fan could use the power of the Cold Winter Domain to directly restrict Shanks' movement.

This is not the amount of Devil Fruit.

I believe that the red-haired Shanks can't easily destroy Ye Fan's Winter Cold Domain with divine domineering.

Another example.

Ye Fan can resist Shanks' damage hard, and exchange injuries for injuries.

Don't look at the red-haired Shanks' ability to recover amazingly after having a nanobug.

But no matter how strong his recovery ability is, it is impossible to surpass the intercolumnar cells.

And also.

Ye Fan could use Mu Duan's power.

Directly on this island, come a tree realm.

The red-haired Shanks also had no way to use his abilities so freely.

But all this.

Ye Fan didn't want to use it.

The reason is simple.

Shanks can do it, tricolor domineering such a terrifying development.

That was the former archon of the Ark.

Now Lord Im.

He is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, or artificial intelligence.

How terrifying his combat power will be.

Maybe he had already used the gene pool in the ark.

The most powerful divine gene has created the most powerful body for him.

So many years of development.

How strong will his power be.

If it's just an opponent of the level of red-haired Shanks.

Ye Fan wants to play all the hole cards.

How he can overcome, the legendary Im.

Ye Fan must be found.

A way to refrain from listening to the voice of all things.

Shanks' domineering appearance can restrain his brief encounter with the future.

This illustrates.

There is definitely a way.

It is a way to refrain from listening to the voice of all things.

By its own power.

If even the current red-haired Shanks can't compete.

How Ye Fan will defeat Yim in the future.

Ye Fan who looked jumping up and down.

In battle, actually.

Various methods have been used.

Such as suppressing one's own thinking.

Such as quickly changing your own fighting methods.

For example, he even hinted that he was a monster who only knew how to fight by instinct.

Ye Fan took in just ten minutes.

Several methods of combat have been tried.

But apparently useless.

The way to listen to the voice of all things is really terrifying.


Ye Fan thought of something.

The naval hero of the year, Karp.

But he can hunt down and kill the entire Roger Pirate Group alone.

Let them escape in the sea along the way.

I fought Karp myself.

Even if it is the current Karp, it is just a domineering awakening that meets the future level.

Otherwise, when it comes to war.

Ye Fan was killed by Karp.

How did he restrain Roger's listening to all things?

There must be a way.

I just don't know.

This time.

Ye Fan again.

released his own domineering.

Seriously feeling, but not determining Shanks' location.

Instead, feel Shanks' domineering changes.

Seeing color domineering is something that cannot be seen and touched.

But these times are understood.

In fact, seeing and smelling domineering is like radar.

The body emits a wave all the time.

You can feel the changes in the surrounding environment.

And the red-haired Shanks when using the divine avoidance.


Ye Fan's domineering appearance failed.

That is, the radar touched the stealth fighter.

And meeting the future is equivalent to a defensive anti-missile weapon.

Directly according to the opponent's trajectory, plan the best interception route, or dodge route.

These abilities, Ye Fan can understand.


How the other person listens to their hearts.

Ye Fan couldn't understand it.

Ye Fan passed a long period of observation.

Finally, I have found a way to listen to the voice of all things.

When he saw Domineering and Shanks colliding.

It is obvious that the concentration of the sight and smell of the scan towards his head is several times that of other places.


This is the third stage of seeing and smelling domineering.

High-intensity and high-density sighting and domineering can penetrate the enemy's brain and detect changes in brain cells.

Other words.

In fact, it is not listening to the voice of all things.

Instead, directly use powerful sights and sounds to detect the operation of the enemy's brain.

According to the different actions of the cells in the brain, to know the thinking of the other party.

And see and hear.

Refrain from foreseeing the future.

It is to use his own knowledge and smell to be domineering and completely wrap his body.

As long as the other party sees the domineering color.

You can cancel each other out and consume each other.

This enables short-term stealth.

No wonder.

The red-haired Shanks couldn't do it either, keeping himself in a stealth state all the time.

Don't let the other party's domineering find out.


In this way, he himself consumes a lot of money.

Listening to the voice of all things requires dozens of times more domineering than meeting the future.

It is also necessary to maintain the ability to see and kill for a long time.

Redheads also can't last long.

After figuring everything out.

Ye Fan immediately stopped using the method of seeing and smelling domineering and detecting the enemy.

Because of his domineering appearance, he was not as strong as the redhead.

And, as long as the head is protected.

Ye Fan didn't need to resist all the redheads' domineering.

Ye Fan only needed to offset a part.

The information in his mind, in the eyes of the redhead, was intermittent.


He had no way to predict his complete attack route.

When Ye Fan did this.

His kaleidoscopic writing wheel eyes can be clearly seen.

In less than 0.1 seconds, the red-haired Shanks' expression became very ugly.

Although his complexion returned to normal in an instant.

Still did not escape Ye Fan's observation.

Seems to work.

Now, it's time to really give it a try.

Will he be able to be like Karp back then.

At the same time, the tricks of refraining from seeing, hearing, killing, and listening to the hearts of all things were avoided.

This time.

On the blue sun wheel knife in Ye Fan's hand.

Full of terrifying domineering power.

The black lightning on the body of the knife was unusually rich, and even the range was expanded.

Ye Fan's impact speed.

Like a bolt of lightning.

Three hundred times the power of the Momo Fruit, plus the power of the Eight Gate Dun Jia.

Ye Fan's speed has reached the limit of human beings.

As soon as he started, his speed broke through Mach one.

A roaring sonic boom sounded along with Ye Fan's charge.

An incomparably powerful slash full of overlord-colored domineering entwined.

Shot with all his strength and slashed at the red-haired Shanks.

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