Looking at Ye Fan, who was constantly approaching him.

The red-haired Shanks finally began to be timid.

He was ready to escape.

During the total victory, he was not Ye Fan's opponent, and now he lost his right arm, which is even more impossible.

And at this time, the island was on the verge of total destruction.

There is a newspaper delivery bird.

This newspaper delivery bird is very diligent.

He was a newspaper bird in a remote area on the Great Route.

Therefore, the usual income is not very high.

But he found that if he sold regional news on the Great Voyage to the East China Sea, which was isolated by a windless zone, it would be very popular.

As Luffy becomes a supernova, there are many young people in the East China Sea who adore Luffy abnormally.

For example, near the windless town of Orange, they like to watch the news on the Great Voyage.

Not all newspapers are the same at the World Economic News Agency.

Like the big news distributed all over the world, such as the Top War, the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Navy going to full-scale war.

It's not every day.

If they relied only on this news, their newspapers would starve to death.

The World Economic News Agency supports tens of thousands of newspaper delivery birds and a large number of contributors.

In fact, the most profitable newspaper is economic news.

That island, for example, has recently been short of food.

That island, today's big harvest and so on.

It is convenient for people between islands to conduct economic trade.

This is the bulk of the World Economic News Agency's money.

But then regional newspapers will limit the area.

After all, not all caravans could go all the way from the East China Sea through the Great Shipping Route and then to the New World to trade.

So the newspaper is distributed separately.

The East Sea, West Sea, South China Sea, North Sea, and the Great Shipping Route are also divided into the first half and the second half, as well as the New World, which is composed of more than a dozen completely different local news newspapers.

And this news bird, because of its bad position on the great voyage, usually the sales of newspapers are not high.

But he inadvertently spent several hours a day flying back and forth over the windless zone, and found that such a newspaper was very popular in the East China Sea.

Many people in the East China Sea seem to be very eager to know about the great voyage.


He would often carry a large number of newspapers from the Great Voyage to the East China Sea to sell.

And today.

It was his lucky day.

When he flew over the windless belt.

Unexpectedly, I saw it on an uninhabited island below.

There were actually three four emperors.

Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and Redhead Shanks.

There is also the strongest emperor deputy Dragon Emperor Ye Fan, and Ben Beckman.

The battle between the four emperors, big news, big news.

As long as he reports this story to the top.

The cost of this news is enough to feed yourself for a lifetime.

Excitedly glanced at the telephoto camera hanging around his neck.

He is a very diligent newspaper delivery bird.

Not only does he sell newspapers to Tokai, but he also carries a telephoto camera with him.

Shoot some news and sea king on the way to earn some extra writing fees.

Today is his lucky day.

Click, click, click.

The battle between Ye Fan and Shanks was filmed by him.

At the same time, do not forget Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Ben Beckman and others who did not join the battle next to them.

Shouting in his mouth.

"Developed, developed."

"It's good that I have this 120x telephoto lens, otherwise I really can't shoot this, the battle between the two of them is too terrifying, and an island has been destroyed."

"What a wonderful fight, the powerhouse of the level of the four emperors, it is really terrible, no wonder you can become the emperor of the sea."

"Wow wow wow, red hair grows arms, what kind of ability is this."

"OMG!! The red-haired right hand was directly broken by Dragon Emperor Ye Fan's punch, and it seemed that Dragon Emperor Ye Fan was going to win. "

Even a not powerful newspaper bird can see the battle situation.

Naturally, the strong people present can come out.

While the red-haired Shanks was preparing to escape.

Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and Mitsuki Amaterasu, who had been standing still in place, had already begun to move.

The three of them chased and killed eight people on the opposite side.

But there is not the slightest weakness.

Even among them, Ben Beckman, who has the strongest fighting power, may not be the opponent of Mitsuki Tianzhao.

And Ye Fan is chasing and killing the red-haired Shanks who is fleeing quickly.

Now, this battle.

After the defeat of the red-haired Shanks, he was seriously wounded.

The battle came to an end.

Enjoyed the status of the Four Emperors.

Enjoyed the power of the three clans on the Draco.

Red-haired Shanks also cherished his life immensely.

In fact, it is the natural instinct of every living creature to live longer.

However, in the face of Ye Fan's pursuit and killing.

Not everyone is entitled to escape.

Ye Fan didn't even need to use the ability of the Thunder Fruit to teleport.

He just needs to rely on super physical fitness.

Run fast directly on the sea.

You can catch up with the red-haired Shanks who are on the moonstep.

Ye Fan deliberately chose this island.

Right in the middle of the windless zone.

There are hundreds of kilometers in front and behind.

Even if you run in the right direction, you want to leave the windless zone and reach other islands.

It also takes a long time.

Not to mention facing Ye Fan's pursuit and killing.

On the way, the red-haired Shanks wanted to force Ye Fan back with the griffin in his hand countless times.

But they were all easily blocked by Ye Fan.

"Water Breath Eleven Type Rin"

Ye Fan has not used a trick in this sea for a long time.

The ultimate skill of the Breath of Water.

On the entire sea, a large amount of sea water rushed towards the red-haired Shanks in mid-air.

If he hadn't used Superman Wang Guoshi.

The red-haired Shanks is not afraid of these waters yet.

But now.

He became a Devil Fruit powerhouse.

These seawater will make his body weak.

If it is Shanks during the full victory period, he only needs to spread his overlord-colored domineering.

It can make the sea water of the entire sea unable to get close to his body.

But now, this protracted battle between the red-haired Shanks and Ye Fan.

Whether he is a three-color domineering or a divine domineering, he has been consumed, and there is not much left.

Desperately broke out a tyrant-colored domineering, suppressing many seawater close to him.

It just lasted for a few seconds.


On this sea, more sea.

Summoned by the breath of water, he continued to surround the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks roared unwillingly.

"I fought with you."

He also knew that he would continue to consume like this.

He will definitely be killed by Ye Fan.

His strength is running out.

It's better to give it a go and try to kill Ye Fan.

Although this hope is very slim.

But it is also the only option.

Red-haired Shanks no longer runs away.

Turned to face Ye Fan.

The left hand was unaccustomed to holding his griffin.

He launched a final slash towards Ye Fan.

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