Two people hugging each other, people trembling in fear.

Who would have thought that it would be the current Qiwu Sea, the future Four Emperors, and the owner of the largest sea express company.

And Ye Fan can be sure.

Bucky the Clown has no hidden strength at all.

He is a person whose combat power can only be gangstered in the East China Sea in front of him, and he has no powerful pirates under him.

But Bucky the Clown has a charisma.

In the pirate world, there are three people who can rally others around them.

The first is Luffy, relying on his own happiness, uniting the people he helps around him and becoming the emperor of the sea.

The second Saab, relying on his own charisma, let the slaves of various countries rebel under the banner of Saab all over the world.

The third is Bucky the Clown, although he has no strength, but relies on his bragging charm to surround him with a large number of pirates.

Actually, there is a fourth.

It was Ye Fan, who relied on his continuous strength to continuously defeat the navy and the Draco, and also caused the Hundred Beast Pirate Group to expand dramatically.

Looking at the two people who were shivering.

Ye Fan didn't think that Bucky the Clown could pose any threat to himself.

He said, "Thank you for your treasure, I'm welcome." With

that, open a comfortable door.

The palms were pressed against the mountains of Bailey, and a magnetic field appeared inside them.

All the treasures automatically fly through the door.

Directly transported by Ye Fan to the Ghost Island.

The guards guarding the treasure vault of the island of ghosts saw the door open and knew that it was the horse master who was coming.

Everyone straightened their posture and prepared to meet the inspection of the horse master.

Then, they saw a scene they will never forget.

Boxes of Bailey.

Like a rushing river, drift into the treasure trove of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

They have been pirates for so long.

After guarding the treasure trove of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group for so long, it was the first time he had seen so much wealth.

Ye Fan transported all the treasures away.

Then he left the cave.

Bucky the Clown and MR·3 breathe a sigh of relief.

"We survived, he didn't kill us, it's terrible."

Ye Fan found a fairly large island fragment.

Waited for tens of minutes.

Seeing three figures react.

Guangyue Tianzhao: "The master, all the cadres of the red-haired pirate group, have been killed.

Ye Fan could see that his cheap father-in-law Kaido had two more stab wounds on his chest.

It is estimated that Ben Beckman left behind.

He also has combat power close to the level of the Four Emperors, but Kaido's strength has become even stronger than before after taking the Perfect T-virus.

Ben Beckman is certainly not a Kaido opponent who can turn into a dragon on such a sea.

The strength of the rest of the people is far from comparable to Charlotte Lingling and Guangyue Tianzhao.

Today's battle is still going well.

Ye Fan opened a comfortable door and left the island with the three of them.

World Economic News Agency headquarters.

Morguns looked at the photos sent back by his men in amazement.

Until he saw the last photo, Ye Fan killed the red-haired Shanks.

This time, he did not shout big news excitedly as before.

Instead, it was silent for a long time.

Then sighed and said: "The red-haired and black-bearded Tiqi were both killed by Ye Fan, it seems that Charlotte Lingling has defected to the Hundred Beast Pirates, and now Ye Fan should have ruled the entire New World." As

a news chief, Morguns naturally knew what that meant.

Other words.

The Hundred Beast Pirates rule almost all the powerful pirates.

This is not what Morguns wanted.

As several giants of the underground world, Morguns is a news head, and if he does not know the text of history, it is impossible.

In his vision, Luffy and Saab are the focus of Morguns.

Just like Luffy, he failed to assassinate Aunt and escaped from Cake Island along the way.

Instead, he was molded by Morguns and defeated Charlotte Lingling to become the fifth emperor of the sea.

The slogan of Luffy the Five Emperors was shouted by Morguns.

And the influence on the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Morguns is as repressive as possible.

In his anticipation, give Luffy another period of time to grow, Luffy defeats the Four Emperors, becomes the Queen of Pirates, and then leads everyone to rebel against Draco together.

However, now the script for everything is out of order.

It started when Ye Fan joined the Hundred Beast Pirates.

It's all messed up and no longer under Morguns' control.

After hesitating for a long time, Morguns decided to add another fire.

Make this sea even more chaotic.

[Ye Fan killed the redhead, Charlotte Lingling submitted, and became the only supreme emperor on the sea. ]

This news headline began to spread across the sea.

In a very exaggerated tone, Morguns described Ye Fan as the only emperor on this sea.

He was greater than the Draco, and the Draco had to submit at Ye Fan's feet.

Five old star office.

Stavros: "How is this possible, the redhead was actually killed." St

. Nicholas: "The New World is no longer under control, it seems that we must ask Lord Im to intervene."

St. William's: "Do you really want to do this?" Probably we will all die. St

. Ferdinand: "Just kill Ye Fan, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling, the people of their lower twelve tribes should be enough, and it will not be our turn." St

. Mohanda: "I agree, if you don't ask Lord Im to take action now, there is really no way to control things, by the way, send the Holy Knights to control all the Draco of the Lower Twelve Races, limit them to the city of the gods, and no one is allowed to go out."





All the five old stars discussed the results.

The five of them came to the flower together, ready to visit Lord Im.

This one sits on the Void Throne, the true world ruler.

Ye Fan and the others returned to the Ghost Island.

Ye Fan gave an order to the Flame Ember.

"Red-haired Shanks, they've been killed."

"Now I want you to lead the flying sextets to clean up all the pirate groups affiliated with the red-haired pirate group, and execute them all without leaving a living mouth."

Although the red-haired pirate group is only ten people.

But they, like the Straw Hat Ship Regiment, have many attached pirate groups.

The total number also reached 10,000.

I don't know how many people are CP0.

Therefore, Ye Fan was not prepared to take in the remnants of the red-haired pirate group.

Instead, he directly gave the order to kill all these people.

Otherwise, if there is really a war with the Draco, these people will attack from the rear, which will be a troublesome thing.

Yan Ember obeyed Ye Fan's order and directly led Fei Sextuplets, as well as dozens of real fighters, two thousand givers, plus hundreds of huge pirate ships, and began to go to the territory of the red-haired Shanks.

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