When Ye Fan approached the red-haired Shanks.

Shanks just wanted to control the dozen huge king dragons behind him and launch an attack on Ye Fan.

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound of click~, click~.

The red-haired Shanks found out.

The king dragons that he had condensed with his fruit ability had been frozen into ice sculptures.

He wanted to control these royal water formations when the king dragon attacked.

They have all been frozen into ice sculptures.

This is the power of Ye Fan's Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye Cold Winter Domain.

Ye Fan originally did not intend to use the power of the Sharingan.

Only rely on the domineering and fruit ability of the tricolor to defeat the red-haired Shanks.

But the fruit ability of aqua regia is really annoying.

Completely restrained his purple dragon form fruit ability.

And the thunder fruit, the whole body turned into lightning, although it was not afraid of the attack of the regiary water.

But this elemental state, facing the red-haired Shanks, whose domineering tricolor has reached its peak, is sending him to death.


In the face of such a very headache, Wang Guoshi can corrode everything.

Ye Fan still chose the easiest way to crack it.

Ye Fan still studied physics in junior high school.

Although aqua regia can corrode almost everything.

But its freezing point is not low.

It only takes minus 42 degrees to freeze aqua regia.

Loss of mobility, loss of physical activity.

The super corrosion ability of aqua regia will be extremely reduced.

And Ye Fan's cold winter domain, which can almost be close to absolute zero, can instantly make all aqua regia solid.

Moreover, the ability to launch the chakra eye is different from the fruit ability.

For example, the frozen fruit of the pheasant needs to be touched by fingers before it can be activated.

He can't freeze a large number of objects remotely.

And Ye Fan, as long as his eyes reached, he could use pupil power to freeze.

And the freezing effect of the cold winter region is better than the effect of frozen fruit.

Frozen fruits do not instantly lower objects to around minus 80 to 100 degrees.

The cold winter region is directly reduced to near absolute zero.

The ability to freeze is almost twice that of frozen fruits.

A large number of king dragons, broken into pieces of ice, fell to the ground and the surrounding sea.

As the heat transfers, quite a bit of aqua regia has melted and begun to corrode the surrounding ground and seawater.

Billowing white smoke was emitted.

And Ye Fan's fists were covered with a layer of extremely cold ice qi, and he bombarded the red-haired Shanks with a punch.

Red-haired Shanks doesn't believe in evil.

He still used the same trick as he did last time.

But this time it's more extreme.

His arm became aqua regia.

And the diameter of the arm exceeded one meter, and a huge and thick Wang Shui arm bombarded towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan could use the fruit ability to instantly freeze the dozen king dragons behind him.

But he absolutely did not have the ability, and instantly froze his body.

His body is covered with a large number of armed colors, and there are even more terrifying tyrants.

These forces can eliminate the power of the Devil Fruit.

However, at this time, the red-haired Shanks cannot use the divine domineering, because the power of the divine domineering can also eliminate his king fruit real ability.


When the red-haired Shanks' huge King Water fist was still more than ten centimeters away from Ye Fan's fist.

It was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture by the freezing aura on Ye Fan's fist.

The red-haired Shanks could feel the incomparably cold breath that almost froze his entire flesh.

How is this possible.

In addition to the divine domineering, how can there be strength, which can restrain the armed color domineering and the overlord color domineering.

Ye Fan's fruit ability.

It was not affected by two domineering attitudes.

Freeze his arm directly.

Bastard, what kind of fruit ability is this.

For eight hundred years, none of the Devil Fruit Guides collected by the Draco had been so terrifyingly powerful.

When, in addition to the Nika Fruit, there are other Devil Fruits that can ignore the armed color domineering and overlord color domineering.

The red-haired Shanks couldn't figure it out.

He also didn't know that many of Ye Fan's skills were actually not the power of the Devil Fruit at all.


Ye Fan's fist bombarded the red-haired Shanks' fist that was frozen into icicles.

The red-haired Shanks' right arm was instantly shattered.

After being frozen into an ice sculpture.

The red-haired Shanks' right arm was so fragile.

It hurts.

The red-haired Shanks quickly retreated towards the rear.

At the same time, he also hopes that the nanoworm in his body can quickly recover his right arm.

His right arm is much more important than his left.

And not just because he is used to using his right hand.

What's more, the red-haired Shanks has dozens of left hands.

His left hand is not even proficient in using weapons.

He now knows.

If you don't use a knife yourself, you can't defeat your opponent at all.

This kind of self-looking, incomparably powerful devil fruit.

There was such a fatal flaw, afraid of Ye Fan's freezing, and he was still suppressed by Ye Fan throughout the process.


The red-haired Shanks shouted, "Beckman hurry up and throw Griffin over me." However

, what frightened the redhead.

His lost right arm did not begin to recover quickly because of the nanoworm.

The nanoworms in his body seemed to have disappeared.

The red-haired Shanks didn't know after Ye Fan's cold aura invaded his body.

With his powerful physical body, he held Ye Fan's cold qi hard, and did not directly freeze his body into an ice sculpture.

However, the nanoworms in his body could not do it.

These nanobugs were frozen by Ye Fan.

Nanobugs are not afraid of high temperatures, which are even converted into energy by them.

But they are afraid of cold, nanometer small volume, the energy system in their body, in a low temperature environment, will instantly lose the ability to react chemically, so will lose the source of energy.

Already because there is no energy, all the nanoworms are already dormant.

The redhead fantasized that when he landed, his lost right arm would be repaired by the nanobug.

Then he was fighting again with the griffin.

The famous knife, which had just been abandoned for less than three minutes, was indeed thrown by Ben Beckman.

However, the red-haired Shanks did not have the ability to hold it again with his right hand.

He awkwardly caught Griffin with his left hand.

This left hand, which has been lost for many years, cannot be done to manipulate Griffin with dexterity.

Wang Guoshi was instantly cracked by Ye Fan.

Now he has lost his right arm, and he no longer has the strength of Dajianhao.

Although the nanobug repaired Shanks' left arm, his left arm and body did not fit well.

There is no superb swordsmanship.

It is difficult to flexibly cover the tricolor domineering through the left arm over the griffin.


The red-haired Shanks was a little embarrassed, holding Griffin in his left hand, a little dazed.

With his talent, he can skillfully use his left hand to fight with a short time for red-haired Shanks.

But now, where does he have this time.

The enemy in front of him was Dragon Emperor Ye Fan.

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