The intelligence passed on by the red dog.

It caused a heated discussion among the five old stars.

St. Ferdinand: "Could it be Ye Fan and Kaido's conspiracy, I don't think they will give up everything easily." St

. William's: "According to intelligence, they are asking Vegapunk to help create a weapon, which is not done yet, I think it may be delaying time." St

. Stavros: "No matter what kind of weapon, except for the Heavenly King, who has disappeared for a long time, there is no other weapon that can pose a threat to Im." Even Vegapunk's technology is far less powerful than the ship. At

this time, in the conference room of the five old stars, there were suddenly a lot of noisy sounds.

The sound was so loud that it even affected the five old stars to continue talking.

Those who dare to shout loudly at the gate of the five old stars.

Naturally, it is Draco.

These people not only include all the Draco of the Lower Twelve Races, but also the Draco of the Middle Five Races.

These people, after receiving an order that the Holy Knights forbid them to leave the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

They knew that they had not used it for a long time, and Lord Im's power to extinguish the lights was about to be used.

And these people are the energy source that launches this weapon.

Im will absorb all their lifespan to launch this weapon.

That is, once the plan to extinguish the lights begins.

Most of them here will be killed.

To exchange their noble Draco's life for the life of a pirate, which Draco would be willing.


They are not a choice.

However, now the Hundred Beast Pirate Group took the initiative to ask for peace and demanded the status of the three races.

Although in the future, Kaido, Ye Fan, and Yamato will become the Heavenly Dragons of the Upper Three Races, they are only three people after all.

For these Lower Twelve Races Draco, as well as the Middle Five Races Draco, there is no impact.

The New World is once again under the control of Draco.

The amount of heavenly gold they receive every year will even increase.

Attacks launched at the expense of one's own life, on the one hand, after the peace talks, can obtain a lot of wealth.

For the Draco people of the Lower Twelve Races and the Draco People of the Middle Five Races, is this choice still a choice?

Of course, they hope to have peace talks with the Hundred Beast Pirates.

The door to the meeting room of the Five Old Stars opened.

You can see thousands of Draco with glass covers on their heads.

Together they shouted in unison there.

And the few people who took the lead were still members of the Five Old Stars and their clan.

"We want peace talks, we don't want war."

"We want peace talks, we don't want war."

"We want peace talks, we don't want war."

"We want peace talks, we don't want war."

"We want peace talks, we don't want war."

Thousands of Draco, for the first time in so many years.

Against the scorching sun, together under the big sun, shouting slogans.

Many of them, already sweating profusely from the heat.

But no one complained anymore.

If they fail to protest and really start a war, these people, I don't know how many people will die.

Can enjoy the most glorious and rich life in the world, who is willing to die for war.

The five old stars are still the first time to meet.

The Draco people could be so united and endure hardships and stand hard work.

See the five old stars come out.

These days, Draco's shouts are even louder.

And the Draco of the upper three races, they all ignored everything in front of them.

Even if Im wants to use a weapon that extinguishes the lights.

They are also the last to die.

The current Draco, after eight hundred years of cultivation, is not as rare as before.

Now there are more than a thousand Draco, lined up in front of them to die.

Dozens of Draco of the upper three races.

They did not cause panic because of such a thing.

And they are not those wastes of the lower three tribes.

Every Draco of the upper three races, they are all strong people in this sea.

They all have great combat effectiveness.

Even if Ye Fan luckily defeated Yimu, he might not still have the strength to compete with the Draco of their upper three races.

This farce of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

In the end, the five old stars did not reach a consensus in the shortest possible time.

A plan to extinguish the lights.

In the end, it was delayed by Ye Fan.

During this time, Ye Fan was not idle.

He came to a very ornate steamer.

Now the intelligence network of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is under the control of the Flame Ember.

Already shrouded this sea.

The news that Draco was all recalled to the Holy Land of Mary Joya was naturally impossible to hide from Ye Fan.

And this gorgeous cruise ship can also sail on the sea.

Naturally, it can only be the Draco of the upper three races.

And Ye Fan really needed to find such an opportunity to negotiate with the Draco people of the upper three races.

The Draco of the upper three clans are the real Draco.

They have a strong bloodline.

And for eight hundred years, they haven't been like other Draco.

Satisfying their wealth, power and desires.

No more desire for power.

Yellow apes and red-haired Shanks, they both possess great powers.

These Draco of the upper three races.

How many hole cards they still hidden, and how much powerful hidden strength they still had, Ye Fan didn't know.

Now, there is no need for him to be an enemy of the Draco Upper Three Races.


The people of the three clans on the Draco also have this meaning.


How could it be at such a moment.

The Draco of the upper three races, there are still people who appear on the sea like this.

Isn't it just for Ye Fan to discover this luxurious ship of theirs.

Looking at the deck, a free door suddenly appeared.

Draco, who was alone on the deck tasting wine and dessert, smiled.


This Heavenly Dragon of the Shangsan Clan, she also wanted to talk to Ye Fan.

This meeting.

It's not just Ye Fan who needs.

The Draco of the upper three clans also need it.

Although it is two people who have never met.

The forces of the two sides did not even come into contact.

But at this critical time, critical place.

The two sides thought of one piece at the same time.

It also led to the meeting of these two powerful forces on the sea.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Hera Gong, and I can represent the opinions of the Draco of the Upper Three Races."

Hera is also the name of a god.

Take control of marriage, childbearing and family.

The status is like the Nuwa of the ancient dragon country.

Ye Fan: "At this point in time, you appeared in this sea area, I want to know what conditions you have for the Heavenly Dragons of the three races." "

Ye Fan doesn't like politics, and he is not good at hiding needles in words, and every sentence goes around and around.

So directly point out the theme.

What are the conditions for them to go to the three clans of Draco.

You just say that.

The three clans and the five old stars knew that Ye Fan wanted peace talks, in fact, it was just to delay time.

For the five old stars, he didn't want to give Ye Fan time to breathe.

But for the Heavenly Dragons of the Upper Three Races, they paid more attention to their own interests.

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