Long month.

Finally passed.

For the outside world.

It's just a month's time.

But for Ye Fan, this was a long time of thirty years.

During this time.

A lot is happening on this sea.

For example, with the rise of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Four seas and great voyages.

Rebellions have broken out in many countries.

The strength of the Freedom Alliance soared.

The Draco, on the other hand, did not concentrate on destroying the rebellion of these slaves.

Because the only remaining naval elite were hit in the new headquarters of the G1 Navy.

They have to closely defend against the invasion of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

In the beginning.

The five old stars felt that the negotiations between the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Draco would have a great chance of success.

However, ten days ago, the requirements of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group became more and more excessive.

They demanded that the status of the Draco of the Lower Twelve Races be revoked.

They demanded a reduction in the number of Draco from the Middle Five Races.

All kinds of things that Draco could not accept at all.

Especially those who shout slogans.

The Draco of the Lower Twelve Races who have always hoped for peace talks.

They lost their Draco identity.

It's better to kill them directly.

Lord Im uses a weapon that extinguishes the lights.

They may not all be dead.

But if they lose their Draco status.

Will be torn to pieces by the slaves who were bullied by them.

Since the horizontal and vertical are going to die.

The Draco people of the Lower Twelve Races have now given up hope for peace talks.

They began to chant slogans.

"Declaration of war."

"Declaration of war."

"Declaration of war."

"Declaration of war."

"Declaration of war."

The reason why the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is so tough.

Naturally, the Heavenly King has already been charged.

And, that broken plane, under the efforts of Vegapunk.

It has been successfully repaired.

Although not as powerful as before, it can easily fly between galaxies.

But flying directly into space and attacking the Valley of Gods suspended in the universe can still be done.

Now that everything is ready.

10 days ago, the tone of the negotiations became tougher.

Until Ye Fan really got out of customs.

It also announced a real breakdown in negotiations between the two sides.

And Ye Fan was ready for battle.

The Heavenly King and the repaired plane, Ye Fan directly handed over to Jarvis to control.

As an artificial intelligence completely loyal to itself.

Ye Fan was most relieved by Jarvis.

And his powerful calculations, the king and the plane controlled by Jarvis.

It is also far more powerful than real people.


The people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, no one can control them.

The people of Jerma 66 can.

But their strength is not enough, and they have not awakened when they see and smell domineering.

How is it possible to control the Heavenly King and the plane to fight on the ark controlled by Im.

Ye Fan's side was already ready.

The hundreds of thousands of troops of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment are also ready.

During this time.

A total of three Hades were built as the flagship of the battle.

Plus a couple of thousand warships, a large number of guns.

The most important thing is.

A large number of Djerma 66 warriors, after taking the Perfect T virus and artificial devil fruit.

The mid-range combat power of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has already surpassed the navy.

Navy opposite.

During this time, the elite navy of the four seas and the great voyage was constantly transferred to the naval headquarters.

Such as Smog and so on.

More than 200,000 naval elites were also collected.

These soldiers are already the last essence of the Navy.

It wasn't Colonel Rat and his soldiers.

It is also not in the branch base, relying on mixed seniority to promote the ranks, in fact, the combat effectiveness is not strong.


For this battle.

Because a large number of elites were pumped away.

The navy's control over the four seas has become very weak.

During this time, the Freedom League had freed slaves from more than a dozen countries.

This sea.

It's all starting to get chaotic.

While others don't know.

The double reverse looks like it will launch at any time, on this sea.

The most magnificent, grandiose, and fierce sea battle.

In fact, none of this would have happened at all.

Already controlled Navy Marshal Akainu.

It's just cooperating with Ye Fan and performing a scene with Draco.

What really determines the ownership of this sea is not this sea battle.

Rather, the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Ye Fan dialed Morguns' phone.

"Send your people to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, this will be the biggest news you can witness in your life."

Finish speaking.

Ye Fan hung up the phone.

When Morguns heard this information, he was immediately stunned.

His contributors, during this time, were all fighting around the sea of the New World.

He thought that Ye Fan would start by destroying the naval headquarters.

Didn't think of it.

It unfolds directly in the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Then he knew he couldn't give up such big news.

Morguns shouted: "Speed orders the person closest to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, with a video phone bug, and a state-of-the-art camera, to the Holy Land of Marie Joa, we can't miss such big news." "

It's been January.

In the end, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group still has to challenge the Draco.

Draco who has controlled the world for eight hundred years.

How many hole cards they control, no one knows.

Ye Fan was not even prepared to defeat the Draco's lackey navy first.

Instead, it went to war directly against the Draco.

Morguns didn't know why Ye Fan had such courage.

But it didn't matter if Ye Fan won or lost.

This is destined to be the biggest news on this sea in the past eight hundred years.

He Morgauns will witness history.

Oni no Island side.

Runtian said worriedly: "Master Donma, do you really want to challenge Im alone?" It's too dangerous, so take me with you.

Yamato: "Husband, I don't worry that you will go to the Holy Land of Mary Joa alone."

Ye Fan: "Don't worry, it is useless to deal with a strong person like Yimu with many people."

"What's more, you still have an important role, after I defeat Im, you will also be responsible for suppressing the Draco of the upper three races."

Kaido is the most reassuring one.

He has always believed that Ye Fan is Joey Boi, and Ye Fan will defeat Yim and become the new world master.

Become the man who sits on the Void Throne.

Kaido: "Good son-in-law, I believe you will definitely be able to defeat Im, rest assured, those Draco of the upper three races, just leave it to me to suppress."

Ye Fan waved goodbye to everyone.

Then by yourself, after opening the door of freedom, go directly to the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

Just appeared on the street.

Ye Fan was discovered by the guarding army.

"It's not good, it's Dragon God Ye Fan, blow the alarm quickly."

"Didi Di ~~!!"

A sharp alarm sounded.

The army stationed in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and a large number of CP0s dared to come towards Ye Fan.

The person at the head is CP0, who claims to be the first day in 800 years.

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