In the Royal Palace of Dressrosa.

Doflamingo is looking at today's taxes.

Since his kingdom became a transit point for the New World and the Great Shipping Route Trade.

The business of the Don Quixote family pirate group has changed from arms trade to maritime trade.

Because of the life of a beggar when I was a child.

Jean Doflamingo was very obsessed with Bailey's wealth.

On his throne, looking at the most recent ledger.

A special telephone bug on his desk actually rang.

Doflamingo immediately put down the ledger in his hand.

I looked around, and there were no outsiders.

That's when the call was connected.

"I need you to help me do one thing, sneak attack the Hundred Beast Pirates."

Doflamingo: "Are you five old stars crazy?" The navy can't defeat the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, let alone me, and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is my most loyal ally. "

Five old stars:"Lord Im is ready to extinguish the lights of the Hundred Beast Pirates, you should know in your heart how to choose, if you succeed, you will restore your identity as a Draco in the future, and be the head of the Don Quixote family." "

Doflamingo's identity is also Draco, but when he was a child, his father gave up his Draco's identity.

He knew the horror of Im putting out the lights.

That sea, the ultimate terrifying weapon.

If Lord Im uses that weapon.

Then the Hundred Beast Pirate Group must be erased from history.


I have to stand aside again.

There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends.

Although Kaido is good to himself, the trade of double hair has made him a lot of wealth.

And put the place of transit goods in the country under its control.

However, in the face of Lord Im's anger.

Doflamingo thought for a long time.

Finally replied: "As long as you can guarantee that the Hundred Beasts Kaiduo and Ye Fan and the others are all killed, I can guarantee that the other forces of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group will not run out of the new world and cause the entire sea to be in turmoil." Five

Old Star: "Well, as long as you can do it, you will restore the identity of Draco." "

Both parties happily reached a deal.

After Doflamingo hung up the phone, it was still as if nothing had happened.

Also check the ledger there.

Because he knew that before Im killed Kaido and Ye Fan, there was any disturbance in him.

Maybe he will be killed by the Hundred Beast Pirate Group instead.

Or wait for the big guys to end the battle first.

And then he is sitting on the fisherman's profit.


Doflamingo didn't know.

From the high lookout, Violet was staring at his eyes, taking in the action of his just call.

Violet, a former princess of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, defected to her enemy Doflamingo in order to save her father's life.

One day, Ye Fan secretly met her and taught him how to know what the other party said through lip synchronization.

She is a glaring fruit power, and can see everything within four thousand kilometers.

It is also because of this fruit ability that he saved his life and that of his father.

After listening to Doflamingo's words.

Violet was very happy, took out a phone worm, and dialed Ye Fan's number.

He told Ye Fan directly about the conversation between Doflamingo and the five old stars just now.

Ye Fan: "Good job, after I destroy Doflamingo, you will rule the Kingdom of Dressrosa." "

I didn't expect that I arranged to be the dark son of the Don Quixote family.

It actually worked today.

Unexpectedly, two pieces of intelligence were received.

Doflamingo's betrayal, Ye Fan didn't care, his strength was not even as good as the three general stars.

Although in the Seven Martial Sea, he was already considered to be a very powerful combat power.

However, it is still far from the Four Emperors, Doflamingo.

He was able to earn so much Bailey because of his status as a Draco before yesterday.

Can do a lot of pirate and draco business.

Kind of being an intermediary between pirates and Draco in the past.

And now.

His identity is no longer important.

The new world is controlled by the Hundred Beast Pirates.

The Hundred Beast Pirates will inevitably fight with the Draco.

He, the intermediary, has lost all his role.

The main forces such as the three major Kanban and Fei Sextuplets have all gone to hunt down and kill the remnants of the red-haired pirate group.

In this huge sea, chasing and killing more than 10,000 people is not an easy task.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group also dispatched thousands of ships, tens of thousands of people.

And Ye Fan, he was too lazy to fight the Seven Wuhai.

Even Hawkeye Mihawk was already a defeat under him.

Those who can use it, there are still Mitsuki Amaterasu and Renault left.

By the way, there are also many samurai who surrendered in the country of Wano, and their combat effectiveness will not be weaker than that of Doflamingo's cadres.

This will ensure their complete annihilation.

With the orders of Ye Fan and Yamato.

Hundreds of samurai, with the light moon and the sky, directly passed through the Freedom Gate and began to attack Dressrosa.

One of the oldest twenty kingdoms.

The first king of the Kingdom of Dressrosa was actually a member of the Don Quixote family.

Eight hundred years ago, they followed Im after his victory over Joeyboy.

He gave up his status as king and became one of the Draco of the Lower Twelve Races.

In fact, Doflamingo just took away the kingdom abandoned by his ancestors.

And these details, Ye Fan did not care so much.

He now needs an obedient country.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa is a great power, if it goes all out to go to war with the Draco.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa became a factor of insecurity.

This must be addressed.

They already have enough strength to occupy the country.

And the second intelligence obtained.

That is, soon Yim will personally strike.

But Ye Fan still needed time.

The Heavenly King still has more than ten days to recharge.

And the broken spaceship left by Lokes, even if it has Vegapunk, it will take a long time to repair.

After all, it is a weapon in the ark.

Even the future technology kingdom is at least hundreds of years behind Ark Technology.

Although he is about to go to war with Im.


Not ready yet.

At the very least, the Heavenly King needs to be fully charged.

Ye Fan thought for a long time.

I feel that at least I need to stabilize Im.

Now is not the time for full-scale war.

Come to think of it.

Through the red dog, Ye Fan sent a request for peace talks to the five old stars.

Ye Fan and Hundred Beast Kaido were willing to talk with Draco.

He and Kaido also have his wife, Yamato, to become the Draco of the Shangsan clan.

And the three major Kanban and flying sextets, etc., must become the knights of the gods they control.

If the five old stars they agree.

Ye Fan can disband the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and let the Draco regain control of the new world.

This is almost equivalent to the surrender of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

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