This has to do with the strength of both sides.

For the five old stars, the people of the five races among them, except for the five of them, are basically waste.

Without Lord Im's dependence, their five old stars will not hold the power of the world.

It is even more impossible to be the riddler behind all conspiracies.

They have enjoyed the highest power, and naturally they will not give up easily.

It is more difficult to get them to give up than for alcoholics to quit alcohol and smokers to quit.

But for the Draco of the upper three races.

That's not a problem.

They have a powerful combat power sufficient to suppress the navy, to suppress pirates, to suppress the vast majority of countries.

Even if they lose Im, they still have the ability to continue to rule the entire sea.

Therefore, for someone who dares to challenge the god of Draco, challenge the Lord Im, who has been invincible for thousands of years.

They don't have the slightest opinion.

As long as the other party can let them continue to rule the entire sea.

Hera Gong said: "First, we will never make a move against Lord Im, and whether you can win or not depends on yourself.

Ye Fan: "There is no problem with this, I will use my own strength to defeat Yimu."

Hera Gong: "Second, if you want to defeat Im, you can eliminate the other seventeen races of Draco, but we three races of Draco still have to control this sea."

Ye Fan: "I think the system of the five old stars is good, the people of our four families still live in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, the people of our family elect two representatives, and your three clans elect three representatives, and the new five old stars control the entire world."

After hearing Ye Fan's words.

Hera Gong's eyes lit up.

This is undoubtedly the best choice, with five representatives to balance the interests of both sides, and it is undoubtedly the best choice.

If it was Ye Fan who controlled the world together with the people of the three clans above them.

Naturally, the two sides will cause more and more serious contradictions because of differences of opinion.

Hera Gong: "You have worked so hard to defeat Im, you are willing to give us three votes, you yourself only have two votes, so it seems that you are very bad, I dare not think that there is such a good thing."

Ye Fan: "Your upper three clans are united now, it seems that you occupy the absolute benefits, but don't forget, as long as it is interests, it will cause differences, as long as you upper three clans Draco, one family is willing to occupy my side, it means that my opinion is dominant."

Hera Gong thought about it carefully.

Indeed, Im is now like a mountain pressing on them.

The Draco people of the upper three races have been so united for eight hundred years.


When Yimu died, Ye Fan really shared the fruits of victory with the Draco of the upper three clans as he said.

At that time, they would still be so united among the three clans of Draco?

It seems that their three votes, two votes against Ye Fan, occupy an absolute advantage.

But in the future, Ye Fan only needed to convince one of the families of the upper three clans of the Draco.

Then the other two opposed, and Ye Fan was three votes to two.

It seems that in the first ten years, the Heavenly Dragons of the upper three clans still have the advantage.

And stretch this timeline, fifty years, a hundred years, five hundred years, a thousand years from now.

Ye Fan, who had two votes, had an absolute advantage over the Draco, who had only one vote per family.

And this request is undoubtedly very clever.

And Hera Gong is still very much in favor.

Can't, Ye Fan, they and Yim are desperate, but afterwards they control absolute power.

Hera Gong: "Mr. Ye Fan, this proposal of yours is very perfect, it seems that you are a person full of wisdom, and on behalf of the Draco people of the upper three races, I agree with your suggestion."

Ye Fan: "Then let me mention my request."

Hera Gong: "Mr. Ye Fan, please say."

Ye Fan: "I need you to delay the situation for at least a month, I can't let Yim use weapons, I don't have the strength to fight him to the death now."

Hera Gong: "It's a small thing, we'll help you delay it for enough time."

Ye Fan: "Then we cooperate happily and wish us to become the masters of this world together."

Hera Gong: "Happy cooperation, I look forward to your early victory over Im." "

Ye Fan finally reached an agreement with the Draco of the Shangsan Clan.

But this agreement is ultimately just a verbal promise.

If Ye Fan defeated Yimu, there was not much strength left.

It is estimated that the Draco of the upper three clans will immediately kill him, and the three clans will rule the world together.

If Ye Fan defeated Yimu, he found that using the Heavenly King, he could easily kill the Draco of the three races.

Ye Fan will also tear up the agreement.

Completely kill the Draco of the upper three races.

You can rule the whole sea, why should you share the world with people.

All agreements, all treaties.

In fact, it is all based on the strength of both sides.

So what the future will be, Ye Fan is not clear.


The time Ye Fan needed the most.

The Draco of the upper three clans had already helped him win it.

The Five Old Stars decided to send an embassy to the Ghost Island and the Hundred Beast Pirates to discuss the issue of peace.

And the Hundred Beast Pirates also solved the remnants of Doflamingo and the red-haired pirate group during this time.

Now, basically all the islands and all the countries in the New World are under Ye Fan's control.

Ye Fan did not personally negotiate with the people sent by the Five Old Stars.

The matter was left to Flame Ember and Vince Mock Lejiu.

The people sent by the five old stars in the team were people from the upper three races.

Both sides are deliberately extending the time for negotiations.

At least within one month.

Negotiations between the two sides are unlikely to succeed.

This was also the time Ye Fan needed the most.

This time.

Ye Fan was not idle either.

Kill the red-haired Shanks, and Doflamingo queen.

He gained two more plot points.

A total of five skill points are now kept.

Ye Fan decided to come after a five-in-a-row draw.

Just take advantage of this last period.

In the Time Gravity Room, improve your combat power.

It is best to be able to put all the skills.

All have reached a level of integration.

In this way, he can guarantee that he can defeat Yim.


After defeating Im, he at least retained his combat power against the Draco of the Three Races.

Otherwise, he would wait to help the Draco of the three clans work.

For the last battle.

Ye Fan did not dare to be careless.

This strong man who has ruled the sea for an unknown number of years.

The only remaining consul of the previous civilization.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, there is nothing wrong with imagining it.

Ye Fan was urgently preparing for war.

Final battle.

Neither their father-in-law Kaido nor Charlotte Lingling had the ability to intervene.

They just balanced the power of the Draco of the upper three races on their own.

Because the redhead said that as long as he had eaten the Devil Fruit, he could not be Im's opponent.

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